Fixed several bugs in the ray caster.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2013-09-01 10:37:33 -07:00
parent 25432cb16a
commit 3b55e1a336
2 changed files with 20 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ var map = [
var player = {
x : 2.5, // current x, y position
y : 2.5,
x : 11.0, // current x, y position
y : 10.5,
dir : 0, // the direction that the player is turning, either -1 for left or 1 for right.
angleNum : 0, // the current angle of rotation
speed : 0, // is the playing moving forward (speed = 1) or backwards (speed = -1).
moveSpeed : 0.5, // how far (in map units) does the player move each step/update
moveSpeed : 0.25, // how far (in map units) does the player move each step/update
rotSpeed : 22.5 * Math.PI / 180 // how much does the player rotate each step/update (in radians)

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ pixNum = $C ; len 1
byteNum = $D ; len 1
pTmp = $E ; len 2
tmp = $10 ; len 2
bacKBuf = $12 ; len 1 (value 0 or 1)
backBuf = $12 ; len 1 (value 0 or 1)
frontBuf = $13 ; len 1 (value 0 or 1)
pRayData = $14 ; len 2
playerX = $16 ; len 2 (hi=integer, lo=fraction)
@ -501,8 +501,8 @@ castRay:
lda mapX ; map X is the integer byte
sbc playerX+1
bit stepX
bmi :+
ina ; if stepping forward, add one to dist
bpl :+
ina ; if stepping backward, add one to dist
: sta dist+1
ldx rayDirX ; parameters for wall calculation
ldy rayDirY
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ castRay:
lda playerY ; fractional player pos
adc txColumn
bit stepY ; if stepping forward in X...
bit stepX ; if stepping forward in X...
bmi :+
eor #$FF ; ...invert the texture coord
: sta txColumn
@ -675,6 +675,7 @@ castRay:
DEBUG_STR "txCol="
jsr rdkey
; Advance pLine to the next line on the hi-res screen
@ -1101,7 +1102,7 @@ makeLines:
; Set screen lines to current back buf
; calculate screen start
lda bacKBuf
lda backBuf
@ -1110,12 +1111,11 @@ setBackBuf:
adc #$20
sta setAuxZP
sta $FF
ldx #0
lda 1,x
and #$1F
ora $FF
eor 1,x
and #$60 ; only two bits control the screen buf
eor 1,x
sta 1,x
@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ test:
sta playerX+1
lda #$80
sta playerX
; Y=2.5
; Y=2.6
lda #2
sta playerY+1
lda #$80
@ -1309,13 +1309,14 @@ test:
lda #1
sta bacKBuf
sta backBuf
;DEBUG_STR "Staying in text mode."
;.if 0
DEBUG_STR "Staying in text mode."
bit clrText
bit setHires
lda #63
sta lineCt
@ -1385,9 +1386,9 @@ test:
; flip onto the screen
ldx bacKBuf
ldx backBuf
lda frontBuf
sta bacKBuf
sta backBuf
stx frontBuf
lda page1,x