Added capability to 'Use' any skill.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2018-05-14 07:35:52 -07:00
parent 4839168bbf
commit 3d348a2a5e

View File

@ -41,11 +41,14 @@ const INV_ROWS = (BIGWIN_HEIGHT / 9) - 4
const MAX_SKILLS = 26 // should be plenty const MAX_SKILLS = 26 // should be plenty
byte nSkills, canBumpSkills byte nSkills, canBumpSkills
word skillName[MAX_SKILLS]
word skillPtr[MAX_SKILLS] word skillPtr[MAX_SKILLS]
byte skillMin[MAX_SKILLS] byte skillMin[MAX_SKILLS]
word skillX[MAX_SKILLS] word skillX[MAX_SKILLS]
byte skillY[MAX_SKILLS] byte skillY[MAX_SKILLS]
byte mode // 'S' or 'I' for skills or inventory
// Exported functions go here. First a predef for each one, then a table with function pointers // Exported functions go here. First a predef for each one, then a table with function pointers
// in the same order as the constants are defined in the header. // in the same order as the constants are defined in the header.
predef _showPlayerSheet(player_num)#1 predef _showPlayerSheet(player_num)#1
@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ def showInventory(player, page, select)#1
return s_item return s_item
end end
def displayDice(dice)#0 def displayDice(dice)#0
byte n, d, p byte n, d, p
n = (dice >> 12) & $0F n = (dice >> 12) & $0F
@ -117,10 +121,12 @@ def displayDice(dice)#0
rightJustifyStr(sprintf2("%d-%d", n+p, (n*d)+p), STAT_X) rightJustifyStr(sprintf2("%d-%d", n+p, (n*d)+p), STAT_X)
end end
def vspace()#0 def vspace()#0
rawDisplayStr("^J^J^J^J") rawDisplayStr("^J^J^J^J")
end end
// Derived stats like armor, damage, etc. // Derived stats like armor, damage, etc.
def showDerived(player)#0 def showDerived(player)#0
word weapon, dmg, fmt word weapon, dmg, fmt
@ -175,12 +181,14 @@ def showDerived(player)#0
end end
def clearLittleArea(x, y)#0 def clearLittleArea(x, y)#0
clearWindow() clearWindow()
setBigWindow() setBigWindow()
end end
// Display skill value // Display skill value
def displaySkill(x, str, pVal, allowChg)#0 def displaySkill(x, str, pVal, allowChg)#0
word val, cursX, cursY word val, cursX, cursY
@ -188,18 +196,18 @@ def displaySkill(x, str, pVal, allowChg)#0
val = ^pVal val = ^pVal
skillX[nSkills] = x skillX[nSkills] = x
skillY[nSkills] = cursY skillY[nSkills] = cursY
skillName[nSkills] = str
skillPtr[nSkills] = pVal skillPtr[nSkills] = pVal
skillMin[nSkills] = val skillMin[nSkills] = val
if canBumpSkills and allowChg if allowChg and canBumpSkills
rawDisplayf2("^T%D%c.", x, 'A' + nSkills) rawDisplayf2("^T%D%c.", x, 'A' + nSkills)
fin fin
rightJustifyStr(sprintf1(" %d ", val), x+SKILL_JUST_OFF) rightJustifyStr(sprintf1(" %d ", val), x+SKILL_JUST_OFF)
rawDisplayf2("^T%D%s^N\n", x+SKILL_LABEL_OFF, str) rawDisplayf2("^T%D%s^N\n", x+SKILL_LABEL_OFF, str)
if allowChg
end end
// Show aquired skills in lower right panel // Show aquired skills in lower right panel
def showSkills(player)#0 def showSkills(player)#0
word skill word skill
@ -210,7 +218,6 @@ def showSkills(player)#0
// First column: skills // First column: skills
rawDisplayStr("^V024") // starting Y rawDisplayStr("^V024") // starting Y
nSkills = 0 nSkills = 0
canBumpSkills = player->b_skillPoints > 0
if canBumpSkills if canBumpSkills
x1 = 10 x1 = 10
x2 = STAT_X - 30 x2 = STAT_X - 30
@ -247,8 +254,8 @@ def showSkills(player)#0
rightJustifyStr(sprintf1(" %c ", player->c_gender), x2+SKILL_JUST_OFF) rightJustifyStr(sprintf1(" %c ", player->c_gender), x2+SKILL_JUST_OFF)
fin fin
if player->b_level == 1 and player->b_skillPoints and cursY < BIGWIN_HEIGHT - 46 if player->b_level == 1 and player->b_skillPoints and cursY < BIGWIN_HEIGHT - 51
setCursor(0, BIGWIN_HEIGHT - 42) setCursor(0, BIGWIN_HEIGHT - 51)
centerStr(sprintf1("Use keys A-%c to distribute your skill points.", nSkills - 1 + 'A'), BIGWIN_WIDTH) centerStr(sprintf1("Use keys A-%c to distribute your skill points.", nSkills - 1 + 'A'), BIGWIN_WIDTH)
rawDisplayStr("\n") rawDisplayStr("\n")
centerStr("To undo a choice use Ctrl-A, Ctrl-B, etc.", BIGWIN_WIDTH) centerStr("To undo a choice use Ctrl-A, Ctrl-B, etc.", BIGWIN_WIDTH)
@ -257,6 +264,7 @@ def showSkills(player)#0
fin fin
end end
// Returns 1 to redisplay everything, 0 if only minor change // Returns 1 to redisplay everything, 0 if only minor change
def adjustSkill(player, skillNum, dir)#0 def adjustSkill(player, skillNum, dir)#0
word p word p
@ -285,13 +293,67 @@ def adjustSkill(player, skillNum, dir)#0
rawDisplayStr("^N") rawDisplayStr("^N")
end end
def clearMenuRect()#0 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
clearWindow() clearWindow()
setBigWindow() setBigWindow()
rawDisplayf1("^V%D", BIGWIN_HEIGHT-10)
end end
def clearMainRect()#0
def clearMenuRect()#0
byte h
h = (mode == 'I') ?? 10 :: 19
rawDisplayf1("^V%D", BIGWIN_HEIGHT-h)
def doUseSkill(player)#1
byte sel
// If the skill key combos aren't showing, display them
if !player->b_skillPoints
canBumpSkills = TRUE // temporarily
while TRUE
rawDisplayf1("\nUse which skill? [A-%c] or [Esc]", nSkills-1+'A')
sel = getUpperKey()
if sel >= 'A' and (sel-'A') < nSkills
return skillName[sel-'A']
elsif sel == $1B // esc
// Refresh if we temporarily had to show key combos
if !player->b_skillPoints
canBumpSkills = FALSE
return NULL // nothing valid
// Display menu for selecting inventory items // Display menu for selecting inventory items
def showInvMenu(player, totalItems, itemPage, itemsOnPage)#0 def showInvMenu(player, totalItems, itemPage, itemsOnPage)#0
byte playerCount byte playerCount
@ -299,7 +361,7 @@ def showInvMenu(player, totalItems, itemPage, itemsOnPage)#0
clearMenuRect() clearMenuRect()
if totalItems > 0 if totalItems > 0
rawDisplayf1("Item [A-%c], ", itemsOnPage-1+'A') rawDisplayf2("Item [%s%c], ", itemsOnPage>1 ?? "A-" :: "", itemsOnPage-1+'A')
if totalItems > INV_ROWS if totalItems > INV_ROWS
rawDisplayStr("Pg [") rawDisplayStr("Pg [")
if totalItems > (itemPage + 1) * INV_ROWS; rawDisplayStr(">"); fin if totalItems > (itemPage + 1) * INV_ROWS; rawDisplayStr(">"); fin
@ -308,33 +370,38 @@ def showInvMenu(player, totalItems, itemPage, itemsOnPage)#0
fin fin
fin fin
if playerCount > 1; rawDisplayf1("Plyr [1-%d], ", playerCount); fin if playerCount > 1; rawDisplayf1("Player [1-%d], ", playerCount); fin
rawDisplayStr("S)kills, [Esc]") rawDisplayStr("S)kills, [Esc]")
end end
// Display menu for selecting inventory items // Display menu for selecting inventory items
def showSkillsMenu()#0 def showSkillsMenu(player)#0
byte playerCount byte playerCount
playerCount = countList(global=>p_players) playerCount = countList(global=>p_players)
clearMenuRect() clearMenuRect()
if playerCount > 1; rawDisplayf1("Plyr [1-%d], ", playerCount); fin if player->b_skillPoints > 0
if canBumpSkills rawDisplayf2("Assign point [A-%c], Undo pt [Ctrl-A - Ctrl-%c], ", nSkills-1+'A', nSkills-1+'A')
rawDisplayf2("+ [A-%c], - [^^A-^^%c], ", nSkills-1+'A', nSkills-1+'A')
fin fin
rawDisplayStr("X:Inv or [Esc]") rawDisplayStr("\nU)se skill, X:Inventory, ")
if playerCount > 1; rawDisplayf1("Player [1-%d], ", playerCount); fin
rawDisplayStr("or [Esc]")
end end
def isSplittable(item)#1 def isSplittable(item)#1
// Disallow splitting items with modifiers, because too edge-casey // Disallow splitting items with modifiers, because too edge-casey
return item->t_type == TYPE_FANCY_ITEM and item=>w_count > 1 and !item=>p_modifiers return item->t_type == TYPE_FANCY_ITEM and item=>w_count > 1 and !item=>p_modifiers
end end
def isJoinable(item)#1 def isJoinable(item)#1
// Disallow joining items with modifiers, because too edge-casey // Disallow joining items with modifiers, because too edge-casey
return item->t_type == TYPE_FANCY_ITEM and item=>w_count > 0 and !item=>p_modifiers return item->t_type == TYPE_FANCY_ITEM and item=>w_count > 0 and !item=>p_modifiers
end end
// Display menu for selecting inventory items // Display menu for selecting inventory items
def showItemMenu(item)#0 def showItemMenu(item)#0
byte type byte type
@ -354,21 +421,6 @@ def showItemMenu(item)#0
rawDisplayStr("or [Esc]") rawDisplayStr("or [Esc]")
end end
def clearInvRect()#0
def clearMainRect()#0
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def armsMatch(i1, i2) def armsMatch(i1, i2)
if i1 == i2 or i1->t_type <> i2->t_type or !isEquipped(i2); return FALSE; fin if i1 == i2 or i1->t_type <> i2->t_type or !isEquipped(i2); return FALSE; fin
@ -436,6 +488,7 @@ def displayDone()#1
return displayResult("Done.", FALSE) return displayResult("Done.", FALSE)
end end
// Trade an item to another player/npc // Trade an item to another player/npc
def doTrade(player, item)#1 def doTrade(player, item)#1
word destPlayer, destItem word destPlayer, destItem
@ -482,6 +535,7 @@ def doTrade(player, item)#1
return 0 return 0
end end
// Split a stack of stackables // Split a stack of stackables
def doSplit(player, item)#1 def doSplit(player, item)#1
word nToSplit, newItem word nToSplit, newItem
@ -506,6 +560,7 @@ def doSplit(player, item)#1
return 0 return 0
end end
// Join a stack of stackables // Join a stack of stackables
def doJoin(player, item)#1 def doJoin(player, item)#1
word match, pPrev word match, pPrev
@ -530,8 +585,9 @@ def doJoin(player, item)#1
return displayResult("No joinable stack found.", TRUE) return displayResult("No joinable stack found.", TRUE)
end end
// Select an item and use it. Returns item if it needs to be processed by outer loop, else NULL // Select an item and use it. Returns item if it needs to be processed by outer loop, else NULL
def doUse(player, item)#1 def doUseItem(player, item)#1
word pMod, oldVal, newVal word pMod, oldVal, newVal
if item->t_type == TYPE_FANCY_ITEM and item=>p_modifiers if item->t_type == TYPE_FANCY_ITEM and item=>p_modifiers
clearMenuRect() clearMenuRect()
@ -558,6 +614,7 @@ def doUse(player, item)#1
return item=>s_name // general 'use' handled by outer engine, because it might involve graphics return item=>s_name // general 'use' handled by outer engine, because it might involve graphics
end end
// Select an item and drop it. Returns TRUE if anything changed // Select an item and drop it. Returns TRUE if anything changed
def doDestroy(player, item)#1 def doDestroy(player, item)#1
clearMenuRect() clearMenuRect()
@ -604,7 +661,7 @@ def interactWithItem(player, item)#1
break break
// Use an item // Use an item
is 'U' is 'U'
return doUse(player, item) // general 'use' handled by outer engine, because it might involve graphics return doUseItem(player, item) // general 'use' handled by outer engine, because it might involve graphics
break break
// Trade an item // Trade an item
is 'T' is 'T'
@ -643,6 +700,7 @@ def interactWithItem(player, item)#1
return NULL return NULL
end end
// Do a cheat command, loading and unloading the godmode module // Do a cheat command, loading and unloading the godmode module
def callGodModule(funcNum)#0 def callGodModule(funcNum)#0
word pModule, func word pModule, func
@ -655,11 +713,12 @@ def callGodModule(funcNum)#0
mmgr(FREE_MEMORY, pModule) mmgr(FREE_MEMORY, pModule)
end end
// Show player sheet and accept command. If using an item (not just for stats gain) // Show player sheet and accept command. If using an item (not just for stats gain)
// the item is returned; else NULL is returned. // the item is returned; else NULL is returned.
def _showPlayerSheet(player_num)#1 // funcTbl functions always have to return a value def _showPlayerSheet(player_num)#1 // funcTbl functions always have to return a value
word player, item word player, item
byte i_page, totalItems, itemsOnPage, redisplay, sel, mode, noRepeatMenu byte i_page, totalItems, itemsOnPage, redisplay, sel, noRepeatMenu
setBigWindow() setBigWindow()
@ -682,6 +741,7 @@ def _showPlayerSheet(player_num)#1 // funcTbl functions always have to return a
if mode == 'I' if mode == 'I'
showDerived(player) showDerived(player)
else // 'S' else // 'S'
canBumpSkills = player->b_skillPoints > 0
showSkills(player) showSkills(player)
fin fin
elsif redisplay > 0 elsif redisplay > 0
@ -696,7 +756,7 @@ def _showPlayerSheet(player_num)#1 // funcTbl functions always have to return a
if mode == 'I' if mode == 'I'
showInvMenu(player, totalItems, i_page, itemsOnPage) showInvMenu(player, totalItems, i_page, itemsOnPage)
else // 'S' else // 'S'
showSkillsMenu() showSkillsMenu(player)
fin fin
fin fin
noRepeatMenu = FALSE noRepeatMenu = FALSE
@ -715,7 +775,7 @@ def _showPlayerSheet(player_num)#1 // funcTbl functions always have to return a
fin fin
break break
// Next inventory page // Next inventory page
is '>' is '>'; is '.'
if mode=='I' and totalItems > (i_page + 1) * INV_ROWS if mode=='I' and totalItems > (i_page + 1) * INV_ROWS
i_page++ i_page++
redisplay = 1 redisplay = 1
@ -725,7 +785,7 @@ def _showPlayerSheet(player_num)#1 // funcTbl functions always have to return a
fin fin
break break
// Previous inventory page // Previous inventory page
is '<' is '<'; is ','
//is 8 // left-arrow // NO! overlaps with Ctrl-H on skills screen //is 8 // left-arrow // NO! overlaps with Ctrl-H on skills screen
if mode=='I' and i_page if mode=='I' and i_page
i_page-- i_page--
@ -787,17 +847,21 @@ def _showPlayerSheet(player_num)#1 // funcTbl functions always have to return a
redisplay = 2 redisplay = 2
else else
beep beep
noRepeatMenu = TRUE
fin fin
else // mode == 'S' else // mode == 'S'
noRepeatMenu = TRUE if sel == 'U'
if sel >= 'A' and (sel-'A' < nSkills) item = doUseSkill(player)
adjustSkill(player, sel - 'A', 1) if item; return item; fin // Use a skill
elsif sel >= 1 and (sel-1 < nSkills)
adjustSkill(player, sel - 1, -1)
else else
beep noRepeatMenu = TRUE
noRepeatMenu = FALSE if sel >= 'A' and (sel-'A' < nSkills)
adjustSkill(player, sel - 'A', 1)
elsif sel >= 1 and (sel-1 < nSkills)
adjustSkill(player, sel - 1, -1)
noRepeatMenu = FALSE
fin fin
fin fin
wend wend