Switched over to ACME for raycaster. Also made output of packer more brief.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2014-02-09 14:59:43 -08:00
parent 74ffc67278
commit 3eb021aad8
10 changed files with 8480 additions and 8495 deletions

View File

@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ class PackPartitions
else if (id)
println "Warning: can't match tile name '$name' to any image; treating as blank."
else if (name != 'street')
println "Note: ignoring non-obstruction '$name' until sprite support is added."
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ class PackPartitions
def num = textures.size() + 1
def name = imgEl.@name ?: "img$num"
println "Packing texture #$num named '${imgEl.@name}'."
//println "Packing texture #$num named '${imgEl.@name}'."
def pixels = parseTexture(imgEl)
def buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ class PackPartitions
def num = frames.size() + 1
def name = imgEl.@name ?: "img$num"
println "Packing frame image #$num named '${imgEl.@name}'."
//println "Packing frame image #$num named '${imgEl.@name}'."
def buf = parseFrameData(imgEl)
frames[imgEl.@name] = [num:num, buf:buf]
return buf
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ class PackPartitions
def num = tiles.size() + 1
def name = imgEl.@name ?: "img$num"
println "Packing tile image #$num named '${imgEl.@name}'."
//println "Packing tile image #$num named '${imgEl.@name}'."
def buf = parseTileData(imgEl)
tiles[imgEl.@name] = [num:num, buf:buf]
return buf
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ class PackPartitions
def num = maps2D.size() + 1
def name = mapEl.@name ?: "map$num"
println "Packing 2D map #$num named '$name'."
//println "Packing 2D map #$num named '$name'."
def rows = parseMap(mapEl, tileEls)
def buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
write2DMap(buf, rows)
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ class PackPartitions
def num = maps3D.size() + 1
def name = mapEl.@name ?: "map$num"
println "Packing 3D map #$num named '$name'."
//println "Packing 3D map #$num named '$name'."
def rows = parseMap(mapEl, tileEls)
def buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
write3DMap(buf, rows)
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ class PackPartitions
def readCode(name, path)
def num = code.size() + 1
println "Reading code #$num from '$path'."
//println "Reading code #$num from '$path'."
def inBuf = new byte[256]
def outBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
def stream = new File(path).withInputStream { stream ->
@ -532,8 +532,9 @@ class PackPartitions
// Read in code chunks. For now these are hard coded, but I guess they ought to
// be configured in a config file somewhere...?
readCode("render", "src/raycast/build/render.bin#6000")
readCode("expand", "src/raycast/build/expand.bin#0800")
println "Reading code resources."
readCode("render", "src/raycast/build/render.b")
readCode("expand", "src/raycast/build/expand.b")
// Open the XML data file produced by Outlaw Editor
def dataIn = new XmlParser().parse(xmlPath)
@ -541,11 +542,13 @@ class PackPartitions
// Pack each tile, which has the side-effect of filling in the
// tile name map.
println "Packing tile images."
dataIn.tile.each { packTile(it) }
// Pack each image, which has the side-effect of filling in the
// image name map. Handle frame images separately.
println "Packing frame images and textures."
dataIn.image.each { image ->
if (image.category.text() == "frame" )
@ -554,6 +557,7 @@ class PackPartitions
// Pack each map This uses the image and tile maps filled earlier.
println "Packing maps."
dataIn.map.each { map ->
if (map?.@name =~ /2D/)
pack2DMap(map, dataIn.tile)

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
<property name="src.dir" location="./src"/>
<property name="build.dir" value="./build"/>
<property name="a2copy.dir" value="../tools/A2Copy/dist"/>
<property name="pack.dir" value="../tools/PackPartitions/dist"/>
<property name="IMG_FILE" value="${build.dir}/${projName}.bin#${ORG_ADDR}"/>
@ -28,11 +29,16 @@
<!-- Build sub-projects -->
<echo>Building core.</echo>
<ant dir="${src.dir}/core" target="build" useNativeBasedir="true" inheritAll="false"/>
<!-- Build sub-projects -->
<echo>Building raycast.</echo>
<ant dir="${src.dir}/raycast" target="build" useNativeBasedir="true" inheritAll="false"/>
<!-- Pack the game data -->
<echo>Packing game and code resources.</echo>
<java jar="${pack.dir}/PackPartitions.jar" fork="true" failonerror="true">
<arg value="game/world.xml"/>
<arg value="data/partitions/game.part.0.bin"/>
<!-- Construct a directory to put on the Apple -->
<delete failonerror="false" dir="${build.dir}/root"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/root"/>

View File

@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ readToAux: !zone
; Segment tables
!if DEBUG { !align 256,0 }
!if DEBUG { !align 255,0 }
tSegLink = * : !fill MAX_SEGS
tSegType = * : !fill MAX_SEGS

View File

@ -8,6 +8,49 @@
!word addr
!macro prSpace {
jsr _prSpace
!macro prA {
jsr _prA
jsr _prSpace
!macro prX {
jsr _prX
jsr _prSpace
!macro prY {
jsr _prY
jsr _prSpace
!macro prXA {
jsr _prX
jsr _prA
jsr _prSpace
!macro prAX {
jsr _prA
jsr _prX
jsr _prSpace
!macro prXY {
jsr _prX
jsr _prY
jsr _prSpace
!macro prYX {
jsr _prY
jsr _prX
jsr _prSpace
!macro prWord addr {
jsr _prWord
!word addr
@ -41,7 +84,6 @@ _writeStr: !zone
.loop: jsr _getStackByte
beq .done
ora #$80
jsr cout
cmp #$AE ; "."
bne .loop
@ -64,15 +106,49 @@ _prShared: !zone
jsr prbyte
bpl .ld
jmp iorest
lda #$A0
jsr cout
jmp iorest
_prWord: !zone
jsr iosave
ldy #1
bne _prShared ; always taken
_prA: !zone
jsr prbyte
_prX: !zone
jsr prbyte
_prY: !zone
jsr prbyte
_crout: !zone

View File

@ -5,15 +5,13 @@
<property name="projName" value="render"/> <!-- base part of output bin name -->
<property name="src.dir" location="."/>
<property name="include.dir" location="../include"/>
<property file="${include.dir}/build.props"/> <!-- needs to define CC65_BIN_DIR -->
<property file="${include.dir}/build.props"/> <!-- needs to define ACME_BIN_DIR -->
<property name="build.dir" value="${src.dir}/build"/>
<property name="CA65_TOOL" location="${CC65_BIN_DIR}/ca65"/>
<property name="LD65_TOOL" location="${CC65_BIN_DIR}/ld65"/>
<property name="ACME_TOOL" location="${ACME_BIN_DIR}/acme"/>
<property name="ASM_SETTINGS" value="-t apple2"/>
<property name="ASM_INCLUDES" value="-I .."/>
<property name="ASM_SETTINGS" value="-f plain"/>
<target name="all">
<antcall target="clean"/>
@ -30,41 +28,16 @@
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
<!-- Assemble all .s files -->
<apply executable="${CA65_TOOL}" dir="${src.dir}"
<apply executable="${ACME_TOOL}" dir="${src.dir}"
relative="true" parallel="false" failonerror="true" verbose="true">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}" includes="*.s"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*.s" to="${build.dir}/*.o"/>
<arg line="${ASM_INCLUDES}"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*.s" to="${build.dir}/*.b"/>
<arg line="${ASM_SETTINGS}"/>
<arg line="-o"/>
<!-- Link the texture expansion code -->
<apply executable="${LD65_TOOL}" dir="${build.dir}"
failonerror="true" verbose="true">
<arg value="-o"/>
<arg value="${build.dir}/expand.bin#0800"/>
<arg value="--config"/>
<arg value="${include.dir}/link.cfg"/>
<arg value="--start-addr"/>
<arg value="0x$800"/>
<fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes="expand.o"/>
<!-- Link the main rendering code -->
<apply executable="${LD65_TOOL}" dir="${build.dir}"
failonerror="true" verbose="true">
<arg value="-o"/>
<arg value="${build.dir}/render.bin#6000"/>
<arg value="--config"/>
<arg value="${include.dir}/link.cfg"/>
<arg value="--start-addr"/>
<arg value="0x$6000"/>
<fileset dir="${build.dir}" includes="render.o"/>

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
; Select mipmap level 0 (64x64 pixels = 32x32 bytes)
; pTex is already pointing at level 0, no need to adjust its level.
; However, we do need to move it to the correct column. Currently txColumn
; is 0..255 pixels, which we need to translate to 0..31 columns; that's
; a divide by 8. But then we need to multiply by 32 bytes per column,
; so (1/8)*32 = 4, so we need to multiply by 4 after masking.
lda #0
sta tmp
lda txColumn
and #$F8 ; retain upper 5 bits
rol tmp ; multiplied by 2
rol tmp ; multiplied by 4
ldy tmp
; pTex is already pointing at level 0, no need to adjust its level.
; However, we do need to move it to the correct column. Currently txColumn
; is 0..255 pixels, which we need to translate to 0..31 columns; that's
; a divide by 8. But then we need to multiply by 32 bytes per column,
; so (1/8)*32 = 4, so we need to multiply by 4 after masking.
lda #0
sta tmp
lda txColumn
and #$F8 ; retain upper 5 bits
rol tmp ; multiplied by 2
rol tmp ; multiplied by 4
ldy tmp
clc ; adjust pTex by that much
adc pTex
sta pTex
adc pTex+1
sta pTex+1
ldy pixNum ; get offset into the blit roll for this column
ldx @blitOffsets,y
ldy #$FF ; default to copying from top of column (will be 0 after initial INY in unrolled code)
clv ; so code can use BVC to branch always without BRA
clc ; adjust pTex by that much
adc pTex
sta pTex
adc pTex+1
sta pTex+1
ldy pixNum ; get offset into the blit roll for this column
ldx .blitOffsets,y
ldy #$FF ; default to copying from top of column (will be 0 after initial INY in unrolled code)
clv ; so code can use BVC to branch always without BRA
; Select mipmap level 0 (32x32 pixels = 16x16 bytes)
; pTex is pointing at level 0, so we need to move it to level 1.
; Then we need to move it to the correct column. Currently txColumn
; is 0..255 pixels, which we need to translate to 0..15 columns; that's
; a divide by 16. But then we need to multiply by 16 bytes per column,
; so (1/16)*16 = 1 ==> no multiply needed.
lda txColumn
and #$F0 ; retain upper 4 bits
ldy #>MIP_OFFSET_1 ; adjust to mip level 1
bne mipReady ; always taken
; pTex is pointing at level 0, so we need to move it to level 1.
; Then we need to move it to the correct column. Currently txColumn
; is 0..255 pixels, which we need to translate to 0..15 columns; that's
; a divide by 16. But then we need to multiply by 16 bytes per column,
; so (1/16)*16 = 1 ==> no multiply needed.
lda txColumn
and #$F0 ; retain upper 4 bits
ldy #>MIP_OFFSET_1 ; adjust to mip level 1
bne mipReady ; always taken
; Select mipmap level 2 (16x16 pixels = 8x8 bytes)
; pTex is pointing at level 0, so we need to move it to level 2.
; Then we need to move it to the correct column. Currently txColumn
; is 0..255 pixels, which we need to translate to 0..8 columns; that's
; a divide by 32. But then we need to multiply by 8 bytes per column,
; so (1/32)*8 = 1/4 ==> overall we need to divide by 4.
lda txColumn
and #$E0 ; retain upper 3 bits
lsr ; div by 2
lsr ; div by 4
; no need to add #<MIP_OFFSET_2, since it is zero.
ldy #>MIP_OFFSET_2 ; adjust to mip level 2
bne mipReady ; always taken
; pTex is pointing at level 0, so we need to move it to level 2.
; Then we need to move it to the correct column. Currently txColumn
; is 0..255 pixels, which we need to translate to 0..8 columns; that's
; a divide by 32. But then we need to multiply by 8 bytes per column,
; so (1/32)*8 = 1/4 ==> overall we need to divide by 4.
lda txColumn
and #$E0 ; retain upper 3 bits
lsr ; div by 2
lsr ; div by 4
; no need to add #<MIP_OFFSET_2, since it is zero.
ldy #>MIP_OFFSET_2 ; adjust to mip level 2
bne mipReady ; always taken
; Select mipmap level 3 (8x8 pixels = 4x4 bytes)
; pTex is pointing at level 0, so we need to move it to level 3.
; Then we need to move it to the correct column. Currently txColumn
; is 0..255 pixels, which we need to translate to 0..3 columns; that's
; a divide by 64. But then we need to multiply by 4 bytes per column,
; so (1/64)*4 = 1/16 ==> overall we need to divide by 16.
lda txColumn
and #$C0 ; retain upper 2 bits
lsr ; div by 2
lsr ; div by 4
lsr ; div by 8
lsr ; div by 16
adc #<MIP_OFFSET_3
ldy #>MIP_OFFSET_3 ; adjust to mip level 3
bne mipReady ; always taken
; pTex is pointing at level 0, so we need to move it to level 3.
; Then we need to move it to the correct column. Currently txColumn
; is 0..255 pixels, which we need to translate to 0..3 columns; that's
; a divide by 64. But then we need to multiply by 4 bytes per column,
; so (1/64)*4 = 1/16 ==> overall we need to divide by 16.
lda txColumn
and #$C0 ; retain upper 2 bits
lsr ; div by 2
lsr ; div by 4
lsr ; div by 8
lsr ; div by 16
adc #<MIP_OFFSET_3
ldy #>MIP_OFFSET_3 ; adjust to mip level 3
bne mipReady ; always taken
; Select mipmap level 4 (4x4 pixels = 2x2 bytes)
; pTex is pointing at level 0, so we need to move it to level 4.
; Then we need to move it to the correct column. Currently txColumn
; is 0..255 pixels, which we need to translate to 0..1 columns; that's
; a divide by 128. But then we need to multiply by 2 bytes per column,
; so (1/128)*2 = 1/64 ==> overall we need to divide by 64
lda txColumn
and #$80 ; retain the high bit
beq :+ ; if not set, result should be zero
lda #64 ; else result should be 64
: clc
adc #<MIP_OFFSET_4
ldy #>MIP_OFFSET_4 ; adjust to mip level 4
bne mipReady ; always taken
; pTex is pointing at level 0, so we need to move it to level 4.
; Then we need to move it to the correct column. Currently txColumn
; is 0..255 pixels, which we need to translate to 0..1 columns; that's
; a divide by 128. But then we need to multiply by 2 bytes per column,
; so (1/128)*2 = 1/64 ==> overall we need to divide by 64
lda txColumn
and #$80 ; retain the high bit
beq + ; if not set, result should be zero
lda #64 ; else result should be 64
+ clc
adc #<MIP_OFFSET_4
ldy #>MIP_OFFSET_4 ; adjust to mip level 4
bne mipReady ; always taken
; Select mipmap level 5 (2x2 pixels = 1x1 bytes)
; Mip level 5 is super-easy: it's one byte. Not much choice there.
lda #<MIP_OFFSET_5
ldy #>MIP_OFFSET_5
bne mipReady ; always taken
; Mip level 5 is super-easy: it's one byte. Not much choice there.
lda #<MIP_OFFSET_5
ldy #>MIP_OFFSET_5
bne mipReady ; always taken

View File

@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ finalSuffixMap = {}
dstHeights = set()
outFile = open("expand.s", "w")
outFile.write(" .org $800\n")
outFile.write(" .include \"render.i\"\n")
outFile.write("* = $800\n")
outFile.write("!source \"render.i\"\n")
def calcKey(cmds):
@ -100,14 +100,14 @@ class Segment:
if s.refs == 1:
# singletons aren't generated near their target
outFile.write("%s jmp %s\n" % (prefix, s.truncLabel))
outFile.write("%s\tjmp %s\n" % (prefix, s.truncLabel))
prefix = " "
# non-singletons are generated near their target
outFile.write("%s bvc %s\n" % (prefix, s.truncLabel))
outFile.write("%s\tbvc %s\n" % (prefix, s.truncLabel))
prefix = " "
outFile.write("%s jsr %s\n" % (prefix, s.truncLabel))
outFile.write("%s\tjsr %s\n" % (prefix, s.truncLabel))
prefix = " "
label = calcLabel(s.cmds[i:])
@ -121,24 +121,24 @@ class Segment:
first = False
c = s.cmds[i]
if c == 'L':
outFile.write("%s iny\n" % prefix)
outFile.write("%s\tiny\n" % prefix)
prefix = " "
outFile.write(" lda (pTex),y\n")
outFile.write("\tlda (pTex),y\n")
needTransparencyCheck = True
elif c == '<':
outFile.write("%s asl\n" % prefix)
outFile.write("%s\tasl\n" % prefix)
prefix = " "
needTransparencyCheck = True
assert c < screenHeight
if needTransparencyCheck:
outFile.write(" bmi :+\n")
prefix = ":"
outFile.write(" sta %s*BLIT_STRIDE + blitRoll,x\n" % c)
outFile.write("\tbmi +\n")
prefix = "+"
outFile.write("\tsta %s*BLIT_STRIDE + blitRoll,x\n" % c)
needTransparencyCheck = False
if grouped:
outFile.write("%s rts\n" % prefix)
outFile.write("%s\trts\n" % prefix)
prefix = " "
if grouped:
@ -241,11 +241,11 @@ for h in range(0, 256, 2):
if h in dstHeights:
dstHeight = h
outFile.write(" .addr expand_%d\n" % dstHeight)
outFile.write("\t!word expand_%d\n" % dstHeight)
# Include the expand header code
outFile.write(" .include \"expand_hdr.i\"\n")
outFile.write("!source \"expand_hdr.i\"\n")
# Let's optimize.
segsToOpt = copy.copy(allSegs)
@ -307,9 +307,9 @@ while len(segsToOpt) > 0:
for (srcHeight, dstHeight, mipLevel, texOff, segs) in allHeights:
outFile.write("; Produce %d rows from %d rows\n" % (dstHeight, srcHeight))
outFile.write("expand_%d:\n" % dstHeight)
outFile.write(" jsr selectMip%d\n" % mipLevel)
outFile.write("\tjsr selectMip%d\n" % mipLevel)
if (texOff != 0):
outFile.write(" ldy #%d\n" % (texOff-1)) # -1 because we always do initial INY before LDA (ptr,Y)
outFile.write("\tldy #%d\n" % (texOff-1)) # -1 because we always do initial INY before LDA (ptr,Y)
for i in range(len(segs)):
seg = allSegs[segs[i]]
if seg.refs == 1 and not(seg.generated):
@ -319,9 +319,9 @@ for (srcHeight, dstHeight, mipLevel, texOff, segs) in allHeights:
if "expand_0" not in generatedLabels:
outFile.write(" rts\n")
outFile.write(" %s %s\n" % ("jsr" if i < len(segs)-1 else "jmp", calcLabel(seg.cmds)))
outFile.write("\t%s %s\n" % ("jsr" if i < len(segs)-1 else "jmp", calcLabel(seg.cmds)))
# Generate the misc segments missed earlier

View File

@ -1,91 +1,91 @@
; Shared definitions for the rendering code
.include "../include/global.i"
!source "../include/global.i"
; Constants
TOP_LINE = $2180 ; 24 lines down from top
NLINES = 128
TEX_SIZE = $555 ; 32x32 + 16x16 + 8x8 + 4x4 + 2x2 + 1x1
TOP_LINE = $2180 ; 24 lines down from top
NLINES = 128
TEX_SIZE = $555 ; 32x32 + 16x16 + 8x8 + 4x4 + 2x2 + 1x1
; Byte offset for each pixel in the blit unroll
BLIT_OFF2 = 11
BLIT_OFF4 = 17
BLIT_OFF5 = 20
BLIT_OFF6 = 24
BLIT_OFF2 = 11
BLIT_OFF4 = 17
BLIT_OFF5 = 20
BLIT_OFF6 = 24
MAX_TEXTURES = 62 ; sized to fit memory space below
MAX_TEXTURES = 62 ; sized to fit memory space below
; Renderer zero page
tmp = $4 ; len 2
pTmp = $6 ; len 2
pDst = $8 ; len 2
pTex = $A ; len 2
pixNum = $C ; len 1
byteNum = $D ; len 1
mapWidth = $12 ; len 1
mapHeight = $13 ; len 1
pRayData = $14 ; len 2
txNum = $16 ; len 1
txColumn = $17 ; len 1
pLine = $18 ; len 2
rayDirX = $1A ; len 1
rayDirY = $1B ; len 1
stepX = $1C ; len 1
stepY = $1D ; len 1
mapX = $1E ; len 1
mapY = $1F ; len 1
sideDistX = $50 ; len 1
sideDistY = $51 ; len 1
deltaDistX = $52 ; len 1
deltaDistY = $53 ; len 1
dist = $54 ; len 2
diff = $56 ; len 2
pMap = $58 ; len 2
lineCt = $5A ; len 1
depth = $5B ; len 1
minX = $5C ; len 1
maxX = $5D ; len 1
minY = $5E ; len 1
maxY = $5F ; len 1
screenCol = $60 ; len 1
playerDir = $61 ; len 1
playerX = $62 ; len 2 (hi=integer, lo=fraction)
playerY = $64 ; len 2 (hi=integer, lo=fraction)
tmp = $4 ; len 2
pTmp = $6 ; len 2
pDst = $8 ; len 2
pTex = $A ; len 2
pixNum = $C ; len 1
byteNum = $D ; len 1
mapWidth = $12 ; len 1
mapHeight = $13 ; len 1
pRayData = $14 ; len 2
txNum = $16 ; len 1
txColumn = $17 ; len 1
pLine = $18 ; len 2
rayDirX = $1A ; len 1
rayDirY = $1B ; len 1
stepX = $1C ; len 1
stepY = $1D ; len 1
mapX = $1E ; len 1
mapY = $1F ; len 1
sideDistX = $50 ; len 1
sideDistY = $51 ; len 1
deltaDistX = $52 ; len 1
deltaDistY = $53 ; len 1
dist = $54 ; len 2
diff = $56 ; len 2
pMap = $58 ; len 2
lineCt = $5A ; len 1
depth = $5B ; len 1
minX = $5C ; len 1
maxX = $5D ; len 1
minY = $5E ; len 1
maxY = $5F ; len 1
screenCol = $60 ; len 1
playerDir = $61 ; len 1
playerX = $62 ; len 2 (hi=integer, lo=fraction)
playerY = $64 ; len 2 (hi=integer, lo=fraction)
; The following are in aux mem...
expandVec = $800
expandVec = $800
; back to main mem
; Main-mem tables and buffers
tableStart = $A700
decodeTo01 = $A700
decodeTo01b = $A800
decodeTo23 = $A900
decodeTo23b = $AA00
decodeTo45 = $AB00
decodeTo56 = $AC00
decodeTo57 = $AD00
clrBlitRollE = $AE00 ; size 3*(128/2) = $C0, plus 2 for tya and rts
clrBlitRollO = $AEC2 ; size 3*(128/2) = $C0, plus 2 for tya and rts
texAddrLo = $AF84
texAddrHi = texAddrLo + MAX_TEXTURES
blitRoll = $B000 ; Unrolled blitting code. Size 29*128 = $E80, plus 1 for rts
tableEnd = $BE81
memMap = $BF58 ; ProDOS memory map
tableStart = $A700
decodeTo01 = $A700
decodeTo01b = $A800
decodeTo23 = $A900
decodeTo23b = $AA00
decodeTo45 = $AB00
decodeTo56 = $AC00
decodeTo57 = $AD00
clrBlitRollE = $AE00 ; size 3*(128/2) = $C0, plus 2 for tya and rts
clrBlitRollO = $AEC2 ; size 3*(128/2) = $C0, plus 2 for tya and rts
texAddrLo = $AF84
texAddrHi = texAddrLo + MAX_TEXTURES
blitRoll = $B000 ; Unrolled blitting code. Size 29*128 = $E80, plus 1 for rts
tableEnd = $BE81
memMap = $BF58 ; ProDOS memory map
; mipmap level offsets
MIP_OFFSET_1 = $400 ; 32*32
MIP_OFFSET_2 = $500 ; 32*32 + 16*16
MIP_OFFSET_3 = $540 ; 32*32 + 16*16 + 8*8
MIP_OFFSET_4 = $550 ; 32*32 + 16*16 + 8*8 + 4*4
MIP_OFFSET_5 = $554 ; 32*32 + 16*16 + 8*8 + 4*4 + 2*2
MIP_OFFSET_1 = $400 ; 32*32
MIP_OFFSET_2 = $500 ; 32*32 + 16*16
MIP_OFFSET_3 = $540 ; 32*32 + 16*16 + 8*8
MIP_OFFSET_4 = $550 ; 32*32 + 16*16 + 8*8 + 4*4
MIP_OFFSET_5 = $554 ; 32*32 + 16*16 + 8*8 + 4*4 + 2*2

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff