mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 09:29:00 +00:00
Now animating 3D textures.
This commit is contained in:
@ -203,11 +203,15 @@ class A2PackPartitions
def calcImageHash(imgEl)
def calcImagesHash(imgEls)
def data = imgEl.displayData?.find { it.@platform == "AppleII" }
assert data : "image '${imgEl.@name}' missing AppleII platform data"
byte[] bytes = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(data.toString().getBytes())
def md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
imgEls.each { imgEl ->
def data = imgEl.displayData?.find { it.@platform == "AppleII" }
assert data : "image '$name' missing AppleII platform data"
byte[] bytes = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest()
return DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(bytes)
@ -751,14 +755,18 @@ class A2PackPartitions
def packTexture(imgEl)
def name = stripName(imgEl.@name)
def hash = calcImageHash(imgEl)
if (!grabFromCache("texture", textures, name, hash)) {
def (name, animFrameNum, animFlags) = decodeImageName(imgEl.@name ?: "img$num")
name = stripName(name)
withContext("texture '$name'") {
if (!textures.containsKey(name)) {
def num = textures.size() + 1
textures[name] = [num:num, anim:new AnimBuf()]
def pixels = parseTexture(imgEl)
def buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
writeTexture(buf, pixels)
addToCache("texture", textures, name, hash, buf)
textures[name].anim.addImage(animFrameNum, animFlags, buf)
@ -1746,7 +1754,6 @@ class A2PackPartitions
def xmlLastMod = xmlPath.lastModified()
// Pre-pack the data for each tile
println "Packing images."
dataIn.tile.each {
@ -1785,7 +1792,9 @@ class A2PackPartitions
assert uiFrameImgs.size() == 2 : "Need exactly 2 UI frames, found ${uiFramesImgs.size()} instead."
// Pack each image, which has the side-effect of filling in the image name map.
if (!grabEntireFromCache("frames", frames, xmlLastMod)) {
def hash = calcImagesHash(titleImgs + uiFrameImgs + fullscreenImgs)
if (!grabEntireFromCache("frames", frames, hash)) {
println "Packing frame images."
titleImgs.each { image -> packFrameImage(image) }
uiFrameImgs.each { image -> packFrameImage(image) }
fullscreenImgs.each { image -> packFrameImage(image) }
@ -1793,16 +1802,29 @@ class A2PackPartitions
frame.buf = frame.anim.pack()
frame.anim = null
addEntireToCache("frames", frames, xmlLastMod)
addEntireToCache("frames", frames, hash)
textureImgs.each { image -> packTexture(image) }
if (!grabEntireFromCache("portraits", portraits, xmlLastMod)) {
hash = calcImagesHash(textureImgs)
if (!grabEntireFromCache("textures", textures, hash)) {
println "Packing textures."
textureImgs.each { image -> packTexture(image) }
textures.each { name, texture ->
texture.buf = texture.anim.pack()
texture.anim = null
addEntireToCache("textures", textures, hash)
hash = calcImagesHash(portraitImgs)
if (!grabEntireFromCache("portraits", portraits, hash)) {
println "Packing portraits."
portraitImgs.each { image -> packPortrait(image) }
portraits.each { name, portrait ->
portrait.buf = portrait.anim.pack()
portrait.anim = null
addEntireToCache("portraits", portraits, xmlLastMod)
addEntireToCache("portraits", portraits, hash)
// Number all the maps and record them with names
@ -2493,7 +2515,7 @@ end
animFrameNum = m[0][2].toInteger()
animFlags = m[0][3].toLowerCase()
return [name, animFrameNum, animFlags]
return [name.trim(), animFrameNum, animFlags]
def dataGen(xmlPath)
@ -3016,6 +3016,8 @@ advanceAnims: !zone {
beq .anim ; found an animated resource type
beq .anim
beq .anim
bne .next ; not animated; skip
.anim lda tSegAdrLo,x ; pointer to start of resource
sta pTmp
@ -1283,8 +1283,10 @@ end
def loadMainFrameImg()
mmgr(START_LOAD, 1) // partition 1 is where code lives
auxMmgr(FREE_MEMORY, curFullscreenImg)
curFullscreenImg = NULL
if curFullscreenImg
auxMmgr(FREE_MEMORY, curFullscreenImg)
curFullscreenImg = NULL
@ -1349,6 +1351,11 @@ def initMap(x, y, dir)
// Assume there might be animations until we learn otherwise
anyAnims = TRUE // for now; might get cleared if we discover otherwise on advance
animDirCt = 1
animPauseCt = ANIM_PAUSE_MAX
// Populate script handlers for the current square, so that leave handlers will trigger right.
scanScripts(x, y)
@ -1712,6 +1719,8 @@ def showAnimFrame()
elsif curFullscreenImg
blit(curFullscreenImg + 2, $2000, 192, 40) // the +2 is to skip anim hdr offset
needRender = FALSE // suppress display of map for this frame
elsif mapIs3D
@ -1250,8 +1250,11 @@ drawRay: !zone
ldx txNum
dex ; translate tex 1..4 to 0..3
lda texAddrLo,x
adc #2 ; skip over offset to animation header
sta pTex
lda texAddrHi,x
adc #0
sta pTex+1
; jump to the unrolled expansion code for the selected height
!if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "Calling expansion code.",0 }
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