More work on GC code; moved init down to be one-time only (saves mem); minor mem mgr fixes.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2015-08-18 06:58:13 -07:00
parent 6ddc105fd8
commit 56163b41d6
2 changed files with 201 additions and 199 deletions

View File

@ -137,13 +137,171 @@ relocate:
cpx #>(hiMemEnd+$100)
bne .cpmm
; Ready to actually init the memory manager in its final location.
; fall through to j_init...
lda .st4+2
cmp #$E0
bcc init
lda #"b"
jsr cout
brk ; mem mgr got too big!
init: !zone
bit setLcRW+lcBank1 ; switch in mem mgr
bit setLcRW+lcBank1
; put something interesting on the screen :)
jsr home
+prStr : !text "Welcome to Mythos.",0
; close all files
lda #0
jsr closeFile
; clear ProDOS mem map so it lets us load stuff anywhere we want
ldx #$18
lda #0
.clr: sta prodosMemMap-1,x
bne .clr
; clear the segment tables
- sta tSegLink,x
sta tSegAdrLo,x
sta tSegAdrHi,x
sta tSegType,x
sta tSegRes,x
bne -
; clear other pointers
sta targetAddr+1
sta scanStart
sta partFileRef
sta curPartition
lda #<diskLoader
sta nextLdVec+1
lda #>diskLoader
sta nextLdVec+2
lda #1
sta scanStart+1
; make reset go to monitor
lda #<monitor
sta resetVec
lda #>monitor
sta resetVec+1
eor #$A5
sta resetVec+2
; We'll set up 8 initial segments:
; 0: main $0000 -> 4, active + locked
; 1: aux $0000 -> 2, active + locked
; 2: aux $0200 -> 3, inactive
; 3: aux $C000 -> 0, active + locked
; 4: main $0xxx -> 5, inactive (xxx = end of mem mgr tables)
; 5: main $2000 -> 6, active + locked
; 6: main $6000 -> 7, inactive
; 7: main $BF00 -> 8, active + locked
; 8: main $E000 -> 9, inactive
; 9: main $F000 -> 0, active + locked
; First, the flags
lda #$C0 ; flags for active + locked (with no resource)
sta tSegType+0
sta tSegType+1
sta tSegType+3
sta tSegType+5
sta tSegType+7
sta tSegType+9
; Next the links
ldx #2
stx tSegLink+1
stx tSegLink+2
ldx #4
stx tSegLink+0
stx tSegLink+4
stx tSegLink+5
stx tSegLink+6
stx tSegLink+7
stx tSegLink+8
; Then the addresses
lda #2
sta tSegAdrHi+2
ldy #$C0
sty tSegAdrHi+3
sty tSegAdrHi+7
lda #<paramsEnd
sta tSegAdrLo+4
lda #>paramsEnd
sta tSegAdrHi+4
lda #$40
sta tSegAdrHi+5
lda #$60
sta tSegAdrHi+6
lda #$E0
sta tSegAdrHi+8
lda #$F0
sta tSegAdrHi+9
; Finally, form a long list of the remaining unused segments.
ldx #10
stx unusedSeg ; that's the first unused seg
ldy #11
.loop: tya
sta tSegLink,x
cpy #MAX_SEGS ; did all segments yet?
bne .loop ; no, loop again
; Allocate space for the PLASMA frame stack
lda #$20
sta framePtr+1 ; because sanity check verifies it's not $BE or $BF
ldx #0
ldy #2 ; 2 pages
jsr main_dispatch
stx framePtr
stx outerFramePtr
iny ; twice for 2 pages: initial pointer at top of new space
sty framePtr+1
sty outerFramePtr+1
lda #LOCK_MEMORY ; lock it in place forever
jsr main_dispatch
; Reserve hi-res page 1
ldx #0
ldy #$20 ; at $2000
jsr main_dispatch
ldx #0
ldy #$20 ; length $2000
jsr main_dispatch
; Load PLASMA module #1
ldx #0
jsr main_dispatch
ldy #1
jsr main_dispatch
stx .gomod+1
sty .gomod+2
lda #LOCK_MEMORY ; lock it in forever
jsr main_dispatch
ldx #1 ; keep open for efficiency's sake
jsr main_dispatch
ldx #$10 ; initial eval stack index
.gomod: jmp $1111 ; jump to module for further bootstrapping
; Vectors and debug support code - these go in low memory at $800
loMemBegin: !pseudopc $800 {
jmp j_init
jmp j_main_dispatch
jmp j_aux_dispatch
jmp __asmPlasm
@ -181,10 +339,9 @@ j_aux_dispatch:
; Print fatal error message (custom or predefined) and print the
; call stack, then halt.
; Print fatal error message then halt.
@ -207,21 +364,14 @@ fatalError: !zone
.dash: jsr cout
bne .dash
.msg1: lda .prefix,y ; print out prefix message
beq +
jsr cout
bne .msg1
+ tay ; start at first byte of user message
+prStr : !text "FATAL ERROR: ",0
.msg2 lda (pTmp),y
beq .msg3
jsr cout
bne .msg2
.msg3: jsr crout
jsr bell ; beep
.msg3: jsr bell ; beep
.inf: jmp .inf ; and loop forever
.prefix:!text "FATAL ERROR: ", 0
; Normal entry point for ProDOS MLI calls. This patches the code at $BFBB.
@ -298,7 +448,7 @@ __asmPlasm: !zone
adc #0
sta .jsr+2
; adjust PLASMA stack pointer to skip over params
dey ; leave 1 slot for ret value
sty tmp
cpx #$11
@ -321,8 +471,7 @@ __asmPlasm: !zone
.badx ; X reg ran outside valid range. Print and abort.
+prStr : !text $8D,"X=",0
jsr inlineFatal
!text $8D, "PlasmXRng", 0
jsr inlineFatal : !text "PlasmXRng", 0
; Debug code to support macros
@ -490,12 +639,17 @@ typeLen !fill MAX_TYPES ; length does not include type byte
heapTop !word 0
gcHash_top !byte 0
nHeapBlks !byte 0
; Heap management routines
; Set the table for the next type in order. Starts with type 1, then 2, etc.
; x=ptr lo, y = ptr hi. Tbl: type size, then offsets of ptrs within type, then 0.
; Set the table for the next type in order. Starts with type 0, then 1, etc.
; By convention, type 0 is used for the Global object, from which all others
; valid objects are reachable (and invalid garbage if not reachable from there).
; x=ptr lo, y = ptr hi.
; Tbl: type size 01-7F, then (byte) offsets of ptrs within type, then 0.
setTypeTbl: !zone
tya ; save addr hi
ldy nTypes
@ -535,7 +689,8 @@ heapClr: !zone
bne .pg
; Allocate a block on the heap. X = $00.7F for string block, $81.FF for type $00.7F
; Allocate a block on the heap. X = $00.7F for string block, $80.FF for type $00.7F.
; and yes, type $00 is valid (conventionally used for the Global Object).
heapAlloc: !zone
lda heapTop
sta pTmp
@ -568,7 +723,7 @@ gcHash_chk: !zone
eor pSrc+1
lda gcHash_first,x
beq .add
beq .notfnd
- tay
lda gcHash_srcLo,y
eor pSrc
@ -577,6 +732,7 @@ gcHash_chk: !zone
bne -
.notfnd bcc .ret
inc gcHash_top
beq .corrup ; too many blks, or infinite loop? barf out
ldy gcHash_top
lda pSrc
sta gcHash_srcLo,y
@ -592,6 +748,7 @@ gcHash_chk: !zone
.found sec
.corrup jmp heapCorrupt
; Verify the integrity of the heap
heapCheck: !zone
@ -632,21 +789,21 @@ heapCheck: !zone
sta .getoff+1
lda typeTblH,x
sta .getoff+2
ldx #0 ; starts at len byte, which we immediately skip
.getoff inx
lda $1000,x ; self-modified above: get next pointer offset for type
ldx #0 ; type entry starts at len byte, which we immediately skip
.tscan inx
.getoff lda $1000,x ; self-modified above: get next pointer offset for type
beq .nxtblk ; zero marks end of offset table
iny ; not much we can do to validate lo byte, so skip it
cpy tmp ; ensure offset is within type length
beq + ; the very end is ok
bcs corrup ; but not beyond
beq + ; the very end is ok because len doesn't include type byte
bcs heapCorrupt ; but beyond end is not ok
+ lda (pTmp),y ; get hi byte of ptr
beq + ; null is ok
beq .tscan ; null is ok
cmp #>heapStart ; else check if < start of heap
bcc heapCorrupt
cmp #>heapEnd ; or > than end of heap
bcc .getoff
cmp #>heapEnd ; or >= than end of heap
bcc .tscan
ldx pTmp
lda pTmp+1
@ -665,7 +822,7 @@ gc1_mark: !zone
sta pSrc
lda #>heapEnd
sta pSrc+1
sec ; sec means add if not found
jsr gcHash_chk ; seed the hash, and thus our queue, with the global block
clv ; clear V flag to mark phase 1
bvc .start
@ -711,7 +868,7 @@ gc3_fix:
clc ; in phase 3, we don't want to add to hash
+ jsr gcHash_chk ; go add it to the hash; ignore return flag
bvc + ; skip pointer fixing in phase 1
bcc heapCorrupt ; in phase 3, pointer must be in hash!
bcc .corrup ; in phase 3, pointer must be in hash!
.fix ldy #11 ; restore pointer offset
lda gcHash_dstLo,x ; get new location
sta (pTmp),y ; update the pointer
@ -722,6 +879,7 @@ gc3_fix:
inx ; next offset entry
bne .ldof ; always taken
.rts rts ; this needs to be an RTS instruction - used to set V flag
.corrup jmp heapCorrupt
; Phase 2 of Garbage Collection: sweep all accessible blocks together
gc2_sweep: !zone
@ -786,7 +944,7 @@ doGC: !zone
+ jsr gc1_mark ; mark reachable blocks
jsr gc2_sweep ; sweep them into one place
jsr gc3_fix ; adjust all pointers
jmp heapClear ; and clear newly freed space
jmp heapClr ; and clear newly freed space
} ; end of !pseodupc $800
loMemEnd = *
@ -1054,159 +1212,6 @@ saneEnd: !zone {
init: !zone
; put something interesting on the screen :)
jsr home
+prStr : !text "Welcome to Mythos.",0
; close all files
lda #0
jsr closeFile
; clear ProDOS mem map so it lets us load stuff anywhere we want
ldx #$18
lda #0
.clr: sta prodosMemMap-1,x
bne .clr
; clear the segment tables
- sta tSegLink,x
sta tSegAdrLo,x
sta tSegAdrHi,x
sta tSegType,x
sta tSegRes,x
bne -
; clear other pointers
sta targetAddr+1
sta scanStart
sta partFileRef
sta curPartition
lda #<diskLoader
sta nextLdVec+1
lda #>diskLoader
sta nextLdVec+2
lda #1
sta scanStart+1
; make reset go to monitor
lda #<monitor
sta resetVec
lda #>monitor
sta resetVec+1
eor #$A5
sta resetVec+2
; We'll set up 8 initial segments:
; 0: main $0000 -> 4, active + locked
; 1: aux $0000 -> 2, active + locked
; 2: aux $0200 -> 3, inactive
; 3: aux $C000 -> 0, active + locked
; 4: main $0xxx -> 5, inactive (xxx = end of mem mgr tables)
; 5: main $2000 -> 6, active + locked
; 6: main $6000 -> 7, inactive
; 7: main $BF00 -> 8, active + locked
; 8: main $E000 -> 9, inactive
; 9: main $F800 -> 0, active + locked
; First, the flags
lda #$C0 ; flags for active + locked (with no resource)
sta tSegType+0
sta tSegType+1
sta tSegType+3
sta tSegType+5
sta tSegType+7
sta tSegType+9
; Next the links
ldx #2
stx tSegLink+1
stx tSegLink+2
ldx #4
stx tSegLink+0
stx tSegLink+4
stx tSegLink+5
stx tSegLink+6
stx tSegLink+7
stx tSegLink+8
; Then the addresses
lda #2
sta tSegAdrHi+2
ldy #$C0
sty tSegAdrHi+3
sty tSegAdrHi+7
lda #<paramsEnd
sta tSegAdrLo+4
lda #>paramsEnd
sta tSegAdrHi+4
lda #$40
sta tSegAdrHi+5
lda #$60
sta tSegAdrHi+6
lda #$E0
sta tSegAdrHi+8
lda #$F8
sta tSegAdrHi+9
; Finally, form a long list of the remaining unused segments.
ldx #10
stx unusedSeg ; that's the first unused seg
ldy #11
.loop: tya
sta tSegLink,x
cpy #MAX_SEGS ; did all segments yet?
bne .loop ; no, loop again
; Allocate space for the PLASMA frame stack
lda #$20
sta framePtr+1 ; because sanity check verifies it's not $BE or $BF
ldx #0
ldy #2 ; 2 pages
jsr main_dispatch
stx framePtr
stx outerFramePtr
iny ; twice for 2 pages: initial pointer at top of new space
sty framePtr+1
sty outerFramePtr+1
lda #LOCK_MEMORY ; lock it in place forever
jsr main_dispatch
; Reserve hi-res page 1
ldx #0
ldy #$20 ; at $2000
jsr main_dispatch
ldx #0
ldy #$20 ; length $2000
jsr main_dispatch
; Load PLASMA module #1
ldx #0
jsr main_dispatch
ldy #1
jsr main_dispatch
stx .gomod+1
sty .gomod+2
lda #LOCK_MEMORY ; lock it in forever
jsr main_dispatch
ldx #1 ; keep open for efficiency's sake
jsr main_dispatch
ldx #$10 ; initial eval stack index
.gomod: jmp $1111 ; jump to module for further bootstrapping
!if DEBUG {
printMem: !zone
@ -1769,7 +1774,7 @@ disk_startLoad: !zone
sequenceError: !zone
jsr linlineFatal : !text "BadSeq", 0
jsr inlineFatal : !text "BadSeq", 0
startHeaderScan: !zone

View File

@ -76,9 +76,8 @@
; The remainder of the file is the data for the resources, in order of their
; table appearance.
startMemMgr = $800
mainLoader = $803
auxLoader = $806
mainLoader = $800
auxLoader = mainLoader+3
; Resource types
@ -280,21 +279,19 @@ FATAL_ERROR = $1F
; Macro param: number of parameters passed from PLASMA to the asm routine
; 1. Save PLASMA's X register index to evalStk
; 2. Verify X register is in the range 0-$10
; 3. Switch to ROM
; 4. Load the *last* parameter into A=lo, Y=hi
; 5. Run the calling routine (X still points into evalStk for add'l params if needed)
; 6. Switch back to LC RAM
; 7. Restore PLASMA's X register, and advance it over the parameter(s)
; 8. Store A=lo/Y=hi into PLASMA return value
; 9. Return to PLASMA
; 3. Load the *last* parameter into A=lo, Y=hi
; 4. Run the calling routine (X still points into evalStk for add'l params if needed)
; 5. Restore PLASMA's X register, and advance it over the parameter(s)
; 6. Store A=lo/Y=hi into PLASMA return value
; 7. Return to PLASMA
!macro asmPlasm nArgs {
ldy #nArgs
jsr _asmPlasm
_asmPlasm = $809
_asmPlasm = auxLoader+3
; Debug support routines (defined in core/mem.s)
_writeStr = $80C
_writeStr = _asmPlasm+3
_prByte = _writeStr+3
_prSpace = _prByte+3
_prWord = _prSpace+3