High/lo fixes, and dithered ground.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2013-09-09 13:04:31 -07:00
parent 99333da6aa
commit 5bd05308af
2 changed files with 53 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -64,8 +64,10 @@ textures = $4000
; Main-mem tables and buffers
decodeTo01 = $A900
decodeTo23 = $AA00
decodeTo01 = $A700
decodeTo01b = $A800
decodeTo23 = $A900
decodeTo23b = $AA00
decodeTo45 = $AB00
decodeTo56 = $AC00
decodeTo57 = $AD00

View File

@ -652,8 +652,8 @@ blitTemplate: ; comments show byte offset
ora decodeTo45 ; 10: pixel 2
sta (0),y ; 13: even column
iny ; 15: prep for odd
lda decodeTo01 ; 16: pixel 4
ora decodeTo23 ; 19: pixel 5
lda decodeTo01b ; 16: pixel 4
ora decodeTo23b ; 19: pixel 5
rol ; 22: recover half of pix 3
ora decodeTo56 ; 23: pixel 6 - after rol to ensure right hi bit
sta (0),y ; 26: odd column
@ -773,19 +773,45 @@ makeClrBlit:
; Clear the blit
lda byteNum
and #2
bne @alt
ldx #BLIT_OFF0
jsr @clear2
jsr @clear1
ldx #BLIT_OFF1
jsr @clear2
ldx #BLIT_OFF2
jsr @clear2
jsr @clear1
ldx #BLIT_OFF3
jsr @clear2
ldx #BLIT_OFF4
jsr @clear2
jsr @clear1
ldx #BLIT_OFF5
jsr @clear2
ldx #BLIT_OFF6
jmp @clear1
ldx #BLIT_OFF0
jsr @clear2
ldx #BLIT_OFF1
jsr @clear1
ldx #BLIT_OFF2
jsr @clear2
ldx #BLIT_OFF3
jsr @clear1
ldx #BLIT_OFF4
jsr @clear2
ldx #BLIT_OFF5
jsr @clear1
ldx #BLIT_OFF6
jmp @clear2
jsr clrBlitRollO
jmp clrBlitRollE
@ -816,11 +842,19 @@ makeDecodeTbls:
ora tmp+1
sta decodeTo01,x
@decodeTo01b: ; put hi bit in bit 6 instead of 7
bpl :+
ora #$40
: sta decodeTo01b,x
ora tmp+1
sta decodeTo23,x
@decodeTo23b: ; put hi bit in bit 6 instead of 7
bpl :+
ora #$40
: sta decodeTo23b,x
@ -1022,17 +1056,17 @@ initMem:
.if 1 ; for testing only
; X=blah
lda #8
lda #$C
sta playerX+1
lda #$2C
lda #$F4
sta playerX
; Y=blah
lda #3
lda #8
sta playerY+1
lda #$CE
lda #$67
sta playerY
; direction=blah
lda #1
lda #$7
sta playerDir
; X=1.5
@ -1201,10 +1235,7 @@ graphInit:
bit clrText
bit setHires
lda #63
sta lineCt
jmp clearBlit
; Render one whole frame
@ -1263,7 +1294,10 @@ renderFrame:
pha ; save ray offset
tay ; ray offset where it needs to be
jsr castRay ; cast the ray across the map
jsr drawRay ; and draw it
lda pixNum
bne :+
jsr clearBlit ; clear blit on the first pixel
: jsr drawRay ; and draw the ray
DEBUG_STR "Done drawing ray "
@ -1286,8 +1320,6 @@ renderFrame:
sta setAuxZP
jsr blitRoll
sta clrAuxZP
DEBUG_STR "Clearing blit."
jsr clearBlit
lda #0
sta pixNum
inc byteNum