Reduce aux mem fragmentation by putting gameloop at end of it.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2016-10-25 08:49:38 -07:00
parent 4df31bea67
commit 63d38e5498

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@ -1954,6 +1954,7 @@ mem_queueLoad: !zone
jsr .forceFree ; if bytecode without module, forcibly free it
jsr .scanForModule
jsr .forceFree ; if module without bytecode, forcibly free it
; back to normal work
jsr .notMod ; queue the main memory part of the module
stx .modRet+1 ; save address of main load for eventual return
sty .modRet+3 ; yes, self-modifying
@ -2246,14 +2247,23 @@ disk_queueLoad: !zone
+ stx reqLen ; save the uncompressed length
sta reqLen+1 ; both bytes
!if DEBUG { +prStr : !text "uclen=",0 : +prWord reqLen : +crout }
jsr shared_alloc ; reserve memory for this resource (main or aux as appropriate)
tya ; check for
ora isAuxCmd ; main memory
cmp #$20 ; hi-res page 1
; Load the bytecode of the main (first) bytecode module at the highest possible point
; (to reduce fragmentation of the rest of aux mem)
lda resType
bne +
lda #0 ; when loading hi-res page 1, reset the visible marker
sta diskActState
+ stx tmp ; save lo part of addr temporarily
lda resNum
cmp #1
bne +
lda #0
sbc reqLen
sta targetAddr
lda #$C0
sbc reqLen+1
sta targetAddr+1
+ jsr shared_alloc ; reserve memory for this resource (main or aux as appropriate)
stx tmp ; save lo part of addr temporarily
ldx segNum ; get the segment number back
lda resType ; put resource type in segment descriptor
ora #$80 ; add 'active' flag
@ -2262,6 +2272,8 @@ disk_queueLoad: !zone
sta tSegRes,x
ldx tmp ; get back lo part of addr
rts ; success! all done.
jsr inlineFatal : !text "ResNotFnd", 0
.bump3: iny ; skip resource number
iny ; skip lo byte of length
lda (pTmp),y ; get hi byte of length.
@ -2269,12 +2281,9 @@ disk_queueLoad: !zone
iny ; skip uncompressed size too
+ iny ; advance to next entry
bpl .scan ; if Y is small, loop again
bpl + ; if Y is small, loop again
jsr adjYpTmp ; keep it small
jmp .scan ; go for more
jsr inlineFatal : !text "ResNotFnd", 0
.resLen: !byte 0
+ jmp .scan ; go for more
disk_finishLoad: !zone