Made decompression slightly faster.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2017-01-09 06:57:39 -08:00
parent 8dc84239e4
commit 6e8089d3a3
2 changed files with 45 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ public class Lx47Algorithm
// Sequence. If two in a row, insert a zero-length lit str
if (!prevIsLit) {
addDebug("lits l=$00");
// Now write sequence info
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ public class Lx47Algorithm
// EOF marker
if (!prevIsLit) {
addDebug("lits l=$00");

View File

@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ DEBUG = 0
decomp !zone {
ldy #0 ; In lit loop Y must be zero
beq .lits2 ; always taken
.lits asl bits ; get bit that tells us whether there's a literal string
bne + ; ran out of bits in bit buffer?
.lits2 jsr .getbts ; get more bits
@ -46,18 +45,26 @@ decomp !zone {
jsr .gamma ; Yes we have literals. Get the count.
!if DEBUG { jsr .dbg1 }
cpx #255 ; special case: long literal marked by len=255; chk and save to carry
- lda (pSrc),y
sta (pDst),y
inc pSrc
bne +
inc pSrc+1
+ inc pDst
bne +
inc pDst+1
+ dex
bne -
bcs .lits ; (see special case above)
adc pSrc
sta pSrc
bcc +
inc pSrc+1
+ tya
adc pDst
sta pDst
bcc +
inc pDst+1
+ iny ; special case: long literal marked by len=255
beq .lits
ldy #0
.endchk lda pDst ; check for done at end of each literal string
cmp pEnd
lda pDst+1
@ -109,9 +116,9 @@ decomp !zone {
adc pDst
sta pDst
ldy #0 ; back to 0 as expected by lits section
bcc .lits
bcc +
inc pDst+1
jmp .lits
+ jmp .lits
; Read an Elias Gamma value into A. Destroys X. Sets carry.
.gamma lda #1