Fixed advance code to be consistently reversible (for being forced back out of a square)

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Martin Haye 2021-09-27 09:00:41 -07:00
parent 10ba5d8a8d
commit 90b0c11f1a

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@ -1846,24 +1846,15 @@ pl_advance: !zone
asl ; shift twice: each dir is 4 bytes in table
.step lda playerX
adc walkDirs,x
sta playerX
lda playerX+1
adc walkDirs+1,x
sta playerX+1
jsr .chk
.step cpx #32 ; dir 0-7 step Y then X; dir 8-15 step X then Y. (Allows consistent backing up)
bcc .stepyx
.stepxy jsr .chkx
sta .ora+1
lda playerY
adc walkDirs+2,x
sta playerY
lda playerY+1
adc walkDirs+3,x
sta playerY+1
jsr .chk
jsr .chky
jmp .ora
.stepyx jsr .chky
sta .ora+1
jsr .chkx
.ora ora #11 ; self-modified above
beq .ok
; Blocked! Restore old position.
@ -1894,6 +1885,22 @@ pl_advance: !zone
.done tya ; retrieve ret value
ldy #0 ; hi byte of ret is always 0
rts ; all done
.chkx lda playerX
adc walkDirs,x
sta playerX
lda playerX+1
adc walkDirs+1,x
sta playerX+1
.chky lda playerY
adc walkDirs+2,x
sta playerY
lda playerY+1
adc walkDirs+3,x
sta playerY+1
; fall through to:
; Check if the new position is blocked
.chk stx .rstx+1
jsr calcMapOrigin
@ -1906,7 +1913,6 @@ pl_advance: !zone
sta tmp+1
and #2 ; tile flag 2 is for obstructions
.rstx ldx #11 ; self-modified above
cmp #0
.stepCt !byte 0