Updated music score details, other emulator cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Brendan Robert 2022-02-08 01:28:27 -06:00
parent 0c30fadee3
commit 91d7b5d1b5
23 changed files with 398 additions and 185 deletions

Platform/Apple/tools/ACME/acme Executable file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -44,21 +44,21 @@ public class VideoDHGR extends Video {
9, 11, 13, 15
private static final boolean USE_GS_MOUSETEXT = false;
private final VideoWriter textPage1;
private final VideoWriter textPage2;
private final VideoWriter loresPage1;
private final VideoWriter loresPage2;
private final VideoWriter hiresPage1;
private final VideoWriter hiresPage2;
private VideoWriter textPage1;
private VideoWriter textPage2;
private VideoWriter loresPage1;
private VideoWriter loresPage2;
private VideoWriter hiresPage1;
private VideoWriter hiresPage2;
// Special 80-column modes
private final VideoWriter text80Page1;
private final VideoWriter text80Page2;
private final VideoWriter dloresPage1;
private final VideoWriter dloresPage2;
private final VideoWriter dhiresPage1;
private final VideoWriter dhiresPage2;
private VideoWriter text80Page1;
private VideoWriter text80Page2;
private VideoWriter dloresPage1;
private VideoWriter dloresPage2;
private VideoWriter dhiresPage1;
private VideoWriter dhiresPage2;
// Mixed mode
private final VideoWriter mixed;
private VideoWriter mixed;
private VideoWriter currentGraphicsWriter = null;
private VideoWriter currentTextWriter = null;
@ -71,8 +71,136 @@ public class VideoDHGR extends Video {
// Take two consecutive bytes and double them, taking hi-bit into account
// This should yield a 28-bit word of 7 color dhgr pixels
// This looks like crap on text...
final int[][] HGR_TO_DHGR = new int[512][256];
// Take two consecutive bytes and double them, disregarding hi-bit
// Useful for text mode
final int[][] HGR_TO_DHGR_BW = new int[256][256];
final int[] TIMES_14 = new int[40];
final int[] FLIP_BITS = new int[256];
private void initHgrDhgrTables() {
// complete reverse of 8 bits
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
FLIP_BITS[i] = (((i * 0x0802 & 0x22110) | (i * 0x8020 & 0x88440)) * 0x10101 >> 16) & 0x0ff;
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
TIMES_14[i] = i * 14;
for (int bb1 = 0; bb1 < 512; bb1++) {
for (int bb2 = 0; bb2 < 256; bb2++) {
int value = ((bb1 & 0x0181) >= 0x0101) ? 1 : 0;
int b1 = byteDoubler((byte) (bb1 & 0x07f));
if ((bb1 & 0x080) != 0) {
b1 <<= 1;
int b2 = byteDoubler((byte) (bb2 & 0x07f));
if ((bb2 & 0x080) != 0) {
b2 <<= 1;
if ((bb1 & 0x040) == 0x040 && (bb2 & 1) != 0) {
b2 |= 1;
value |= b1 | (b2 << 14);
if ((bb2 & 0x040) != 0) {
value |= 0x10000000;
HGR_TO_DHGR[bb1][bb2] = value;
HGR_TO_DHGR_BW[bb1 & 0x0ff][bb2]
= byteDoubler((byte) bb1) | (byteDoubler((byte) bb2) << 14);
boolean flashInverse = false;
int flashTimer = 0;
int FLASH_SPEED = 16; // UTAIIe:8-13,P7 - FLASH toggles every 16 scans
final int[] CHAR_MAP1 = new int[256];
final int[] CHAR_MAP2 = new int[256];
final int[] CHAR_MAP3 = new int[256];
int[] currentCharMap = CHAR_MAP1;
private void initCharMap() {
// Generate screen text lookup maps ahead of time
// ALTCHR clear
// 00-3F - Inverse characters (uppercase only) "@P 0"
// 40-7F - Flashing characters (uppercase only) "@P 0"
// 80-BF - Normal characters (uppercase only) "@P 0"
// C0-DF - Normal characters (repeat 80-9F) "@P"
// E0-FF - Normal characters (lowercase) "`p"
// ALTCHR set
// 00-3f - Inverse characters (uppercase only) "@P 0"
// 40-5f - Mousetext (//gs alts are at 0x46 and 0x47, swap with 0x11 and 0x12 for //e and //c)
// 60-7f - Inverse characters (lowercase only)
// 80-BF - Normal characters (uppercase only)
// C0-DF - Normal characters (repeat 80-9F)
// E0-FF - Normal characters (lowercase)
// MAP1: Normal map, flash inverse = false
// MAP2: Normal map, flash inverse = true
// MAP3: Alt map, mousetext mode
for (int b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
int mod = b % 0x020;
// Inverse
if (b < 0x020) {
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x0c0;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x0c0;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x0c0;
} else if (b < 0x040) {
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x0a0;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x0a0;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x0a0;
} else if (b < 0x060) {
// Flash/Mouse
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x0c0;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x040;
if (!USE_GS_MOUSETEXT && mod == 6) {
CHAR_MAP3[b] = 0x011;
} else if (!USE_GS_MOUSETEXT && mod == 7) {
CHAR_MAP3[b] = 0x012;
} else {
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x080;
} else if (b < 0x080) {
// Flash/Inverse lowercase
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x0a0;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x020;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x0e0;
} else if (b < 0x0a0) {
// Normal uppercase
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x040;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x040;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x040;
} else if (b < 0x0c0) {
// Normal uppercase
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x020;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x020;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x020;
} else if (b < 0x0e0) {
// Normal uppercase (repeat)
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x040;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x040;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x040;
} else {
// Normal lowercase
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x060;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x060;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x060;
private void initVideoWriters() {
hiresPage1 = new VideoWriter() {
public int getYOffset(int y) {
@ -284,8 +412,8 @@ public class VideoDHGR extends Video {
return true;
// color burst per byte (chat mauve compatibility)
boolean[] useColor = new boolean[80];
@ -328,51 +456,7 @@ public class VideoDHGR extends Video {
// If you want monochrome, use this instead...
// showBW(screen, times14[xOffset], y, dhgrWord);
// Take two consecutive bytes and double them, taking hi-bit into account
// This should yield a 28-bit word of 7 color dhgr pixels
// This looks like crap on text...
static final int[][] HGR_TO_DHGR = new int[512][256];
// Take two consecutive bytes and double them, disregarding hi-bit
// Useful for text mode
static final int[][] HGR_TO_DHGR_BW = new int[256][256];
static final int[] TIMES_14 = new int[40];
static final int[] FLIP_BITS = new int[256];
static void initLookupTables() {
// complete reverse of 8 bits
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
FLIP_BITS[i] = (((i * 0x0802 & 0x22110) | (i * 0x8020 & 0x88440)) * 0x10101 >> 16) & 0x0ff;
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
TIMES_14[i] = i * 14;
for (int bb1 = 0; bb1 < 512; bb1++) {
for (int bb2 = 0; bb2 < 256; bb2++) {
int value = ((bb1 & 0x0181) >= 0x0101) ? 1 : 0;
int b1 = byteDoubler((byte) (bb1 & 0x07f));
if ((bb1 & 0x080) != 0) {
b1 <<= 1;
int b2 = byteDoubler((byte) (bb2 & 0x07f));
if ((bb2 & 0x080) != 0) {
b2 <<= 1;
if ((bb1 & 0x040) == 0x040 && (bb2 & 1) != 0) {
b2 |= 1;
value |= b1 | (b2 << 14);
if ((bb2 & 0x040) != 0) {
value |= 0x10000000;
HGR_TO_DHGR[bb1][bb2] = value;
HGR_TO_DHGR_BW[bb1 & 0x0ff][bb2]
= byteDoubler((byte) bb1) | (byteDoubler((byte) bb2) << 14);
protected void displayLores(WritableImage screen, int xOffset, int y, int rowAddress) {
int c1 = ((RAM128k) computer.getMemory()).getMainMemory().readByte(rowAddress + xOffset) & 0x0FF;
if ((y & 7) < 4) {
@ -430,85 +514,8 @@ public class VideoDHGR extends Video {
writer.setColor(xx++, y, color);
writer.setColor(xx++, y, color);
writer.setColor(xx, y, color);
boolean flashInverse = false;
int flashTimer = 0;
int FLASH_SPEED = 16; // UTAIIe:8-13,P7 - FLASH toggles every 16 scans
int[] currentCharMap = CHAR_MAP1;
static final int[] CHAR_MAP1 = new int[256];
static final int[] CHAR_MAP2 = new int[256];
static final int[] CHAR_MAP3 = new int[256];
static void initCharMap() {
// Generate screen text lookup maps ahead of time
// ALTCHR clear
// 00-3F - Inverse characters (uppercase only) "@P 0"
// 40-7F - Flashing characters (uppercase only) "@P 0"
// 80-BF - Normal characters (uppercase only) "@P 0"
// C0-DF - Normal characters (repeat 80-9F) "@P"
// E0-FF - Normal characters (lowercase) "`p"
// ALTCHR set
// 00-3f - Inverse characters (uppercase only) "@P 0"
// 40-5f - Mousetext (//gs alts are at 0x46 and 0x47, swap with 0x11 and 0x12 for //e and //c)
// 60-7f - Inverse characters (lowercase only)
// 80-BF - Normal characters (uppercase only)
// C0-DF - Normal characters (repeat 80-9F)
// E0-FF - Normal characters (lowercase)
// MAP1: Normal map, flash inverse = false
// MAP2: Normal map, flash inverse = true
// MAP3: Alt map, mousetext mode
for (int b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
int mod = b % 0x020;
// Inverse
if (b < 0x020) {
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x0c0;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x0c0;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x0c0;
} else if (b < 0x040) {
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x0a0;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x0a0;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x0a0;
} else if (b < 0x060) {
// Flash/Mouse
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x0c0;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x040;
if (!USE_GS_MOUSETEXT && mod == 6) {
CHAR_MAP3[b] = 0x011;
} else if (!USE_GS_MOUSETEXT && mod == 7) {
CHAR_MAP3[b] = 0x012;
} else {
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x080;
} else if (b < 0x080) {
// Flash/Inverse lowercase
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x0a0;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x020;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x0e0;
} else if (b < 0x0a0) {
// Normal uppercase
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x040;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x040;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x040;
} else if (b < 0x0c0) {
// Normal uppercase
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x020;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x020;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x020;
} else if (b < 0x0e0) {
// Normal uppercase (repeat)
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x040;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x040;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x040;
} else {
// Normal lowercase
CHAR_MAP1[b] = mod + 0x060;
CHAR_MAP2[b] = mod + 0x060;
CHAR_MAP3[b] = mod + 0x060;
public void vblankStart() {
// ALTCHR set only affects character mapping and disables FLASH.

View File

@ -61,12 +61,6 @@ public class VideoNTSC extends VideoDHGR {
final int[] scanline = new int[20];
final public int[] divBy28 = new int[560];
public final void initDivideTables() {
for (int i = 0; i < 560; i++) {
divBy28[i] = i / 28;
protected boolean[] colorActive = new boolean[80];
int rowStart = 0;
@ -335,6 +329,12 @@ public class VideoNTSC extends VideoDHGR {
{1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, //1111 f
private void initDivideTables() {
for (int i = 0; i < 560; i++) {
divBy28[i] = i / 28;
private void initNtscPalette() {
int maxLevel = 10;
for (int offset = 0; offset < 4; offset++) {

View File

@ -229,13 +229,15 @@ public class LawlessHacks extends Cheats {
double FADE_AMT = 0.05; // 5% per interval, or 20 stops between 0% and 100%
// int FADE_SPEED = 100; // 100ms per 5%, or 2 second duration
int FADE_SPEED = 75; // 75ms per 5%, or 1.5 second duration
int FIGHT_SONG = 17;
boolean playingFightSong = false;
private void startNewSong(int track, boolean switchScores) {
if (!isMusicEnabled()) {
MediaPlayer player;
if (track != currentSong || !isPlayingMusic() || switchScores) {
// If the same song is already playing don't restart it
Media song = getAudioTrack(track);
if (song == null) {
@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ public class LawlessHacks extends Cheats {
player = new MediaPlayer(song);
player.setCycleCount(repeatSong ? MediaPlayer.INDEFINITE : 1);
if (autoResume.contains(track) || switchScores) {
if (playingFightSong || autoResume.contains(track) || switchScores) {
double time = lastTime.getOrDefault(track, 0.0);
System.out.println("Auto-resume from time " + time);
@ -257,6 +259,7 @@ public class LawlessHacks extends Cheats {
player = currentSongPlayer;
playingFightSong = track == FIGHT_SONG;
private void stopMusic() {

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class LawlessVideo extends VideoNTSC {
39, 130, 78, 191
TITLE(new int[]{
16, 162, 64, 190
16, 154, 64, 190
boolean[][] colorMask;

View File

@ -7,43 +7,68 @@ Common
129 bang.mp3
130 boom.mp3
8-bit Orchestral samples
1 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 19 Lawless Legends 8-Bit Samples.mp3
2 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 20 Fort Miller 8-Bit Samples.mp3
3 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 21 Tragedy in the West 8-Bit Samples.mp3
4 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 22 Victory! 8-Bit Samples.mp3
5 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 23 Grub Gulch 8-Bit Samples.mp3
6 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 25 Mines of Mystery 8-Bit Samples.mp3
7 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 24 Texas Flats 8-Bit Samples.mp3
8 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 26 Strange Tales 8-Bit Samples.mp3
9 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 27 Oro's Villa 8-Bit Samples.mp3
10 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 28 Tahnku Village 8-Bit Samples.mp3
11 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 29 Tahnku Sanctuary 8-Bit Samples.mp3
12 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 30 Mariposa City 8-Bit Samples.mp3
13 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 31 Freemont Estate 8-Bit Samples.mp3
14 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 32 Fort Littlecreek 8-Bit Samples.mp3
15 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 33 Sacred Grove 8-Bit Samples.mp3
16 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 34 Poverty Flats 8-Bit Samples.mp3
17 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 35 Killed in Cold Blood 8-Bit Samples.mp3
18 *8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 36 The Sierra Nevada Wilderness 8-Bit Samples.mp3
-- 1: Theme (Copyright)
-- 2: Train station (intro), Fort Miller
-- 3: Little Michelle
-- 4: Victory (Combat Win)
-- 5: Grub Gulch
-- 6: Lost Mine, Paula's Mine, Phoenix Deep, Shack, Vida Claim
-- 7: New Game Music, General Store, Texas Flats
-- 8: Bank depths
-- 9: Oro Estate, Oro Villa
-- 10: Ktahun Village, Ktotus village
-- 11: Phoenix Deep, Sanctuary
-- 12: Drunkard, Mariposa
-- 13: Freemont Estate
-- 14: Freemont Mansion, Fort Littlecreek
-- 15: Sacred Grove, Village Ruins
-- 16: Deep under, Lost Town, Poverty Flats, Underground, Upper Deck
-- 17: Combat
-- 18: Mountains, Mountainside, Combat
-- 19: Death
-- 20: Wilderness
---- Chiptune version uses the blips and bleeps that are the voice of a generation
8-bit Chipmusic
1 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 01 Lawless Legends 8-Bit C64.mp3
2 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 02 Fort Miller 8-Bit C64.mp3
3 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 03 Tragedy in the West 8-Bit C64.mp3
4 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 04 Victory! 8-Bit C64.mp3
5 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 05 Grub Gulch 8-Bit C64.mp3
6 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 06 Mines of Mystery 8-Bit C64.mp3
7 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 07 Texas Flats 8-Bit C64.mp3
8 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 08 Strange Tales 8-Bit C64.mp3
9 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 09 Oro's Villa 8-Bit C64.mp3
10 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 10 Tahnku Village 8-Bit C64.mp3
11 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 11 Tahnku Sanctuary 8-Bit C64.mp3
12 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 12 Mariposa 8-Bit C64.mp3
13 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 13 Freemont Estate 8-Bit C64.mp3
14 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 14 Fort Littlecreek 8-Bit C64.mp3
15 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 15 Sacred Grove 8-Bit C64.mp3
16 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 16 Poverty Flats 8-Bit C64.mp3
17 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 17 Killed in Cold Blood 8-Bit C64.mp3
18 *8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 18 The Sierra Nevada Wilderness 8-Bit C64.mp3
1 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 02 Lawless Legends 8-Bit C64.mp3
2 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 03 Fort Miller 8-Bit C64.mp3
3 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 04 Tragedy in the West 8-Bit C64.mp3
4 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 05 Victory! 8-Bit C64.mp3
5 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 06 Grub Gulch 8-Bit C64.mp3
6 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 07 Mines of Mystery 8-Bit C64.mp3
7 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 08 Texas Flats 8-Bit C64.mp3
8 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 09 Strange Tales 8-Bit C64.mp3
9 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 10 Oro's Villa 8-Bit C64.mp3
10 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 11 Tahnku Village 8-Bit C64.mp3
11 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 12 Tahnku Sanctuary 8-Bit C64.mp3
12 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 13 Mariposa 8-Bit C64.mp3
13 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 14 Freemont Estate 8-Bit C64.mp3
14 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 15 Fort Littlecreek 8-Bit C64.mp3
15 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 16 Sacred Grove 8-Bit C64.mp3
16 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 17 Poverty Flats 8-Bit C64.mp3
17 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 18 Combat! 8-Bit C64.mp3
18 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 19 Killed in Cold Blood 8-Bit C64.mp3
19 *8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 20 The Sierra Nevada Wilderness 8-Bit C64.mp3
20 *8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 20 The Sierra Nevada Wilderness 8-Bit C64.mp3
8-bit Orchestral samples
1 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 21 Lawless Legends 8-Bit Samples.mp3
2 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 22 Fort Miller 8-Bit Samples.mp3
3 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 23 Tragedy in the West 8-Bit Samples.mp3
4 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 24 Victory! 8-Bit Samples.mp3
5 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 25 Grub Gulch 8-Bit Samples.mp3
6 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 26 Mines of Mystery 8-Bit Samples.mp3
7 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 27 Texas Flats 8-Bit Samples.mp3
8 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 28 Strange Tales 8-Bit Samples.mp3
9 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 29 Oro's Villa 8-Bit Samples.mp3
10 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 30 Tahnku Village 8-Bit Samples.mp3
11 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 31 Tahnku Sanctuary 8-Bit Samples.mp3
12 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 32 Mariposa City 8-Bit Samples.mp3
13 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 33 Freemont Estate 8-Bit Samples.mp3
14 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 34 Fort Littlecreek 8-Bit Samples.mp3
15 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 35 Sacred Grove 8-Bit Samples.mp3
16 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 36 Poverty Flats 8-Bit Samples.mp3
17 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 37 Combat! 8-Bit Samples.mp3
18 8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 38 Killed in Cold Blood 8-Bit Samples.mp3
19 *8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 39 The Sierra Nevada Wilderness 8-Bit Samples.mp3
20 *8 Bit Weapon - Lawless Legends Original Double Score - 39 The Sierra Nevada Wilderness 8-Bit Samples.mp3

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