Sped up decompression to aux mem, and sped up fixups, since memory manager now doesn't have to jump through hoops to get to aux mem.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2015-06-06 09:37:04 -07:00
parent 9d19b46cb1
commit a92f2e1da9
6 changed files with 116 additions and 72 deletions

View File

@ -13,14 +13,13 @@
!source "../include/global.i"
!source "../include/mem.i"
!source "../include/plasma.i"
!source "../include/debug.i"
; Constants
DO_COMP_CHECKSUMS = 0 ; during compression debugging
SANITY_CHECK = 0 ; also prints out request data
; Zero page temporary variables
@ -875,15 +874,11 @@ init: !zone
lda #$20
sta framePtr+1 ; because sanity check verifies it's not $BE or $BF
jsr printMem
ldx #0
ldy #2 ; 2 pages
jsr mainLoader
jsr main_dispatch
stx framePtr
stx outerFramePtr
iny ; twice for 2 pages: initial pointer at top of new space
@ -893,31 +888,31 @@ init: !zone
lda #LOCK_MEMORY ; lock it in place forever
jsr mainLoader
jsr main_dispatch
; Reserve hi-res page 1
ldx #0
ldy #$20 ; at $2000
jsr mainLoader
jsr main_dispatch
ldx #0
ldy #$20 ; length $2000
jsr mainLoader
jsr main_dispatch
; Load PLASMA module #1
ldx #0
jsr mainLoader
jsr main_dispatch
ldy #1
jsr mainLoader
jsr main_dispatch
stx .gomod+1
sty .gomod+2
lda #LOCK_MEMORY ; lock it in forever
jsr mainLoader
jsr main_dispatch
ldx #1 ; keep open for efficiency's sake
jsr mainLoader
jsr main_dispatch
ldx #$10 ; initial eval stack index
.gomod: jmp $1111 ; jump to module for further bootstrapping
@ -1596,7 +1591,6 @@ disk_finishLoad: !zone
lda #0
sta setMarkPos+2
sta .nFixups
jsr setupDecomp ; one-time init for decompression code
jsr startHeaderScan ; start scanning the partition header
.scan: lda (pTmp),y ; get resource type byte
bne .notEnd ; non-zero = not end of header
@ -1908,18 +1902,6 @@ lz4Decompress: !zone
!if DEBUG_DECOMP { sta ucLen : jsr .debug4 }
tay ; ...to count bytes
.auxWr2 sta setAuxWr ; self-modified earlier, based on isAuxCmd
; Subroutine does the work. Runs in stack area so it can write *and* read aux mem
jsr .matchCopy ; copy match bytes (aux->aux, or main->main)
sta clrAuxWr ; back to writing main mem
inc ucLen+1 ; to make it zero for the next match decode
+ ldy tmp ; restore index to source pointer
jmp .getToken ; go on to the next token in the compressed stream
; Subroutine to copy bytes, either main->main or aux->aux. We put it down in the
; stack space ($100) so it can access either area. The stack doesn't get bank-switched
; by setAuxRd/clrAuxRd.
.matchShadow_beg = *
!pseudopc $100 {
.auxRd1 sta setAuxRd ; self-modified based on isAuxCmd
lda $1100,x ; self-modified earlier for offsetted source
@ -1939,9 +1921,10 @@ lz4Decompress: !zone
dec ucLen+1 ; count pages
bpl .srcLoad ; loop for more. NOTE: this would fail if we had blocks >= 32K
sta clrAuxRd ; back to reading main mem, for mem mgr code
+ rts ; done copying bytes
.matchShadow_end = *
sta clrAuxWr ; back to writing main mem
inc ucLen+1 ; to make it zero for the next match decode
+ ldy tmp ; restore index to source pointer
jmp .getToken ; go on to the next token in the compressed stream
; Subroutine called when length token = $F, to extend the length by additional bytes
- sta ucLen ; save what we got so far
@ -1999,17 +1982,6 @@ nextSrcPage:
.auxWr4 sta setAuxWr ; go back to writing aux mem (self-modified for aux or main)
; Copy the match shadow down to the stack area so it can copy from aux to aux.
; This needs to be called once before any decompression is done. We shouldn't
; rely on it being preserved across calls to the memory manager.
ldx #.matchShadow_end - .matchShadow_beg - 1
- lda .matchShadow_beg,x ; get the copy from main RAM
sta .matchCopy,x ; and put it down in stack space where it can access both main and aux
dex ; next byte
bpl - ; loop until we grab them all (including byte 0)
.debug1 +prStr : !text "Decompressing: isComp=",0
+prByte isCompressed
@ -2074,12 +2046,6 @@ setupDecomp:
; resources from memory.
doAllFixups: !zone
!if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "Doing all fixups.",0 }
; copy the shadow code down to $100, so we can read aux mem bytes
ldx #.fixupShadow_end - .fixupShadow - 1
- lda .fixupShadow,x
sta .getFixupByte,x
bpl -
; Now scan aux mem for fixup segments
ldx #1 ; start at first aux mem segment (0=main mem, 1=aux)
.loop: lda tSegType,x ; grab flags & type
@ -2167,7 +2133,9 @@ doAllFixups: !zone
jsr .adAux ; recalc and store hi byte
sta clrAuxWr
bne .proc ; always taken
.adAux jsr .getBytecode ; get num to add to offset
.adAux sta setAuxRd
lda (pDst),y ; get num to add to offset
sta clrAuxRd
adc .mainBase,y ; add the offset
sta (pDst),y ; *STORE* back the result
@ -2214,26 +2182,13 @@ doAllFixups: !zone
ldy #0
jsr .getFixupByte ; get a byte from aux mem
sta setAuxRd
lda (pSrc),y
sta clrAuxRd
inc pSrc ; and advance the pointer
bne +
inc pSrc+1 ; hi byte too, if necessary
+ rts
!pseudopc $100 {
sta setAuxRd
lda (pSrc),y
sta clrAuxRd
sta setAuxRd
lda (pDst),y
sta clrAuxRd
.fixupShadow_end = *
!if DEBUG >= 2 {
.debug1 +prStr : !text "Found fixup, res=",0
+prByte resNum

View File

@ -102,3 +102,4 @@ iorest = $FF3F
monrts = $FF58
monitor = $FF69
getnum = $FFA7

View File

@ -292,3 +292,97 @@ FATAL_ERROR = $1F
jsr _asmPlasm
_asmPlasm = $809
; Debug support routines (defined in core/mem.s)
_writeStr = $80C
_prByte = _writeStr+3
_prSpace = _prByte+3
_prWord = _prSpace+3
_prA = _prWord+3
_prX = _prA+3
_prY = _prX+3
_crout = _prY+3
_waitKey = _crout+3
; Debug macros
!macro prStr {
jsr _writeStr
!macro prByte addr {
jsr _prByte
!word addr
!macro prSpace {
jsr _prSpace
!macro prChr chr {
jsr _writeStr
!byte chr, 0
!macro prA {
jsr _prA
jsr _prSpace
!macro prX {
jsr _prX
jsr _prSpace
!macro prY {
jsr _prY
jsr _prSpace
!macro prXA {
jsr _prX
jsr _prA
jsr _prSpace
!macro prAX {
jsr _prA
jsr _prX
jsr _prSpace
!macro prYA {
jsr _prY
jsr _prA
jsr _prSpace
!macro prAY {
jsr _prA
jsr _prY
jsr _prSpace
!macro prXY {
jsr _prX
jsr _prY
jsr _prSpace
!macro prYX {
jsr _prY
jsr _prX
jsr _prSpace
!macro prWord addr {
jsr _prWord
!word addr
!macro crout {
jsr _crout
!macro waitKey {
jsr _waitKey

View File

@ -120,8 +120,7 @@ asm __defs
!source "../../include/fontEngine.i"
; Optional debug printing support
!if DEBUG { !source "../../include/debug.i" }
; General use
tmp = $2

View File

@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ DEBUG_COLUMN = -1
; Shared constants, zero page, buffer locations, etc.
!source "render.i"
; Debug macros and support functions
!source "../include/debug.i"
; Memory manager
!source "../include/mem.i"
; Font engine

View File

@ -104,9 +104,6 @@ next_zp = $AB
JMP pl_setColor ; params: slot (0=sky/1=ground), color (0-15); return: nothing
jmp pl_render ; params: none
; Debug support -- must come after jump vectors, since it's not just macros.
!source "../include/debug.i"