Wrote the rest of anim unpacking code.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2016-10-19 09:58:09 -07:00
parent 0b0a849855
commit b2d0af04a8
3 changed files with 111 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -3435,7 +3435,7 @@ end
// At start of buffer, put offset to animation header, then the first frame
def offset = buffers[0].position() + 2 // 2 for header
def offset = buffers[0].position() + 2 // 2 for the offset itself
outBuf.put((byte)(offset & 0xFF))
outBuf.put((byte)((offset >> 8) & 0xFF))
@ -3451,7 +3451,7 @@ end
default : throw new Exception("Unrecognized animation flags '$animFlags'")
outBuf.put((byte) flagByte)
outBuf.put((byte)0) // used to store current anim dir
outBuf.put((byte)1) // used to store current anim dir; start with 1=forward
outBuf.put((byte)(buffers.size() - 1)) // index of last frame
outBuf.put((byte)0) // used to store current anim frame

View File

@ -2991,11 +2991,12 @@ showDiskActivity: !zone
; Advance all animated resources by one frame.
; Params: X = direction change (0=no change, 1=forward, $FF=backward).
; Params: X = direction change (0=no change, 1=change).
; Only applied to resources marked as "forward/backward" order.
; Y = number of frames to skip.
; Only applied to resources marked as "random" order.
; Returns: non-zero if any animated resources processed
advanceAnims: !zone {
stx resType ; store direction-change
sty resNum ; store frames-to-skip
lda #0
@ -3011,12 +3012,27 @@ advanceAnims:
sta pTmp
lda tSegAdrHi,x ; ...hi byte too
sta pTmp+1
ldy #1
lda (pTmp),y ; check anim header offset
ora (pTmp),y
beq .next ; if zero, resource is not aniimated
beq .next ; if zero, resource is not animated
txa ; save link number we're scanning
inc .ret+1 ; mark the fact that we do have animated resources
jsr .advSingleAnim ; do the work to advance this one resource
pla ; restore link number we're scanning
.next lda tSegLink,x ; next in chain
tax ; to X reg index
bne .loop ; non-zero = not end of chain - loop again
.ret lda #0 ; return count of number anim resources found (self-modified by above)
; Advance a single animated resource. On entry:
; pTmp -> base (2-byte offset followed by main dta)
advSingleAnim: !zone {
ldy #0
lda (pTmp),y ; grab offset
adc pTmp ; add to starting addr
@ -3026,39 +3042,33 @@ advanceAnims:
adc pTmp+1
sta tmp+1
txa ; save link number we're scanning
jsr applyPatch ; unpatch to get back to base frame data
.chkr ldy #0
lda (tmp),y ; get animation type (1=Forward, 2=Forward+Backward, 3=Random)
lda (tmp),y ; get animation type (1=Forward, 2=Forward/Backward, 3=Random)
cmp #3 ; is it random?
bne .chkfb
ldx resNum ; number of frames to skip
beq .res ; if zero, nothing to do
- lda #1 ; direction = forward
- cpx #0
beq .doptch ; if zero, done skipping
lda #1 ; direction = forward
jsr .fwbk ; advance one frame
dec resNum ; number to advance
bne - ; loop for specified number of skips
beq .doptch ; and go do the patching (always taken)
dex ; loop for...
jmp - ; ...specified number of skips
.chkfb iny ; index of current dir
cmp #2 ; is it a forward+backward anim?
bne .setdir
lda resType ; get change to dir
beq .adv ; not changing? just advance
.setdir sta (pTmp),y ; store new dir
.setdir lda #0 ; invert current dir (1->FF, or FF->1)
sbc (pTmp),y
sta (pTmp),y ; store new dir
.adv lda (pTmp),y ; get current dir
jsr .fwbk ; advance the frame number in that direction
.doptch jsr .patch ; apply patch for the new frame
.res pla ; restore link number we're scanning
.next: lda tSegLink,x ; next in chain
tax ; to X reg index
bne .loop ; non-zero = not end of chain - loop again
.ret lda #0 ; return count of number actually patched (self-modified by .patch below)
.doptch jmp applyPatch ; apply patch for the new frame
.fwbk ldy #3 ; index of current frame number
@ -3073,10 +3083,78 @@ advanceAnims:
+ iny ; index of current frame number
sta (tmp),y ; and store it
.patch inc .ret+1 ; count number we have actually changed
; Patch (or un-patch) an entry. On entry:
; pTmp -> offset just before main image
; tmp -> anim hdr
; Those pointers are unmodified by this routine.
applyPatch: !zone {
ldy #3 ; get current frame number
lda (tmp),y
bne +
rts ; if frame zero, nothing to do
+ sta reqLen ; index of patch number to find
; self-modifying: copy pointers to load/store code: tmp->ldsrc, dst->stdst
ldx #1
- lda tmp,x
sta .ldsrc+1,x
lda pTmp,x
sta .stdst+1,x
bpl -
ldx #4 ; index on src (4 to skip anim hdr)
ldy #2 ; index on dst (2 to skip initial offset)
; loop to skip patches until we find the right one
- jsr .ldsrc
sta ucLen
jsr .ldsrc
adc ucLen
adc .ldsrc+2
sta .ldsrc+2
dec reqLen ; count and loop over patches
bne -
; src,x now points at the patch we want (actually at its length hdr)
; dst,y now points at the base data
.hunk jsr .ldsrc ; get # bytes to skip
cmp #$FF ; check for done marker
bcc +
rts ; all done
+ sta ucLen
adc ucLen ; carry already cleared by cmp above
bcc +
inc .stdst+2
+ jsr .ldsrc ; get # bytes to copy
sta reqLen ; counter for byte copy
cmp #0
.cplup beq .hunk ; loop to copy bytes; when we run out, go to next hunk
jsr .ldsrc
.stdst sta $1111,y ; self-modified
bne +
inc .stdst+2
+ dec reqLen ; loop until we've copied the requisite # of bytes
jmp .cplup
; get a byte from src,x and advance
.ldsrc lda $1111,x ; pointer is self-modified
bne +
inc .ldsrc+2
+ rts
; Segment tables

View File

@ -95,13 +95,12 @@
; byte 1: current anim dir
; byte 2: index of last frame (= number of frames *minus 1*)
; byte 3: current anim frame
; bytes 4-5: length of any patch data segment (they're all the same length)
; bytes 6-7: length of patch offset table
; Followed by patch offset table. Each entry:
; byte 0: # of invariant bytes to skip (can be zero) ($FF for end of table)
; byte 1: # of patch bytes to copy (can be zero)
; Followed by patch data segments. Each segment:
; bytes 0-n: raw data (intelligible only by using patch offset table)
; Followed by patches. Each patch:
; bytes 0-1: length of patch (including this length header, and also anim hdr for 1st patch)
; bytes 2-n: hunks, each hunk:
; byte 0: skip len (0-254) or $FF for end-of-patch
; byte 1: copy len (0-254)
; bytes 2-n: bytes to copy
mainLoader = $800
auxLoader = mainLoader+3