Working on actual disk loading.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2014-01-12 09:53:45 -08:00
parent ec28cb6460
commit b2f49bad25
2 changed files with 103 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
<copy todir="${build.dir}/root">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}/core/build" includes="*.bin*"/>
<fileset dir="${src.dir}/raycast/build" includes="*.bin*"/>
<fileset dir="./data/partitions" includes="*.bin*"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/root/"/>
<copy todir="${build.dir}/root/assets">

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@ -233,8 +233,6 @@ curPartition:
.byte 0
.byte 0
.byte 0
@ -257,9 +255,9 @@ shared_dispatch:
jmp main_free
bne :+
jmp fatalError
jsr fatalError
; Pass command to next chained loader
jmp nextLoaderVec
: jmp nextLoaderVec
@ -286,12 +284,14 @@ fatalError:
sty pTmp+1 ; save message ptr hi...
stx pTmp ; ...and lo
jsr setnorm ; set up text mode and vectors
jsr textinit
bit setText
jsr setvid
jsr setkbd
lda $24
beq :+
jsr crout
ldy #40
lda #'_'
: ldy #40
lda #'-'
: jsr orCout
bne :-
@ -345,10 +345,9 @@ fatalError:
; Beep, and loop forever
jsr bell
jmp loopForever
.byte $8D,"FATAL ERROR: ", 0
.byte "FATAL ERROR: ", 0
.byte $8D,"Call stk: ", 0
@ -390,6 +389,24 @@ init:
DEBUG_STR "Start load."
ldx #0 ; partition 0
jsr mainLoader
DEBUG_STR "Set mem target."
ldx #$70 ; load at $7000
jsr mainLoader
DEBUG_STR "Queue load."
ldx #1 ; TYPE_CODE = 1
ldy #1 ; code resource #1
jsr mainLoader
DEBUG_STR "Finish load."
jsr mainLoader
; obsolete test below: allocate all memory until we run out
DEBUG_STR "Testing memory manager."
ldx #3
@ -521,14 +538,14 @@ shared_request:
ldx #<:+
ldy #>:+
jmp fatalError
jsr fatalError
: .byte "Mem already reserved", 0
ldx #<:+
ldy #>:+
jmp fatalError
jsr fatalError
: .byte "Out of mem", 0
@ -591,6 +608,7 @@ shared_queueLoad:
bne @scanLoop ; no, keep scanning
ldx tmp ; yes, end of memory. Recall type parameter
ldy tmp+1 ; recall resource number
lda #QUEUE_LOAD ; tell next loader what to do
jmp nextLoaderVec ; call next loader so it can load the resource
lda (pPageTbl1),y
@ -618,15 +636,15 @@ diskLoader:
ldx #<:+
ldy #>:+
jmp fatalError
.byte "Invalid command", 0
jsr fatalError
: .byte "Invalid command", 0
; complete the partition file name
lda curPartition
adc #'0' ; assume partitions 0-9 for now
adc #'0' ; assume partition numbers range from 0..9 for now
sta @partNumChar
; open the file
jsr mli
@ -647,11 +665,9 @@ openPartition:
lda #0
sta readLen+1
jsr @doRead
; Grab the number of header pages, then read in the rest of the header
ldx headerBuf
stx nHeaderPages
ldx headerBuf ; grab # of header pages
stx readLen+1
stx readLen+1 ; read in the rest of the header
lda #$FF
sta readLen
lda #1
@ -670,8 +686,9 @@ openPartition:
.byte 0 ; returned file number
.byte 11 ; length
.byte "GAME.PART."
.byte 15 ; length
.byte "/LL/GAME.PART." ; TODO: Figure out how to avoid specifying full path.
; If I leave it out, ProDOS complains with error $40.
.byte "x" ; x replaced by partition number
@ -700,7 +717,7 @@ prodosError:
sta @errNum+1
ldx #<@msg
ldy #>@msg
jmp fatalError
jsr fatalError
and #$F
ora #$B0
@ -728,12 +745,12 @@ disk_startLoad:
ldx #<:+
ldy #>:+
jmp fatalError
jsr fatalError
: .byte "Bad sequence", 0
lda #<headerBuf ; start scanning the partition header
lda #<headerBuf+1 ; start scanning the partition header
sta pTmp
lda #>headerBuf
sta pTmp+1
@ -754,8 +771,8 @@ bump128:
stx tmp ; save resource type
sty tmp+1 ; and resource num
stx @resType ; save resource type
sty @resNum ; and resource num
lda partitionFileRef ; check if we've opened the file yet
bne :+ ; yes, don't re-open
jsr openPartition ; open the partition file
@ -763,22 +780,38 @@ disk_queueLoad:
lda (pTmp),y ; get resource type
beq @notFound ; if zero, this is end of table: failed to find the resource
cmp tmp ; is it the type we're looking for?
cmp @resType ; is it the type we're looking for?
bne @next ; no, skip this resource
lda (pTmp),y ; get resource num
cmp tmp+1 ; is it the number we're looking for
cmp @resNum ; is it the number we're looking for
bne @next ; no, skip this resource
lda (pTmp),y ; Yay! We found the one we want. Prepare to mark it
iny ; Yay! We found the one we want.
lda (pTmp),y ; grab the length in pages
tax ; save for later
pha ; again for later
dey ; back to start of 3-byte record
lda (pTmp),y ; Get the resource type back
ora #$80 ; special mark to say, "We want to load this segment"
ldx isAuxCommand
ldx isAuxCommand ; if aux, set an extra-special flag so load will go there
beq :+
ora #$40 ; record that the eventual disk read should go to aux mem
: sta (pTmp),y
rts ; success! all done.
: sta (pTmp),y ; save modified type byte with the flags added to it
jsr shared_request ; reserve memory for this resource (main or aux as appropriate)
pla ; get back the length of the resource
tax ; in X for page count
lda (pPageTbl1),y ; get type / flag byte
ora @resType ; add the type
sta (pPageTbl1),y ; save it back
lda @resNum ; put the resource number in too
sta (pPageTbl2),y
iny ; next page
dex ; done enough pages yet?
bne @markLoop ; no, go do more pages
rts ; yes, success! all done.
iny ; skip the whole 3-byte record
bpl @scan
@ -787,19 +820,25 @@ disk_queueLoad:
ldx #<:+
ldy #>:+
jmp fatalError
jsr fatalError
: .byte "Resource not found", 0
.byte 0
.byte 0
.byte 0
lda partitionFileRef ; See if we actually queued anything (and opened the file)
bne :+ ; non-zero means we have work to do
rts ; nothing to do - return immediately
: sta @setMarkFileRef ; copy the file ref number to our MLI param blocks
: sta @setMarkFileRef ; copy the file ref number to our MLI param blocks
sta readFileRef
sta @closeFileRef
lda nHeaderPages ; set to start reading at first non-header page in file
sta @setMarkPos+1
lda headerBuf ; grab # header pages
sta @setMarkPos+1 ; set to start reading at first non-header page in file
lda #0
sta @setMarkPos+2
sta readAddr
@ -807,26 +846,25 @@ disk_finishLoad:
jsr startHeaderScan ; start scanning the partition header
lda (pTmp),y ; get resource type byte
bmi :+ ; hi bit set -> queued for load
iny ; not set, not queued, so skip over it
bne @next ; always taken
: sta isAuxCommand ; save flag ($40) to decide where to read
and #$F ; mask to get just the resource type
tax ; save type for later
beq @done ; if zero, this is end of table and we're done
cmp tmp ; is it the type we're looking for?
bne @bump2 ; no, skip this resource
lda (pTmp),y ; get resource num
cmp tmp+1 ; is it the number we're looking for
bne @bump1 ; no, skip this resource
sty @ysave ; found the resource. Save Y so we can resume later.
tay ; resource num in Y
stx isAuxCommand ; save flag ($40) to decide where to read
and #$F ; mask to get just the resource type
tax ; resource type in X
tay ; resource num in Y (and type is already in X)
jsr @debug
jsr main_queueLoad ; find the page number allocated to this resource
sta readTargetPage ; save for later
ldy @ysave ; get back to entry in partition header
lda (pTmp),y ; # of pages to read
sta nPagesToRead ; save for later
jsr @debug2
jsr mli ; move the file pointer to the current block
.word @setMarkParams
@ -839,18 +877,13 @@ disk_finishLoad:
jsr readToAux
ldy @ysave
jmp @next
lda (pTmp),y ; number of pages
adc @setMarkPos+1 ; advance mark position that far
adc @setMarkPos+1 ; advance mark position exactly that far
sta @setMarkPos+1
bcc :+
inc @setMarkPos+2 ; account for files > 64K
inc @setMarkPos+2 ; account for partitions > 64K
: iny ; increment to next entry
bpl @scan
jsr bump128
@ -879,6 +912,20 @@ disk_finishLoad:
.byte 0 ; file ref to close
.byte 0
stx $98
sty $99
DEBUG_STR "Going to load: type="
DEBUG_STR "num="
DEBUG_STR "nPagesToRead="
DEBUG_STR ", readTargetPage="
DEBUG_BYTE readTargetPage
.byte 0