size optimising bits and pieces

two possible bugs, search for";;pf:"
This commit is contained in:
Peter Ferrie 2017-07-31 15:18:39 -07:00
parent 9ce8d857e8
commit b466c539a9
2 changed files with 118 additions and 164 deletions

View File

@ -215,13 +215,13 @@ init: !zone
; 8: main $E000 -> 9, inactive
; 9: main $FFFA -> 0, active + locked
; First, the flags
lda #$C0 ; flags for active + locked (with no resource)
sta tSegType+0
sta tSegType+1
sta tSegType+3
sta tSegType+5
sta tSegType+7
sta tSegType+9
ldy #$C0 ; flags for active + locked (with no resource)
sty tSegType+0
sty tSegType+1
sty tSegType+3
sty tSegType+5
sty tSegType+7
sty tSegType+9
; Next the links
ldx #2
stx tSegLink+1
@ -242,9 +242,9 @@ init: !zone
; Then the addresses
lda #8 ; Temporarily avoid aux screen holes; normally this would be 2.
sta tSegAdrHi+2
lda #$BF
sta tSegAdrHi+3
sta tSegAdrHi+7
sty tSegAdrHi+3
sty tSegAdrHi+7
lda #<lastLoMem
sta tSegAdrLo+4
lda #>lastLoMem
@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ gc3_fix:
gc2_sweep: !zone
jsr startHeapScan ; init pSrc and pDst, set reqLen to length of first block
bcs .done ; stop if heap is empty
.outer clc ; clc = do not add to hash
.outer ;;clc ; clc = do not add to hash
jsr gcHash_chk ; is this block in hash?
bcc .advSrc ; if not in hash, skip this block
lda pDst
@ -1185,15 +1185,14 @@ scanForAddr: !zone
tax ; to X reg index
bne .loop ; non-zero = not end of chain - loop again
rts ; fail with X=0
.found: sec ; start out assuming addr != seg start
lda pTmp ; compare scan address lo...
.found: lda pTmp ; compare scan address lo...
eor tSegAdrLo,x ; ... to seg start lo
bne + ; if not equal, leave carry set
bne + ; if not equal, set carry
lda pTmp+1 ; hi byte
eor tSegAdrHi,x ; to hi byte
bne + ; again, if not equal, leave carry set
clc ; addr is equal, clear carry
+ txa
beq ++ ; if equal, leave carry clear
+ sec ; addr is not equal, set carry
++ txa
rts ; all done
@ -1443,13 +1442,12 @@ aux_printMem:
lda tSegType,y
and #$40
beq +
asl ; check bits 6 (#$40) and 7 (#$80)
bpl + ; was not #$40
lda #'*'
bne ++
+ lda #'+'
cpx #0
bmi ++
bcs ++ ; was #$80
lda #'-'
++ +safeCout
@ -1470,9 +1468,8 @@ aux_printMem:
.next: ldx #3 ; 2 spaces before next entry
lda tSegLink,y
beq +
jmp .printSegs
+ +crout
bne .printSegs
@ -1485,11 +1482,9 @@ reset: !zone
lda #RESET_MEMORY ; get command code back
jmp nextLdVec ; and allow chained loaders to reset also
.inactivate: lda tSegType,x ; get flag byte for this segment
and #$40 ; segment locked?
bne .next ; yes, skip it
tya ; no, get back flags
and #$7F ; mask off the 'active' bit
asl ; segment locked?
bmi .next ; yes, skip it
lsr ; mask off the 'active' bit
sta tSegType,x ; save it back
.next: lda tSegLink,x ; get link to next seg
tax ; to X reg, and test if end of chain (x=0)
@ -2685,6 +2680,7 @@ advanceAnims: !zone {
sta pTmp+1
ldy #1
lda (pTmp),y ; check anim header offset
;;pf: dey missing here?
ora (pTmp),y
beq .next ; if zero, resource is not animated
txa ; save link number we're scanning
@ -2730,8 +2726,7 @@ advSingleAnim:
cmp #4 ; is it random?
bne .chkfs
ldx resNum ; number of frames to skip
- cpx #0
beq .doptch ; if zero, done skipping
- beq .doptch ; if zero, done skipping
lda #1 ; direction = forward
jsr .fwbk ; advance one frame
dex ; loop for...
@ -2771,11 +2766,10 @@ advSingleAnim:
.fwbk ldy #3 ; index of current frame number
adc (tmp),y ; advance in direction
dey ; index of number of frames
cmp #0
bpl + ; can only be negative if dir=-1 and we wrapped around
lda .maxFrame ; go to (previously saved) last frame number
+ cmp (tmp),y ; are we at the limit of number of frames?
+ dey ; index of number of frames
cmp (tmp),y ; are we at the limit of number of frames?
bne +
lda #0 ; back to start
+ iny ; index of current frame number
@ -2834,14 +2828,12 @@ applyPatch:
; loop to skip patches until we find the right one
- dec reqLen ; it starts at 1, which means first patch.
beq +
ldy #0
lda (pSrc),y ; low byte of patch len
pha ; save it
ldy #1
lda (pSrc),y ; hi byte of patch len
inx ; -> pSrc+1
jsr .ptradd ; skip by # pages in patch
lda (pSrc),y ; low byte of patch len
jsr .srcadd ; skip pSrc past last partial page in patch
jmp -
+ !if DEBUG = 2 { jsr .dbgC2 }

View File

@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ InvTx_Flg !byte 0 ;flag: Inverse (black on white) text
MskTx_Flg !byte 0 ;flag: mask HGR before plotting text
UndTx_Flg !byte 0 ;flag: Underline text
CtrJs_Flg !byte 0 ;flag: center justify
BkgColor !byte 0 ;color byte {0,80=blk,FF=wht,etc}
FrgColor !byte $7F ;color byte
BkgColor !byte 0 ;color byte {0,80=blk,FF=wht,etc}, must follow FrgColor
CursColL !byte 0 ;Lo-byte of 16-bit horz X-pos value
CursColH !byte 0 ;Hi-byte X-position {0..279}
CursRow !byte 0 ;vertical Y-position {0..191}
@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ GetAdr LDA CursRow ;Get vert cursor position & save it
LDX #$00 ;into array of stored addrs, 1 per line
STX zTmp3 ;Lp1 {0..9} vertical size of the bitmap
JSR GetOfst ;Get bit offset by dividing {0..279} by 7
GA_Lp1 JSR GetBase ;Get initial addrs location frm lookup tbl
GA_Lp2 LDY zTmp3 ;Get index into stored addresses
LDA GBasL ;get lo-byte of HGR address
ADC HgrHrz ;add the horizontal position offset byte
STA GA_Ary,Y ;store the composite address in the array
@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ GetWdth LDA #0
INC ChrX10H ;save index value {0..990}
LDA Font0 ;get base address of Font bitmap table
ADC ChrX10L ;and add the PlotChar x10 offset to it
@ -305,37 +305,34 @@ PltGo TAX
BNE Tst7th
LDA #3
Tst7th CPX #7
Tst7th INY
CPX #7
BNE MrgnOk
LDA #1
MrgnOk INY
LpPlot STY ChrX10i
LDA #0 ;right shifted pixels 'fall-off' to the
STA Flg2nd ;and clear the flag
STA Byt2nd
LDA (L_Adr),Y ;get 1-byte (of 9) containing the bitmap img
LDX InvTx_Flg
BEQ InvSkp1
LDX ChrWdth
CPX #7
EOR #$01
STA Byt2nd ;adjacent, 2nd-byte; so start w/blnk byte
NoRtBar LDA (L_Adr),Y ;get 1-byte (of 9) containg the bitmap img
LDX UndTx_Flg ;underline flag
INC Byt2nd ;adjacent, 2nd-byte; so start w/blnk byte
NoRtBar LDX UndTx_Flg ;underline flag
CPY #8
LDA MskByte
NoIUlin EOR #$FF
AND MskByte ;these 8 lines of code added 9/29/2014 to
STA zTmp3 ;mask off non-plotted XORed bits
JMP InvSkp2
JMP NoTUlin ;mask off non-plotted XORed bits
InvSkp1 STA Byt2nd
LDA (L_Adr),Y ;get 1-byte (of 9) containing bitmap
LDX UndTx_Flg ;underline flag
CPY #8
@ -348,11 +345,9 @@ InvSkp2 LDX ChrWdth ;get character width
STX Flg2nd ;if >= 7 then set 2nd-byte-flag
Flg2Skp CPX #8 ;accommodate 8-bit wide M m W w chars.
BNE No8th
TAX ;if 8 pixel char
ASL ;then shift high bit out
ASL ;if 8 pixel char then shift high bit out
ROL Byt2nd ;and roll bit into 2nd byte
AND #$7F ;and strip off the high bit
LSR ;and strip off the high bit
STA zTmp3 ;and save bitmap
LDX UndTx_Flg
BEQ No8Ulin
@ -434,13 +429,13 @@ Chk8xcp CMP InvTx_Flg ;save carry for later
BEQ SkpLine
LDA (zTmp1),Y
BCC Chk8xcI ;CMP was non-zero
LSR ;throw away bit 0
ROL ;merge in carry, then clear carry
EOR #1 ;and reverse it
STA (zTmp1),Y
BCS SkpLine
Chk8xcI ORA #1
STA (zTmp1),Y
BNE SkpLine
BCC SkpLine ;always taken
NoMask ;;LDY #0 ;clear the byte offset index
DoAgnNM LDA FlgBchr
@ -524,8 +519,7 @@ Adv210 STA CursColL ;position to 154
JMP ScrlTxt ;else scroll the text up 1 line
DoneLin STA CursRow ;save vertical position
DoneCurs LDA CharRate ;get character rate / delay time
BEQ Wait_skp ;skip if no wait
JMP WtL_Wait ;delay before plotting next char
BNE WtL_Wait ;delay before plotting next char
Wait_skp RTS
;Wait that can be interrupted by a key or button press.
@ -540,10 +534,10 @@ WtL_Lp2 LDX Kbd_Rd ;check for key press (but do NOT
SBC #1 ;and then count down again & again
BNE WtL_Lp1 ;starting from 1 less than before
WtL_Prs LDA #0 ; if wait interrupted then do
STA CharRate ;plotting as fast as possible
STA ChBflip
WtL_Prs LDX #0 ; if wait interrupted then do
STX CharRate ;plotting as fast as possible
STX ChBflip
;Routine: Get the cursor position (relative to the current window)
@ -932,10 +926,9 @@ WrdScrl !byte 0 ;half of word width
LtrScrl !byte 0 ;half of char width
TtlScrl !byte 0 ;cumulative sum of scrolls
LpNScrl !byte 0 ;number of scroll loops
CtrJstfy CLC
CtrJstfy SEC
LDA WrdWdth
ADC ChrWdth
ADC #1
STA WrdWdth ;WrdWdth = WrdWdth + ChrWdth
LDA ChrWdth
@ -1006,7 +999,7 @@ Sc1_LpS LDA GBasL
Sc1_Lp0 LDY #0
LDX MrgnVl
- LDA (GBasL),Y ;skip the empty first part of line
AND #$7F
@ -1018,11 +1011,10 @@ Sc1_Lp0 LDY #0
Sc1_Ld1 LDA $1101,Y ;self-modified above
LSR ;save low pixel of next byte
Sc1_Ld2 LDA $1100,Y ;work on current byte (self-modified above)
BCS + ;if next pix is set, just shift our hi bit (always set)
AND #$7F ;else clr hi bit so it shifts down to hi pix
SEC ;set new hi bit
+ ROR ;shift in new pixel and hi bit
Sc1_Ld2 AND $1100,Y ;work on current byte (self-modified above)
ROR ;shift in new pixel and hi bit
Sc1_St1 STA $1100,Y ;save our work (self-modified above)
@ -1039,7 +1031,7 @@ Sc1_Nxt INC Sc1LpC
;; CLC ;(line position is ABCDEFGH bit pattern)
ADC #$04 ;increment the FGH bit pattern
STA GBasH ;and save the result. This is faster
JMP Sc1_LpS ;than using the GetBase routine every time.
BCC Sc1_LpS ;than using the GetBase routine every time.
Sc1_Dn PLA ;restore vertical position
STA CursRow
@ -1083,11 +1075,10 @@ Get_Wdt LDX #1
Get_tYN LDX GetYN_Flg ;test for Y/N
BEQ Get_Dn ;if no test, then done
LDA AscChar
AND #$5F ;force upper case
ORA #$80 ;force hi-bit
CMP #'Y'
ORA #$A0 ;force hi-bit and lower-case
CMP #'y'
BEQ Get_Dn
CMP #'N'
CMP #'n'
BEQ Get_Dn
JSR SndErr ;if not Y/N, sound ERR
JMP Get_Lp1 ;and keep looping
@ -1143,11 +1134,10 @@ In_cTst CMP #$85
STA WaitStat
BNE In_Key
In_cTs3 CMP #$FF
BNE In_cTs4
In_cTs4 CMP #$88
BNE In_cTs5
JMP In_DEL ;Left Arrow key?
Jmp_DEL JMP In_DEL ;Left Arrow key?
In_cTs5 CMP #$8D
BNE In_cTs6 ;Return key?
In_Exit LDA #0
@ -1175,14 +1165,15 @@ In_Plt LDX #1
LDA CursColL ;does new char width go past
ADC ChrWdth ;right margin?
STA CursColL
LDA CursColH
ADC #0
STA CursColH
CMP CursXrh ;if so, ignore it, sound ERR,
BMI In_Bchk ;wait for different key press
LDA CursColL ;allow 2 more pixels for cursor
ADC #1
CMP CursXrl
INX ;allow 2 more pixels for cursor
CPX CursXrl
BPL In_Err
In_Bchk LDX InBfrMx
CPX InBfrX ;check for buffer overflow
@ -1285,22 +1276,19 @@ DoPlAsc STA AscChar ;store the ASCII character
TestChr LDX #0
STX ChrWdth
AND #$7F ;strip off HiBit
TAX ;save it
AND #$E0 ;check for Ctrl-character
BEQ TestCtl ;if so, test it
CLC ;else
SBC #31 ;adjust to {0..95}
CMP #$20 ;check for Ctrl-character
BCC TestCtl ;if so, test it
SBC #32 ;adjust to {0..95}
STA PltChar ;store character to be plotted
LDA WaitStat ;get wait status
LDY WaitStat ;get wait status
BNE WaitPrm ;if waiting, then get parameter
JMP PlotFnt ;else done
WaitPrm JMP GetParm
;This section tests for control characters.
;Control-codes that require a paramter to follow will set a wait state
TestCtl TXA ;restore character
CMP #$0D ;Ctrl-M?
TestCtl CMP #$0D ;Ctrl-M?
BNE TCl_01 ;no - keep testing
JMP DoCrLf ;yes - do CR / LF
TCl_01 CMP #$11 ;Ctrl-Q?
@ -1418,40 +1406,38 @@ TCl_15a LDA Tikr_Flg
+ DEC CursColL
LDA CursXl
SBC CursColL
LDA CursXh
SBC CursColH
BCC TCl_15t
LDA CursXl
STA CursColL
LDA CursXh
STA CursColH
STX CursColL
STY CursColH
TCl_15t RTS
TCl_16 CMP #$0A ;Ctrl-J down arrow
BNE TCl_17 ;no - keep testing
LDA NoPlt_Flg
BEQ TCl_16a
TCl_16a CLC
LDA CursRow ;move cursor down 1 pixel
ADC #1
CMP CursYb ;check for bottom of window
TCl_16a LDX CursRow ;move cursor down 1 pixel
CPX CursYb ;check for bottom of window
BCC TCl_16t
LDA CursYb
TCl_16t STA CursRow
LDX CursYb
TCl_16t STX CursRow
TCl_17 CMP #$0B ;Ctrl-K up arrow
BNE TCl_19 ;no - keep testing
LDA NoPlt_Flg
BEQ TCl_17a
TCl_17a LDA CursRow
SEC ;move cursor up 1 pixel
SBC #1
CMP TpMrgn ;check for top of window
TCl_17a LDX CursRow
DEX ;move cursor up 1 pixel
CPX TpMrgn ;check for top of window
BCS TCl_17t
LDA TpMrgn
TCl_17t STA CursRow
LDX TpMrgn
TCl_17t STX CursRow
TCl_19 CMP #$19 ;Ctrl-Y center justifY
BNE TCl_20
@ -1497,30 +1483,22 @@ Flg_Prm2 !byte $00 ;Parameter digit 1st/2nd
Wp_Dig1 !byte $00 ;1st digit of parameter
Wp_Dig2 !byte $00 ;2nd digit of parameter
Wp_Dig3 !byte $00 ;3rd digit of parameter
GetParm LDA WaitStat ;Get the Wait State
CMP #1 ;1=Foreground color
BNE WPr_01 ;no - keep looking
LDA #0 ;yes -
STA Flg_FBc ;clear Fore/Bkgnd clr flag
JMP Wp_StClr ;set color
WPr_01 CMP #2 ;2=Background color
BNE Wpr_02
LDA #1 ;yes -
STA Flg_FBc ;set Fore/Bkgnd clr flag
JMP Wp_StClr
Wpr_02 CMP #3 ;3=Special Character
BNE Wpr_03
JMP Wp_eChar
Wpr_03 CMP #4 ;4=Change Font
BNE Wpr_04
Wpr_04 CMP #5 ;5=HTAB
BNE Wpr_05
JMP Wp_Tab
Wpr_05 CMP #6 ;6=VTAB
BNE Wpr_06
JMP Wp_Tab
Wpr_06 CMP #7 ;7=Change Char/Ticker Rate
GetParm TXA ;restore alpha char
CPY #2 ;1=Foreground color / 2=Background color
BCS Wpr_02 ;no - keep looking
STY Flg_FBc ;clear Fore/Bkgnd clr flag
BCC Wp_StClr ;set color
;and carry is set from here down
Wpr_02 DEY ;3=Special Character
BEQ Wp_eChar
Wpr_03 DEY ;4=Change Font
Wpr_04 DEY ;5=HTAB
BEQ Wp_Tab
Wpr_05 DEY ;6=VTAB
BEQ Wp_Tab
Wpr_06 DEY ;7=Change Char/Ticker Rate
BNE Wpr_Clr
JMP Wp_cRate
@ -1531,9 +1509,7 @@ Wpr_Clr LDX #0 ;clear the wait parameter flags
RTS ;restore alpha char
;Chage Color
Wp_StClr TXA ;restore the alpha char
SBC #$30 ;change Chr"#" to Val#
Wp_StClr SBC #$2F ;change Chr"#" to Val#
AND #$1F ;mask off most letters/chars
CMP #$10 ;check of 'dirty' Val#
AND #$0F ;strip off low nibble
@ -1544,11 +1520,8 @@ Wp_Ashft ;;CLC ;which is 'A..F'
LDA HclrTbl,X
LDX Flg_FBc ;get Fore/Bkgnd clr flag
BEQ Wp_SvFC ;0 = foreground
STA BkgColor ;1 = background
JMP Wpr_Clr
Wp_SvFC STA FrgColor
JMP Wpr_Clr
STA FrgColor,X ;0 = foreground, 1 = background
BCC Wpr_Clr
HclrTbl !byte $00 ;0-black (hi bit clear)
!byte $2A ;1-green
!byte $55 ;2-magenta
@ -1559,9 +1532,7 @@ HclrTbl !byte $00 ;0-black (hi bit clear)
!byte $FF ;7-white
;Write Extended Character
Wp_eChar TXA ;restore alpha char
SBC #64 ;adjust and
Wp_eChar SBC #64 ;adjust and
AND #$1F ;clamp the value
CMP #$12 ;and check it
BMI Wp_eChr1
@ -1573,9 +1544,7 @@ Wp_eChr1 CLC
JMP PlotFnt ;plot the character
;Change Font
Wp_CFnt TXA ;restore alpha char
SBC #$30 ;change Chr"#" to Val#
Wp_CFnt SBC #$30 ;change Chr"#" to Val#
AND #$03 ;mask off digit
;;pf: this CMP is broken
CMP #4
@ -1596,9 +1565,7 @@ Wp_CfDn RTS ;JMP Wpr_Clr
;The ### digits are treated as base-10.
Flg_PsC !byte 0 ;flag: plot separator char
Wp_Tab TXA ;restore alpha char
SBC #$30 ;attempt to change Chr"#" to Val#
Wp_Tab SBC #$30 ;attempt to change Chr"#" to Val#
BCC Wp_CkPrm2 ;alpha char < '0', so ## delimited
CMP #$0A ;is alpha char > '9'?
BPL Wp_CkPrm2 ;if so then ## delimited
@ -1615,8 +1582,7 @@ Wp_Tdg2 DEX
Wp_Tdg3 STA Wp_Dig3 ;save 3rd digit
INC Flg_Prm2 ;inc index of parm digit #
Wp_CkPrm2 LDX Flg_Prm2 ;check index value
BNE Wp_CmbNz ;non-zero number of digits
JMP Wp_LdHtVt ;when no digits, load margin
BEQ Wp_LdHtVt ;when no digits, load margin
;combine the parm digits - from none, up to 3 digits
Wp_CmbNz DEX
BNE Wp_CmbN2 ;is parm single digit?
@ -1693,11 +1659,11 @@ Wp_VtVal LDA T1_vLo ;vTAB: get param & add it to
STA CursRow ;top margin to the tab value
SEC ;Check to make sure the tab
LDA CursYb ;didn't put the plot cursor
SBC #1 ;beyond the bottommargin.
SBC CursRow
LDA CursYb ;If too far, fix vTab
STA CursRow
STX CursRow ;If too far, fix vTab
Wp_TbOk LDA Flg_PsC ;if param was 3-digits
BEQ Wp_Tdn ;then done
@ -1709,17 +1675,13 @@ Wp_Tdn JMP Wpr_Clr ;Clear wait state flags & end
;Chage char/ticker rate
;these digits are treated as base-16
Wp_cRate TXA ;restore alpha char
SBC #$30 ;change Chr"#" to Val#
Wp_cRate SBC #$30 ;change Chr"#" to Val#
AND #$1F ;mask off digit
CMP #10 ;digit >9
BMI Wp_RvOk ;no - ok
SBC #7 ;make A..F be 11..15
LDA Flg_Prm2 ;is 2nd of 2 digits?
Wp_RvOk LDX Flg_Prm2 ;is 2nd of 2 digits?
BNE Wp_rCmb ;yes - combine
TXA ;no - clamp to {0..F}
AND #$0F
STA Wp_Dig1 ;and save it
INC Flg_Prm2 ;set 2nd digit flag