Moving memory manager up into Language Card RAM.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2015-06-06 09:25:04 -07:00
parent cd68312dc6
commit bd1274448d

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
; See detailed description in mem.i
* = $800
* = $2000 ; PLASMA loader loads us initially at $2000
; Use hi-bit ASCII for Apple II
!convtab "../include/hiBitAscii.ct"
@ -13,13 +13,14 @@
!source "../include/global.i"
!source "../include/mem.i"
!source "../include/plasma.i"
!source "../include/debug.i"
; Constants
DO_COMP_CHECKSUMS = 0 ; during compression debugging
SANITY_CHECK = 0 ; also prints out request data
; Zero page temporary variables
@ -46,12 +47,94 @@ headerBuf = $4C00 ; len $1400
prodosMemMap = $BF58
; Initial vectors - these have to start at $800
bcc locationCheck
jmp main_dispatch
jmp aux_dispatch
; Relocate all the pieces to their correct locations
; first our lo memory piece goes to $800 (two pages should be plenty)
ldy #0
- lda loMemBegin,y
sta $800,y
lda loMemBegin+$100,y
sta $900,y
bne -
; copy the ProDOS code from main memory to aux
bit setLcRW+lcBank1 ; only copy bank 1, because bank 2 is PLASMA runtime
bit setLcRW+lcBank1 ; write to it
ldy #0
ldx #$D0
.pglup stx .ld+2
stx .st+2
.bylup sta clrAuxZP ; get byte from main LC
.ld lda $D000,y
sta setAuxZP ; temporarily turn on aux LC
.st sta $D000,y
bne .bylup
inx ; all pages until we hit $00
bne .pglup
sta clrAuxZP ; ...back to main LC
; patch into the main ProDOS MLI entry point
lda #$4C ; jmp
sta $BFBB
lda #<enterProDOS1
sta $BFBC
lda #>enterProDOS1
sta $BFBD
; patch into the interrupt handler
lda #$4C ; jmp
sta $BFEB
lda #<enterProDOS2
sta $BFEC
lda #>enterProDOS2
sta $BFED
; patch into the shared MLI/IRQ exit routine
lda #$4C ; jmp
sta $BFA0
lda #<exitProDOS
sta $BFA1
lda #>exitProDOS
sta $BFA2
; now blow away the main RAM LC area as a check
ldx #$D0
lda #0
.clrlup stx .st2+2
.st2 sta $D000,Y
bne .st2
cpx #$F8
bne .clrlup
; it's very convenient to have the monitor in the LC for debugging
bit setLcWr+lcBank1 ; read from ROM, write to LC RAM
.cpmon stx .ld3+2
stx .st3+2
.ld3 lda $F800,Y
.st3 sta $F800,Y
bne .ld3
bne .cpmon
; Place the bulk of the memory manager code into the newly cleared LC
ldx #>hiMemBegin
.cpmm stx .ld4+2
.ld4 lda hiMemBegin,y
.st4 sta $D000,y
bne .ld4
inc .st4+2
cpx #>(hiMemEnd+$100)
bne .cpmm
; Ready to actually init the memory manager in its final location.
; fall through to j_init...
; Vectors and debug support code - these go in low memory at $800
loMemBegin: !pseudopc $800 {
jmp j_init
jmp j_main_dispatch
jmp j_aux_dispatch
jmp __asmPlasm
; Vectors for debug macros
@ -65,46 +148,131 @@ codeBegin:
jmp __crout
jmp __waitKey
; Relocation code
jsr monrts
lda $100,x
cmp #>locationCheck
bne +
jmp init
+ sta pSrc+1
lda #>*
sta pDst+1
ldy #0
sty pSrc
sty pDst
ldx #>(tableEnd-codeBegin+$100)
- lda (pSrc),y
sta (pDst),y
bne -
inc pSrc+1
inc pDst+1
bne -
jmp codeBegin
bit setLcRW+lcBank1 ; switch in mem mgr
bit setLcRW+lcBank1
jsr init
bit setLcRW+lcBank2 ; back to PLASMA
bit setLcRW+lcBank1 ; switch in mem mgr
bit setLcRW+lcBank1
jsr main_dispatch
bit setLcRW+lcBank2 ; back to PLASMA
bit setLcRW+lcBank1 ; switch in mem mgr
bit setLcRW+lcBank1
jsr aux_dispatch
bit setLcRW+lcBank2 ; back to PLASMA
; Variables
targetAddr: !word 0
unusedSeg: !byte 0
scanStart: !byte 0, 1 ; main, aux
segNum: !byte 0
nextLdVec: jmp diskLoader
curPartition: !byte 0
partFileRef: !byte 0
fixupHint: !word 0
; Normal entry point for ProDOS MLI calls. This patches the code at $BFBB.
enterProDOS1: !zone
pla ; saved A reg
sta .ld2+1
pla ; lo byte of ret addr
sta .ld1+1
pla ; hi byte of ret addr
sta setAuxZP ; switch to aux stack/ZP/LC
pha ; hi byte of ret addr
.ld1 lda #11 ; self-modified earlier
pha ; lo byte of ret addr
.ld2 lda #11 ; saved A reg
lda $E000 ; this is what the original code at $BFBB did
jmp $BFBE ; jump back in where ProDOS enter left off
!source "../include/debug.i"
; Entry point for ProDOS interrupt handler. This patches the code at $BFEB.
enterProDOS2: !zone
pla ; saved P reg
sta .ld2+1
pla ; ret addr lo
sta .ld1+1
pla ; ret addr hi
sta setAuxZP ; switch to aux stack/ZP/LC
.ld1 lda #11 ; self-modified earlier
.ld2 lda #11 ; ditto
bit $C08B ; this is what the original code at $BFEB did
jmp $BFEE ; back to where ProDOS left off
; Shared exit point for ProDOS MLI and IRQ handlers. This patches the code
; at $BFA0.
exitProDOS: !zone
pla ; saved A reg
sta .ld3+1
pla ; P-reg for RTI
sta .ld2+1
pla ; hi byte of ret addr
sta .ld1+1
pla ; lo byte of ret addr
sta clrAuxZP ; back to main stack/ZP/LC
pha ; lo byte of ret addr
.ld1 lda #11 ; self-modified earlier
pha ; hi byte of ret addr
.ld2 lda #11 ; ditto
pha ; P-reg for RTI
.ld3 lda #11 ; self-modified earlier (the saved A reg)
; Note! We leave LC bank 1 enabled, since that's where the memory
; manager lives, and it's the only code that calls ProDOS.
rti ; RTI pops P-reg and *exact* return addr (not adding 1)
; Utility routine for convenient assembly routines in PLASMA code.
; Params: Y=number of parameters passed from PLASMA routine
; 1. Save PLASMA's X register index to evalStk
; 2. Verify X register is in the range 0-$10
; 3. Load the *last* parameter into A=lo, Y=hi
; 4. Run the calling routine (X still points into evalStk for add'l params if needed)
; 5. Restore PLASMA's X register, and advance it over the parameter(s)
; 6. Store A=lo/Y=hi into PLASMA return value
; 7. Return to PLASMA
__asmPlasm: !zone
pla ; save address of calling routine, so we can call it
adc #1
sta .jsr+1
adc #0
sta .jsr+2
; adjust PLASMA stack pointer to skip over params
sty tmp
cpx #$11
bcs .badx ; X must be in range 0..$10
.add adc tmp ; carry cleared by cpx above
pha ; and save that
cmp #$11 ; again, X must be in range 0..$10
bcs .badx
lda evalStkL,x ; get last param to A=lo
ldy evalStkH,x ; ...Y=hi
.jsr jsr $1111 ; call the routine to do work
sta tmp ; stash return value lo
tax ; restore adjusted PLASMA stack pointer
lda tmp
sta evalStkL,x ; store return value
sta evalStkH,x
rts ; and return to PLASMA interpreter
.badx ; X reg ran outside valid range. Print and abort.
+prStr : !text $8D,"X=",0
ldx #<+
ldy #>+
jmp fatalError
+ !text $8D, "PLASMA x-reg out of range", 0
; Debug code to support macros
; Fetch a byte pointed to by the first entry on the stack, and advance that entry.
@ -216,6 +384,66 @@ __waitKey: !zone {
jmp iorest
!macro callMLI cmd, parms {
lda #cmd
ldx #<parms
ldy #>parms
jsr _callMLI
; Call MLI from main memory rather than LC, since it lives in aux LC.
_callMLI: sta .cmd
stx .params
sty .params+1
jsr mli
.cmd !byte 0
.params !word 0
; Out ProDOS param blocks can't be in LC ram
openParams: !byte 3 ; param count
!word filename ; pointer to file name
!word fileBuf ; pointer to buffer
openFileRef: !byte 0 ; returned file number
filename: !byte 15 ; length
!raw "/LL/GAME.PART." ; TODO: Figure out how to avoid specifying full path. "raw" for ProDOS
; If I leave it out, ProDOS complains with error $40.
partNumChar: !raw "x" ; "x" replaced by partition number
readParams: !byte 4 ; param count
readFileRef: !byte 0 ; file ref to read
readAddr: !word 0
readLen: !word 0
readGot: !word 0
setMarkParams: !byte 2 ; param count
setMarkFileRef: !byte 0 ; file reference to set mark in
setMarkPos: !byte 0 ; mark position (3 byte integer)
!byte 0
!byte 0
closeParams: !byte 1 ; param count
closeFileRef: !byte 0 ; file ref to close
paramsEnd = *
} ; end of !pseodupc $800
loMemEnd = *
; The remainder of the code gets relocated up into the Language Card, bank 1.
hiMemBegin: !pseudopc $D000 {
; Variables
targetAddr: !word 0
unusedSeg: !byte 0
scanStart: !byte 0, 1 ; main, aux
segNum: !byte 0
nextLdVec: jmp diskLoader
curPartition: !byte 0
partFileRef: !byte 0
fixupHint: !word 0
grabSegment: !zone
; Input: None
@ -541,8 +769,6 @@ init: !zone
; put something interesting on the screen :)
jsr home
+prStr : !text "Welcome to Mythos.",0
; relocate ProDOS to the aux LC bank
jsr moveProDOS
; close all files
lda #0
jsr closeFile
@ -623,9 +849,9 @@ init: !zone
sty tSegAdrHi+3
sty tSegAdrHi+7
lda #<tableEnd
lda #<paramsEnd
sta tSegAdrLo+4
lda #>tableEnd
lda #>paramsEnd
sta tSegAdrHi+4
lda #$40
sta tSegAdrHi+5
@ -650,6 +876,10 @@ init: !zone
lda #$20
sta framePtr+1 ; because sanity check verifies it's not $BE or $BF
jsr printMem
ldx #0
ldy #2 ; 2 pages
@ -691,132 +921,6 @@ init: !zone
ldx #$10 ; initial eval stack index
.gomod: jmp $1111 ; jump to module for further bootstrapping
moveProDOS: !zone
; only do this once
lda $BFBB
cmp #$4C
bne +
; copy the ProDOS code from main memory to aux
ldy #0
ldx #$D0
bit setLcRW+lcBank1 ; turn on language card
bit setLcRW+lcBank1 ; for writing
.pglup stx .ld+2
stx .st+2
.bylup sta clrAuxZP
.ld lda $D000,Y
sta setAuxZP
.st sta $D000,Y
bne .bylup
bne .pglup
sta clrAuxZP
; patch into the main ProDOS MLI entry point
lda #$4C ; jmp
sta $BFBB
lda #<enterProDOS1
sta $BFBC
lda #>enterProDOS1
sta $BFBD
; patch into the interrupt handler
lda #$4C ; jmp
sta $BFEB
lda #<enterProDOS2
sta $BFEC
lda #>enterProDOS2
sta $BFED
; patch into the shared MLI/IRQ exit routine
lda #$4C ; jmp
sta $BFA0
lda #<exitProDOS
sta $BFA1
lda #>exitProDOS
sta $BFA2
; now blow away the main LC area as a check
bit setLcWr+lcBank1 ; only clear bank 1, because bank 2 is PLASMA runtime
bit setLcWr+lcBank1 ; write to it
ldx #$D0
lda #0
.clrlup stx .st2+2
.st2 sta $D000,Y
bne .st2
cpx #$F8
bne .clrlup
; it's very convenient to have the monitor in the LC
.cpmon stx .ld3+2
stx .st3+2
.ld3 lda $F800,Y
.st3 sta $F800,Y
bne .ld3
bne .cpmon
; all done
.done rts
; Normal entry point for ProDOS MLI calls. This patches the code at $BFBB.
enterProDOS1: !zone
pla ; saved A reg
sta .ld2+1
pla ; lo byte of ret addr
sta .ld1+1
pla ; hi byte of ret addr
sta setAuxZP ; switch to aux stack/ZP/LC
pha ; hi byte of ret addr
.ld1 lda #11 ; self-modified earlier
pha ; lo byte of ret addr
.ld2 lda #11 ; saved A reg
lda $E000 ; this is what the original code at $BFBB did
jmp $BFBE ; jump back in where ProDOS enter left off
; Entry point for ProDOS interrupt handler. This patches the code at $BFEB.
enterProDOS2: !zone
pla ; saved P reg
sta .ld2+1
pla ; ret addr lo
sta .ld1+1
pla ; ret addr hi
sta setAuxZP ; switch to aux stack/ZP/LC
.ld1 lda #11 ; self-modified earlier
.ld2 lda #11 ; ditto
bit $C08B ; this is what the original code at $BFEB did
jmp $BFEE ; back to where ProDOS left off
; Shared exit point for ProDOS MLI and IRQ handlers. This patches the code
; at $BFA0.
exitProDOS: !zone
pla ; saved A reg
sta .ld3+1
pla ; P-reg for RTI
sta .ld2+1
pla ; hi byte of ret addr
sta .ld1+1
pla ; lo byte of ret addr
sta clrAuxZP ; back to main stack/ZP/LC
bit setLcRW+lcBank2 ; switch in PLASMA
bit setLcRW+lcBank2 ; for write as well as read
pha ; lo byte of ret addr
.ld1 lda #11 ; self-modified earlier
pha ; hi byte of ret addr
.ld2 lda #11 ; ditto
pha ; P-reg for RTI
.ld3 lda #11 ; self-modified earlier (the saved A reg)
rti ; RTI pops P-reg and *exact* return addr (not adding 1)
!if DEBUG {
printMem: !zone
@ -1332,14 +1436,12 @@ openPartition: !zone
lda curPartition
adc #'0' ; assume partition numbers range from 0..9 for now
sta .partNumChar
sta partNumChar
; open the file
jsr mli
!byte MLI_OPEN
!word .openParams
+callMLI MLI_OPEN, openParams
bcs prodosError
; grab the file number, since we're going to keep it open
lda .openFileRef
lda openFileRef
sta partFileRef
sta readFileRef
; Read the first two bytes, which tells us how long the header is.
@ -1361,21 +1463,6 @@ openPartition: !zone
sta readAddr
jmp readToMain ; finish by reading the rest of the header
.openParams: !byte 3 ; number of params
!word .filename ; pointer to file name
!word fileBuf ; pointer to buffer
.openFileRef: !byte 0 ; returned file number
.filename: !byte 15 ; length
!raw "/LL/GAME.PART." ; TODO: Figure out how to avoid specifying full path. "raw" for ProDOS
; If I leave it out, ProDOS complains with error $40.
.partNumChar: !raw "x" ; "x" replaced by partition number
readParams: !byte 4 ; number of params
readFileRef: !byte 0
readAddr: !word 0
readLen: !word 0
readGot: !word 0
prodosError: !zone
@ -1500,14 +1587,14 @@ disk_finishLoad: !zone
lda partFileRef ; see if we actually queued anything (and opened the file)
bne + ; non-zero means we have work to do
rts ; nothing to do - return immediately
+ sta .setMarkFileRef ; copy the file ref number to our MLI param blocks
+ sta setMarkFileRef ; copy the file ref number to our MLI param blocks
sta readFileRef
lda headerBuf ; grab # header bytes
sta .setMarkPos ; set to start reading at first non-header byte in file
sta setMarkPos ; set to start reading at first non-header byte in file
lda headerBuf+1 ; hi byte too
sta .setMarkPos+1
sta setMarkPos+1
lda #0
sta .setMarkPos+2
sta setMarkPos+2
sta .nFixups
jsr setupDecomp ; one-time init for decompression code
jsr startHeaderScan ; start scanning the partition header
@ -1573,9 +1660,7 @@ disk_finishLoad: !zone
lda tSegAdrHi,x ; hi byte too
sta pDst+1
!if DEBUG { jsr .debug2 }
jsr mli ; move the file pointer to the current block
!word .setMarkParams
+callMLI MLI_SET_MARK, setMarkParams ; move the file pointer to the current block
bcs .prodosErr
!if DEBUG >= 2 { +prStr : !text "Deco.",0 }
jsr lz4Decompress ; decompress (or copy if uncompressed)
@ -1583,18 +1668,18 @@ disk_finishLoad: !zone
.resume ldy .ysave
.next lda (pTmp),y ; lo byte of length
adc .setMarkPos ; advance mark position exactly that far
sta .setMarkPos
adc setMarkPos ; advance mark position exactly that far
sta setMarkPos
lda (pTmp),y ; hi byte of length
bpl + ; if hi bit is clear, resource is uncompressed
iny ; skip compressed size
and #$7F ; mask off the flag
+ adc .setMarkPos+1 ; bump the high byte of the file mark pos
sta .setMarkPos+1
+ adc setMarkPos+1 ; bump the high byte of the file mark pos
sta setMarkPos+1
bcc +
inc .setMarkPos+2 ; account for partitions > 64K
inc setMarkPos+2 ; account for partitions > 64K
+ iny ; increment to next entry
bpl + ; if Y index is is small, no need to adjust
jsr adjYpTmp ; adjust pTmp and Y to make it small again
@ -1604,11 +1689,6 @@ disk_finishLoad: !zone
jmp invalAddr
.setMarkParams: !byte 2 ; param count
.setMarkFileRef:!byte 0 ; file reference
.setMarkPos: !byte 0 ; mark position (3 byte integer)
!byte 0
!byte 0
.ysave: !byte 0
.nFixups: !byte 0
@ -1652,24 +1732,16 @@ adjYpTmp: !zone
closeFile: !zone
sta .closeFileRef
jsr mli ; now that we're done loading, we can close the partition file
!word .closeParams
sta closeFileRef
+callMLI MLI_CLOSE, closeParams
bcs .prodosErr
jmp prodosError
!byte 1 ; param count
!byte 0 ; file ref to close
readToMain: !zone
jsr mli
!byte MLI_READ
!word readParams
+callMLI MLI_READ, readParams
bcs .err
.err: jmp prodosError
@ -2187,58 +2259,6 @@ doAllFixups: !zone
.mainBase !word 0
.auxBase !word 0
; Utility routine for convenient assembly routines in PLASMA code.
; Params: Y=number of parameters passed from PLASMA routine
; 1. Save PLASMA's X register index to evalStk
; 2. Verify X register is in the range 0-$10
; 3. Switch to ROM
; 4. Load the *last* parameter into A=lo, Y=hi
; 5. Run the calling routine (X still points into evalStk for add'l params if needed)
; 6. Switch back to LC RAM
; 7. Restore PLASMA's X register, and advance it over the parameter(s)
; 8. Store A=lo/Y=hi into PLASMA return value
; 9. Return to PLASMA
__asmPlasm: !zone
pla ; save address of calling routine, so we can call it
adc #1
sta .jsr+1
adc #0
sta .jsr+2
; adjust PLASMA stack pointer to skip over params
sty tmp
cpx #$11
bcs .badx ; X must be in range 0..$10
.add adc tmp ; carry cleared by cpx above
pha ; and save that
cmp #$11 ; again, X must be in range 0..$10
bcs .badx
lda evalStkL,x ; get last param to A=lo
ldy evalStkH,x ; ...Y=hi
.jsr jsr $1111 ; call the routine to do work
sta tmp ; stash return value lo
tax ; restore adjusted PLASMA stack pointer
lda tmp
sta evalStkL,x ; store return value
sta evalStkH,x
rts ; and return to PLASMA interpreter
.badx jsr crout ; X reg ran outside valid range. Print and abort.
lda #'X'
jsr cout
jsr prbyte
jsr crout
ldx #<+
ldy #>+
jmp fatalError
+ !text $8D, "PLASMA x-reg out of range", 0
; Segment tables
@ -2253,3 +2273,6 @@ tSegAdrHi = * : !fill MAX_SEGS
; Marker for end of the tables, so we can compute its length
tableEnd = *
} ; end of !pseudopc $D000
hiMemEnd = *