Making progress with packing all maps, not just one, and loading back one map and only its textures.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2014-01-26 08:26:51 -08:00
parent 21088c8f90
commit c63eed8ee7
3 changed files with 179 additions and 72 deletions

View File

@ -17,14 +17,19 @@ class PackPartitions
def TYPE_CODE = 1
def TYPE_MAP = 2
def TYPE_IMAGE = 3
def images = [:] // img name to img.num, img.buf
def tiles = [:] // tile name to tile.num, tile.buf
def maps = [:] // map name to map.num, map.buf
def code = [:] // code name to code.num, code.buf
def TYPE_CODE = 1
def TYPE_2D_MAP = 2
def TYPE_3D_MAP = 3
def code = [:] // code name to code.num, code.buf
def maps2D = [:] // map name to map.num, map.buf
def maps3D = [:] // map name to map.num, map.buf
def tiles = [:] // tile name to tile.num, tile.buf
def textures = [:] // img name to img.num, img.buf
def frames = [:] // img name to img.num, img.buf
def parseMap(map, tiles)
@ -68,9 +73,9 @@ class PackPartitions
def parseImage(imgEl)
def parseTexture(imgEl)
// Locate the data for the Apple II (as opposed to C= etc.)
// Locate the data for the Apple II (as opposed to C64 etc.)
def data = imgEl.displayData?.find { it.@platform == "AppleII" }
assert data : "image '${imgEl.@name}' missing AppleII platform data"
def rows = pixelize(data)
@ -97,7 +102,28 @@ class PackPartitions
return result
* Parse raw image data and return it as a buffer.
def parseImageData(imgEl)
// Locate the data for the Apple II (as opposed to C64 etc.)
def dataEl = imgEl.displayData?.find { it.@platform == "AppleII" }
assert dataEl : "image '${imgEl.@name}' missing AppleII platform data"
// Parse out the hex data on each line and add it to a buffer.
def hexStr = dataEl.text()
def outBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
for (def pos = 0; pos < hexStr.size(); pos += 2) {
def val = Integer.parseInt(hexStr[pos..pos+1], 16)
// All done. Return the buffer.
return outBuf
* Flood fill from the upper left and upper right corners to determine
* all transparent areas.
@ -169,7 +195,7 @@ class PackPartitions
* Produce a new mip-map level by halving the image's resolution.
def reduceImage(imgIn)
def reduceTexture(imgIn)
def inWidth = imgIn[0].size()
def inHeight = imgIn.size()
@ -212,7 +238,7 @@ class PackPartitions
return outRows
def printImage(rows)
def printTexture(rows)
rows.each { row ->
print " "
@ -222,7 +248,47 @@ class PackPartitions
def writeMap(buf, rows) // [ref BigBlue1_50]
def write2DMap(buf, rows)
def width = rows[0].size()
def height = rows.size()
// Determine the set of all referenced tiles, and assign numbers to them.
def tileMap = [:]
def tileList = []
rows.each { row ->
row.each { tile ->
def id = tile?.@id
def name = tile?.@name
if (!tileMap.containsKey(id)) {
tileMap[id] = 0
if (name in tiles) {
tileMap[id] = tileList.size()
else if (id)
println "Warning: can't match tile name '$name' to any image; treating as blank."
// Header: width and height
// Followed by the list of tiles
tileList.each { buf.put((byte)it) }
// After the header comes the raw data
rows.each { row ->
row.each { tile ->
def write3DMap(buf, rows) // [ref BigBlue1_50]
def width = rows[0].size()
def height = rows.size()
@ -233,17 +299,19 @@ class PackPartitions
rows.each { row ->
row.each { tile ->
def id = tile?.@id
if (!(id in texMap)) {
def name = tile?.@name
if (!texMap.containsKey(id)) {
texMap[id] = 0
if (tile?.@obstruction == 'true') {
if (tile?.@name in images) {
if (name in textures) {
texMap[id] = texList.size()
println "texmap: id=$id name=${tile?.@name} num=${texList.size()}"
println "Can't match tile name '$name' to any image; treating as blank."
else if (id)
println "Warning: can't match tile name '$name' to any image; treating as blank."
println "Note: ignoring non-obstruction '$name' until sprite support is added."
@ -276,7 +344,7 @@ class PackPartitions
((pix2 & 8) << 3) | ((pix1 & 8) << 4);
def writeImage(buf, image)
def writeTexture(buf, image)
// Write pixel data for all 5 mip levels plus the orig image
for (def mipLevel in 0..5)
@ -288,31 +356,62 @@ class PackPartitions
// Generate next mip-map level
if (mipLevel < 5)
image = reduceImage(image)
image = reduceTexture(image)
def packImage(imgEl)
def packTexture(imgEl)
def num = images.size() + 1
def num = textures.size() + 1
def name = imgEl.@name ?: "img$num"
println "Packing image #$num named '${imgEl.@name}'."
def pixels = parseImage(imgEl)
println "Packing texture #$num named '${imgEl.@name}'."
def pixels = parseTexture(imgEl)
def buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
writeImage(buf, pixels)
images[imgEl.@name] = [num:num, buf:buf]
writeTexture(buf, pixels)
textures[imgEl.@name] = [num:num, buf:buf]
def packMap(mapEl, tileEls)
def packFrameImage(imgEl)
def num = maps.size() + 1
def num = frames.size() + 1
def name = imgEl.@name ?: "img$num"
println "Packing frame image #$num named '${imgEl.@name}'."
def buf = parseImageData(imgEl)
frames[imgEl.@name] = [num:num, buf:buf]
return buf
def packTile(imgEl)
def num = tiles.size() + 1
def name = imgEl.@name ?: "img$num"
println "Packing tile image #$num named '${imgEl.@name}'."
def buf = parseImageData(imgEl)
tiles[imgEl.@name] = [num:num, buf:buf]
return buf
def pack2DMap(mapEl, tileEls)
def num = maps2D.size() + 1
def name = mapEl.@name ?: "map$num"
println "Packing map #$num named '$name'."
println "Packing 2D map #$num named '$name'."
def rows = parseMap(mapEl, tileEls)
def buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
writeMap(buf, rows)
maps[name] = [num:num, buf:buf]
write2DMap(buf, rows)
maps2D[name] = [num:num, buf:buf]
def pack3DMap(mapEl, tileEls)
def num = maps3D.size() + 1
def name = mapEl.@name ?: "map$num"
println "Packing 3D map #$num named '$name'."
def rows = parseMap(mapEl, tileEls)
def buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
write3DMap(buf, rows)
maps3D[name] = [num:num, buf:buf]
def writeBufToStream(stream, buf)
@ -345,8 +444,11 @@ class PackPartitions
// Make a list of all the chunks that will be in the partition
def chunks = []
code.values().each { chunks.add([type:TYPE_CODE, num:it.num, buf:it.buf]) }
maps.values().each { chunks.add([type:TYPE_MAP, num:it.num, buf:it.buf]) }
images.values().each { chunks.add([type:TYPE_IMAGE, num:it.num, buf:it.buf]) }
maps2D.values().each { chunks.add([type:TYPE_2D_MAP, num:it.num, buf:it.buf]) }
maps3D.values().each { chunks.add([type:TYPE_3D_MAP, num:it.num, buf:it.buf]) }
tiles.values().each { chunks.add([type:TYPE_TILE_IMG, num:it.num, buf:it.buf]) }
textures.values().each { chunks.add([type:TYPE_TEXTURE_IMG, num:it.num, buf:it.buf]) }
frames.values().each { chunks.add([type:TYPE_FRAME_IMG, num:it.num, buf:it.buf]) }
// Generate the header chunk. Leave the first 2 bytes for the # of pages in the hdr
def hdrBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
@ -392,15 +494,30 @@ class PackPartitions
// Open the XML data file produced by Outlaw Editor
def dataIn = new XmlParser().parse(xmlPath)
// Pack each image, which has the side-effect of filling in the
// image name map.
// Pack each tile, which has the side-effect of filling in the
// tile name map.
dataIn.image.each { packImage(it) }
dataIn.tile.each { packTile(it) }
// Pack each map. This uses the image map filled earlier, and
// fills the map name map.
// Pack each image, which has the side-effect of filling in the
// image name map. Handle frame images separately.
// { packMap(it, dataIn.tile) }
dataIn.image.each { image ->
if (image.category.text() == "frame" )
// Pack each map This uses the image and tile maps filled earlier. { map ->
if (map?.@name =~ /2D/)
pack2DMap(map, dataIn.tile)
else if (map?.@name =~ /3D/)
pack3DMap(map, dataIn.tile)
println "Warning: map name '$name' should contain '2D' or '3D'. Skipping."
// Ready to start writing the output file.
println "Writing output file."

View File

@ -142,10 +142,9 @@ scanForResource:
tya ; next in chain
tax ; to X reg index
bne @loop ; not end of chain - loop again
ldy isAuxCommand ; end of chain; start at first seg (0=main, 1=aux)
lda scanStart,y
jmp @next ; keep going until we succeed or reach starting point
ldx isAuxCommand ; start over at beginning of memory chain
cpx @next+1 ; back where we started?
bne @loop ; no, loop again
ldx #0 ; failure return
@ -185,8 +184,9 @@ scanForAvail:
tya ; next in chain
tax ; to X reg index
bne @loop ; not end of chain - loop again
ldx isAuxCommand ; end of chain; start at first seg (0=main, 1=aux)
jmp @next ; keep going until we succeed or reach starting point
ldx isAuxCommand ; start over at beginning of memory chain
cpx @next+1 ; back where we started?
bne @loop ; no, loop again
ldx #0 ; failure return
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ init:
sta tSegAdrLo+4
lda #>tableEnd
sta tSegAdrHi+4
lda #$20
lda #$40
sta tSegAdrHi+5
lda #$60
sta tSegAdrHi+6
@ -902,6 +902,14 @@ disk_queueLoad:
lda (pTmp),y ; get resource type
beq @notFound ; if zero, this is end of table: failed to find the resource
and #$F ; mask off any flags we added
jsr prbyte
lda (pTmp),y
jsr prbyte
lda #$A0
jsr cout
cmp resType ; is it the type we're looking for?
bne @bump3 ; no, skip this resource
lda (pTmp),y ; get resource num
@ -1110,9 +1118,6 @@ readToAux:
ldx #0
: stx readLen
sta readLen+1 ; save number of pages
jsr @debug1
jsr mli ; now read
.byte MLI_READ
.word readParams
@ -1161,12 +1166,6 @@ readToAux:
rts ; all done
jmp prodosError
DEBUG_STR "Read some, len="
jmp crout
; Segment tables

View File

@ -879,26 +879,21 @@ initMem:
; Load the map into main mem
DEBUG_STR "Loading map."
ldy #1 ; map 1 is for now the only map
jsr mainLoader
stx mapHeader
sty mapHeader+1
; Normally the hi-res graphics page is locked. However, we want to load
; the UI frame there, so temporarily unlock it.
DEBUG_STR "Loading frame."
jsr @graphics
; Load the UI frame
jsr @graphics
ldx #0
ldy #$20
jsr mainLoader
ldy #1
jsr mainLoader
; Lock the graphics area again
jsr @graphics
; Force the loads to complete now
ldx #1 ; keep queue open
@ -916,10 +911,6 @@ initMem:
sta clrAuxRd
jmp (expandVec)
ldx #0
ldy #$20
jmp mainLoader
; Establish the initial player position and direction [ref BigBlue3_10]
@ -956,10 +947,10 @@ loadTextures:
sta txNum
jsr @get ; get texture resource number
tax ; to X for mem manager
tay ; to Y for mem manager
beq @done ; zero = end of texture list
jsr auxLoader ; we want textures in aux mem
txa ; addr lo to A for safekeeping
ldx txNum ; get current texture num