Now packing code segments as well.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Haye 2014-01-05 17:34:57 -08:00
parent 5af871d65b
commit ec28cb6460

View File

@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ class PackPartitions
def images = [:] // img name to img.num, img.buf
def tiles = [:] // tile name to tile.num, tile.buf
def maps = [:] // map name to map.num, map.buf
def chunks = [] // queue of chunks to be written
def code = [:] // code name to code.num, code.buf
def parseMap(map, tiles)
@ -315,10 +314,27 @@ class PackPartitions
def readCode(name, path)
def num = code.size() + 1
println "Reading code #$num from '$path'."
def inBuf = new byte[256]
def outBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(50000)
def stream = new File(path).withInputStream { stream ->
while (true) {
def got =
if (got < 0) break
outBuf.put(inBuf, 0, got)
code[name] = [num:num, buf:outBuf]
def writePartition(stream)
// Make a list of all the chunks that will be in the partition
def chunks = []
code.values().each { chunks.add([type:TYPE_CODE, num:it.num, buf:it.buf]) }
maps.values().each { chunks.add([type:TYPE_MAP, num:it.num, buf:it.buf]) }
images.values().each { chunks.add([type:TYPE_IMAGE, num:it.num, buf:it.buf]) }
@ -332,7 +348,7 @@ class PackPartitions
assert chunk.num >= 1 && chunk.num <= 255
def nPages = (chunk.buf.position() + 255) >> 8
println " chunk: type=${chunk.type}, num=${chunk.num}, nPages=$nPages"
//println " chunk: type=${chunk.type}, num=${chunk.num}, nPages=$nPages"
@ -350,6 +366,12 @@ class PackPartitions
def pack(xmlPath, binPath)
// Read in code chunks. For now these are hard coded, but I guess they ought to
// be configured in a config file somewhere...?
readCode("render", "src/raycast/build/render.bin#7000")
readCode("expand", "src/raycast/build/expand.bin#0800")
// Open the XML data file produced by Outlaw Editor
def dataIn = new XmlParser().parse(xmlPath)