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synced 2025-03-01 03:30:04 +00:00
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@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
// Copyright (C) 2015 The 8-Bit Bunch. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 1.1
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-1.1>.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
// the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF
// ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
// governing permissions and limitations under the License.
include "gamelib.plh"
include "globalDefs.plh"
include "playtype.plh"
include "diskops.plh"
include "party.plh"
include "sndseq.plh"
include "gen_images.plh"
include "gen_modules.plh"
include "gen_players.plh"
// Constants
const CLOCK_X = 119
const CLOCK_Y = 176
const CLOCK_RADIUS = 14
const LAMP_Y = 168
const LAMP_XBYTE = 10
// Exported functions go here. First a predef for each one, then a table with function pointers
// in the same order as the constants are defined in the the header.
predef _showClock()#1
predef _showCompassDir(dir)#1
predef _nextLampFrame()#1
word[] funcTbl = @_showClock, @_showCompassDir, @_nextLampFrame
// Definitions used by assembly code
asm __defs
; Use hi-bit ASCII for Apple II
!convtab "../../include/hiBitAscii.ct"
; Headers
!source "../../include/global.i"
!source "../../include/plasma.i"
!source "../../include/mem.i"
!source "../../include/fontEngine.i"
; Optional debug printing support
; General use
tmp = $2
pTmp = $4
// Specialized line routine for drawing the clock. Plots in black or white only.
// Parameters:
// page : 0=page1, $60=page2
// color: 0=black, $7F=white
// len : number of pixels to plot
// xbyte: x/7, e.g. 0-39 byte offset within screen row
// xbit : (3<<(x%7)) & $7F
// xinc : fraction 0..$FF telling how often to advance on X axis
// xdir : 0=left, 1=right
// y : hi-res line number 0..191
// yinc : fraction 0..$FF telling how often to advance on X axis
// ydir : 0=up, 1=down
asm plotLinePixels(page, color, len, xbyte, xbit, xinc, xdir, y, yinc, ydir)#0
!zone {
.param_page = evalStkL+9
.param_color = evalStkL+8
.param_len = evalStkL+7
.param_xbyte = evalStkL+6
.param_xbit = evalStkL+5
.param_xinc = evalStkL+4
.param_xdir = evalStkL+3
.param_y = evalStkL+2
.param_yinc = evalStkL+1
.param_ydir = evalStkL+0
.xfrac = tmp
.yfrac = tmp+1
+asmPlasmNoRet 10
lda #0
sta .xfrac
sta .yfrac
lda .param_y,x
jsr GetScreenLine
lda pTmp+1
eor .param_page,x ; $60 flips to page 2, 0 for page 1
sta pTmp+1
clc ; signal to take X path first
dec .param_len,x ; decrement count of pixels todo
bmi .done ; get out if it goes negative
ldy .param_xbyte,x ; byte number on line
lda .param_color,x ; get color mask
eor (pTmp),y ; funny logic to plot in color - part 1
and .param_xbit,x ; bit mask within byte
eor (pTmp),y ; funny logic - part 2
ora #$80 ; force hi-bit colors for entire clock face (no mixing)
sta (pTmp),y ; store the result
lda .param_xbit,x ; check bit mask:
and #$60 ; was it the rightmost pixel?
eor #$40
bne + ; if not, done w/ plotting
lda .param_color,x ; it was, so we need to plot
iny ; ...next byte's...
eor (pTmp),y
and #1 ; ...first pixel
eor (pTmp),y
ora #$80 ; force hi-bit colors for entire clock face (no mixing)
sta (pTmp),y
dey ; back to where we were
+ bcs .movey ; skip X processing if we just did it
.movex ; check and move on X axis
lda .xfrac
adc .param_xinc,x ; bump the X fraction
sta .xfrac
bcc .movey ; if not a whole number bump, don't move on X
lda .param_xbit,x
ldy .param_xdir,x ; check X direction (0=left, 1=right)
bne .right
lsr ; 1 bit to the left
cmp #$20
bne +
ora #$40
+ cmp #1
bne .ltrt
dec .param_xbyte,x ; finished with byte, move 1 byte left
lda #$40 ; high bit of next-to-left byte
bne .ltrt ; always taken
asl ; 1 bit to right
bpl .ltrt
and #$7F
bne .ltrt
inc .param_xbyte,x ; finished with byte, move 1 byte right
lda #3 ; low bit of next-to-right byte
sta .param_xbit,x
sec ; signal to take the Y path next time
bcs .pix ; plot at the new position
lda .yfrac
adc .param_yinc,x ; bump the Y fraction
sta .yfrac
bcc .movex ; if not a whole number bump, don't move on Y, go bump X
lda .param_ydir,x ; check Y direction (0=up, 1=down)
bne .down
dec .param_y,x ; prev line (up)
bcs .getline ; always taken
inc .param_y,x ; next line (down)
bcs .getline ; always taken
def horzSegment(color, len, x, y)#0
//params: page, color, len, xbyte, xbit, xinc, xdir, y, yinc, ydir
plotLinePixels($60, color, len, x/7, (3<<(x%7)) & $7F, $FF, 1, y, 0, 0)
def putSegment(color, len, isOuter, x, y)#0
if isOuter
horzSegment(color ^ $7F, len, x, y)
horzSegment(color ^ $7F, 1, x, y)
horzSegment(color, len-3, x+2, y)
horzSegment(color ^ $7F, 1, x+len, y)
// Draw a filled, outlined circle
def drawCircle(color, radius, x0, y0)#0
word x, y, dx, dy, err, r2, p
// Clear extents buffer
r2 = radius << 1
memset($280, 0, r2)
// Midpoint circle algorithm, but instead of plotting points, just record max extents
x = radius-1
y = 0
dx = 1
dy = 1
err = dx - r2
while (x >= y)
p = $280 + y
^p = max(^p, x)
p = $280 + x
^p = max(^p, y)
if err <= 0
err = err + dy
dy = dy + 2
elsif err > 0
dx = dx + 2
err = err + dx - r2
// Using the extents, draw an outline circle
for y = 0 to radius-1
x = ^($280+y)
putSegment(color, x<<1, y>=radius-2, x0-x, y0-y)
putSegment(color, x<<1, y>=radius-2, x0-x, y0+y)
def drawHand(color, hour, isShort)#0
word xdir, xinc, ydir, yinc, len
ydir = (hour > 3 and hour < 9) & 1 // 3..9 = 1
xdir = (hour < 6) & 1 // 1..6 = 1
xinc = (^("123210123210"+hour) - '0') * 85
yinc = (^("210123210123"+hour) - '0') * 85
len = (hour % 3) ?? (CLOCK_RADIUS*3/2)-4 :: CLOCK_RADIUS-2
if isShort
len = len * 3 / 5
//params: page, color, len, xbyte, xbit, xinc, xdir, y, yinc, ydir
plotLinePixels($60, color, len, CLOCK_X/7, (3<<(CLOCK_X%7)) & $7F, xinc, xdir, CLOCK_Y, yinc, ydir)
def drawHands(color, hour, min)#0
word n
n = min/5
drawHand(color, n ?? n :: 12, FALSE)
n = hour % 12
drawHand(color, n ?? n :: 12, TRUE)
def _showClock()#1
word cursX, cursY, color
// Show page 1 while we do work on page 2
// Calculate new color
color = global->b_hour < 6 or global->b_hour >= 18 ?? 0 :: $7F
if color <> prevClockColor
// Draw entire circle in new color
copyWindow(0) // page 1 to page 2, in case mem-mgr op has been performed
drawCircle(color, CLOCK_RADIUS, CLOCK_X, CLOCK_Y)
elsif prevClockColor <> 99
// Erase old clock hands
drawHands(prevClockColor, prevClockHour, prevClockMinute)
// Draw new clock hands
drawHands(color ^ $7F, global->b_hour, global->b_minute)
// Copy the image from pg 2 to pg 1
cursX, cursY = getCursor()
copyWindow($60) // page 2 to page 1
setCursor(cursX, cursY)
// And record parameters for erasing the clock hands next time
prevClockColor = color
prevClockHour = global->b_hour
prevClockMinute = global->b_minute
nextSignificantMinute = global->b_minute - (global->b_minute % 5) + 5
return 0
def _showCompassDir(dir)#1
word cursX, cursY, str
cursX, cursY = getCursor()
setWindow(173, 182, 28, 49) // Top, Bottom, Left, Right
when dir
is 15; is 0; is 1; str = "E"; break
is 2; str = "SE"; break
is 3; is 4; is 5; str = "S"; break;
is 6; str = "SW"; break;
is 7; is 8; is 9; str = "W"; break;
is 10; str = "NW"; break;
is 11; is 12; is 13; str = "N"; break;
is 14; str = "NE"; break;
centerStr(str, 21)
copyWindow(0) // mapIs3D and texturesLoaded are always true, since we're in util3d :)
setCursor(cursX, cursY)
return 0
def _nextLampFrame()#1
word n, pTile
n = lampFrame - LAMP_1
n = n + lampDir
while n < 0
n = n + (LAMP_COUNT-1) // because PLASMA's modulo operator adopts C's (IMO useless) behavior
if n >= (LAMP_COUNT-1)
n = n % (LAMP_COUNT-1)
n = n + LAMP_1
if (rand16() % 100) < 10
lampDir = -lampDir
pTile = pGlobalTileset + (n << 5) + 1 // +1 to skip to the header (# of tiles)
blit(FALSE, pTile, getScreenLine(LAMP_Y)+LAMP_XBYTE, 16, 2)
blit(FALSE, pTile, getScreenLine(LAMP_Y)+LAMP_XBYTE+$2000, 16, 2)
lampFrame = n
return 0
// Boilerplate module initialization code
return @funcTbl
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// Copyright (C) 2019 The 8-Bit Bunch. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 1.1
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-1.1>.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
// the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF
// ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
// governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Each module-exported function needs its own constant, 0..n
const util3d_showClock = 0
const util3d_showCompassDir = 2
const util3d_nextLampFrame = 4
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