Fix colors

This commit is contained in:
Bill Chatfield 2021-03-03 00:50:12 -05:00
parent e11f91e6f4
commit c90181ef4a

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@ -40,28 +40,26 @@ REM
11: Pink
{ green, yellow, orange, red }
D$ = chr$(4)
RET$ = chr$(13)
ESC$ = chr$(27)
SW = 140 : SH = 192 : REM Screen width and height
SW = 140
SH = 192 : REM Screen width and height
KBD = -16384 : REM Byte that is neg if key pressed
RL = 78 : RH = 79 : REM RNDL and RNDH
SEED = peek(RL) + peek(RH) * 256 : REM Get seed for random num generator
RL = 78
RH = 79 : REM RNDL and RNDH
SEED = peek(RL) + peek(RH) * 256 : REM Get seed
NA = rnd(SEED) : REM Seed random num generator
print D$;"-dhgr" : REM Load Double Hi-Res driver
dim c(16)
data 1,9,13,12,4,14,7,6,2,3,11,-1
mc = 0 {max colors}
data 11
data 1,9,13,12,4,14,7,6,2,3,11
read mc {max colors}
for i = 1 to mc
read c(i)
if c(i) = -1 then @lastColor
mc = mc + 1
goto @nextColor
&HGR2 : REM Full screen double hi-res
&MODE(2) : REM 16-color mode
@ -73,17 +71,11 @@ goto @nextColor
mx = sw - 1 {max x}
my = sh - 1 {max y}
cc = 0
ci = 1
for x = 0 to mx
if cc < 8 then cc = cc + 1 : goto @setColor
cc = 0
ci = ci + 1
if ci > mc{max color} then @checkKeypress
for ci = 1 to mc
for x = ci*10 to ci*10+10
&hcolor = c(ci)
&hplot x,0 to x,my