rem REM cxxxxxx|/////////////////////////> REM REM MAZE - DRAWS A MAZE-LIKE PATTERN REM AUTHOR - BILL CHATFIELD REM REM cxxxxxx|/////////////////////////> rem REM ////////////// REM Init REM ////////////// let ret$ = chr$(13) let esc$ = chr$(27) LET SW = 140 : SH = 192: REM SCREEN WIDTH AND HEIGHT LET KBD = -16384: REM Addr of byte that is neg if key pressed LET RL = 78 : RH = 79: REM RNDL AND RNDH LET SEED = PEEK (RL) + PEEK (RH) * 256: REM GET RND SEED LET NA = RND ( - SEED): REM SEED RANDOM NUM GENERATOR HOME VTAB 24 & HGR2 : REM FULL SCREEN DOUBLE HIGH RES & MODE(2) : REM 16-color mode REM ////////////////////////// REM Draw Screen REM ////////////////////////// £drawScreen LET BG = 0: rem Black let fg = int(rnd(1)*15) +1: rem Gives 1 to 15 & BCOLOR=BG & CLEAR : REM Draw background & HCOLOR=FG let s = int(rnd(1) * 5) + 4: REM Gives 4 to 8 let s = 8 LET W = s LET H = s PRINT "W=";W;" H=";H;" FG=";FG;" BG=";BG REM /////////////////////////// REM Draw Segment REM /////////////////////////// £drawSegments let mx = (int(sw / w) - 1) * w let my = (int(sh / h) - 1) * h for y1 = 0 to my step h let y2 = y1 + h - 1 for x1 = 0 to mx step w if peek(kbd) > 127 then gosub @checkKeypress let x2 = x1 + w - 1 let T = INT(RND(1) * 2): REM Segment type gosub @drawSegment next let x2 = sw - 1 let dy = int((x2 - x1 + 1) * h / w) - 1 let T = INT(RND(1) * 2): REM Segment type let yb = y1: rem Backup y1 if t = 0 then y1 = y2 - dy if t = 1 then y2 = y1 + dy gosub @drawSegment let y1 = yb: rem Restore y1 next GOTO @drawScreen £drawSegment IF T = 0 THEN & HPLOT X1,Y2 TO X2,Y1 IF T = 1 THEN & HPLOT X1,Y1 TO X2,Y2 return REM ////////////////////////// REM KEY HANDLER REM ////////////////////////// £checkKeypress get KEY$ if key$ = " " then pop : goto @drawScreen if key$ = esc$ then pop : goto @exit if key$ = ret$ then pop : goto @drawScreen return rem //////////////// rem Exit rem //////////////// £exit & TEXT PRINT "MAZE TERMINATED"; END