CC = gcc CPPFLAGS += -Imui # for bsd_queue.h CPPFLAGS += -I../libmish/src CPPFLAGS += -DUI_HAS_XCB=1 -DUI_HAS_XKB=1 OPTIMIZE ?= -O0 -g CFLAGS += --std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra CFLAGS += $(OPTIMIZE) CFLAGS += -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-function # PIC is necessary for the shared library/plugin to work CFLAGS += -fPIC CPPFLAGS += ${shell pkg-config --cflags pixman-1} LDLIBS += ${shell pkg-config --libs pixman-1} LDLIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs \ xcb xcb-shm xcb-randr \ xkbcommon-x11) LDLIBS += -lm -ldl O := $(BUILD_DIR)build-$(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine) BIN := $(O)/bin OBJ := $(O)/obj/libmui LIB := $(O)/lib MUI_SRC := $(wildcard mui/*.c) SRC := $(MUI_SRC) MUI_OBJ := ${patsubst %, $(OBJ)/%, ${notdir ${SRC:.c=.o}}} SRC_VPATH := mui tests SRC_VPATH += ../ui_gl vpath %.c $(SRC_VPATH) CPPFLAGS += -I../contrib VERSION := ${shell git log -1 --date=short --pretty="%h %cd"} CPPFLAGS += -DUI_VERSION="\"$(VERSION)\"" TARGET_LIB := $(LIB)/libmui.a all : $(BIN)/mui_playground $(LIB)/ .PHONY : static static : $(TARGET_LIB) ifeq ($(V),1) Q := else Q := @ endif $(TARGET_LIB) : $(MUI_OBJ) | $(LIB) @echo " AR $@" $(Q)$(AR) rcs $@ $^ $(OBJ)/ui_tests.o : CPPFLAGS += -Itests -I../ui_gl $(LIB)/ : $(OBJ)/mii_mui_slots.o $(LIB)/ : $(OBJ)/mii_mui_loadbin.o $(LIB)/ : $(OBJ)/mii_mui_1mb.o $(LIB)/ : $(OBJ)/mii_mui_2dsk.o # use a .temp file, otherwise the playground tries to reload before the file # is fully written, and it fails. # the ${filter} are there to make the sure object files are linked before the .a $(LIB)/ : $(OBJ)/ui_tests.o $(LIB)/libmui.a | $(O) @echo " LDSO $@" $(Q)$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -shared -fPIC -o $@.temp \ ${filter %.o, $^} ${filter %.a, $^} $(LDLIBS) && \ mv $@.temp $@ $(BIN)/mui_playground : $(OBJ)/mui_playground.o $(LIB)/libmui.a $(OBJ)/%.o : %.c | $(OBJ) @echo " CC" ${filter -O%, $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS)} "$<" $(Q)$(CC) -MMD $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< $(BIN)/% : | $(BIN) @echo " LD $@" $(Q)$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDLIBS) $(O) $(OBJ) $(BIN) $(LIB): @mkdir -p $@ clean : rm -rf $(O) # This is for development purpose. This will recompile the project # everytime a file is modified. watch : while true; do \ clear; $(MAKE) -j all; \ inotifywait -qre close_write mui tests ../ui_gl; \ done compile_commands.json: lsp lsp: { $$(which gmake) CC=gcc V=1 --always-make --dry-run all ; } | \ sh ../utils/ >compile_commands.json -include $(OBJ)/*.d