
141 lines
4.2 KiB
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HardDirName !raw "PASSPORT"
HardDiskName !raw "/IMG0000.DSK"
; CreateFileOnHardDisk
; create a new autonumbered image file on the user's selected target,
; which should be a hard disk
; in: HardDiskArray populated
; user's select target is a hard disk
2021-06-19 04:28:52 +00:00
; ProDOS is not in memory
; out: if C set, create or open failed (A contains MLI error code)
; if C clear, everything succeeded (A is clobbered)
; all other registers and flags clobbered
2021-06-19 04:28:52 +00:00
; ProDOS is not in memory
2021-06-19 04:28:52 +00:00
jsr SwapProDOS ; ProDOS out -> in (preserves flags)
jsr LookupUnitNumberOfSelectedHardDisk
jsr GetVolumeName
lda OnlineReturn
and #$0F ; A=volume name length
adc #(HardDirName_e-HardDirName)+2
sta HardDiskImagePath
lda #$2F
sta HardDiskImagePath+1
sta HardDiskImagePath+2, y
- lda OnlineReturn, y
sta HardDiskImagePath+1, y
bne -
ldy #(HardDirName_e-HardDirName)
- lda HardDirName-1, y
sta HardDiskImagePath, x
bne -
; @HardDiskImagePath = fully qualified pathname of target volume +
; our hardcoded directory
lda #<HardDiskImagePath
sta mliparam+1
lda #>HardDiskImagePath
sta mliparam+2
jsr CreateDir ; create hardcoded directory
; (don't care if this fails)
lda HardDiskImagePath
adc #(HardDiskName_e-HardDiskName)
sta HardDiskImagePath
ldy #(HardDiskName_e-HardDiskName)
- lda HardDiskName-1, y
sta HardDiskImagePath, x
bne -
; @HardDiskImagePath = fully qualified pathname of target volume +
; our hardcoded directory + our default filename
; This file might already exist, in which case we will repeatedly
; construct sequentially numbered filenames until we find one that
; doesn't exist.
jsr GetFileInfo
bcs @tryCreate ; branch if file does not exist (good)
; construct next filename
; (filename starts as IMG0000.DSK so we ignore the last 4 characters
; and increment the digits as base 10)
ldx HardDiskImagePath
inc HardDiskImagePath-4, x
lda HardDiskImagePath-4, x
cmp #'9'+1
bcc @findSpare ; loop back to check if new filename exists
lda #'0'
sta HardDiskImagePath-4, x
bne @nextDigit
; @mliparam+1 still points to @HardDiskImagePath, which now contains
; the full pathname of the file we want to create
jsr Create140KFile
bcs +
sta gHardDiskRef
2021-06-19 04:28:52 +00:00
+ jmp SwapProDOS ; ProDOS in -> out (preserves flags)
; CloseFileOnHardDisk
; close the previously open file on a hard disk, if any
; always safe to call (gracefully returns if no file is open)
; does not return any error status because no one cares
; in: ProDOS is in memory
; out: all registers and flags clobbered
; ProDOS is in memory
2021-06-19 00:50:19 +00:00
!macro CloseFileOnHardDisk {
lda gHardDiskRef
beq +
jsr CloseFile
lda #0
sta gHardDiskRef
2021-06-19 00:50:19 +00:00
; PrintHardDiskImagePath
; print full path of file on hard disk
; in: @HardDiskImagePath is populated and has non-zero length
; out: all registers and flags clobbered
2021-06-19 00:54:26 +00:00
!macro PrintHardDiskImagePath {
lda HardDiskImagePath
sta @volumelen
ldx #0
- lda HardDiskImagePath+1, x
ora #$80
jsr PrintA
cpx #$FD ; SMC
bcc -
lda #$8D
2021-06-19 00:54:26 +00:00
jsr PrintA