more string consolidation

This commit is contained in:
4am 2021-04-10 22:01:21 -04:00
parent 51e1ea8a0c
commit 73ac1d29d2
2 changed files with 118 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -143,6 +143,17 @@ StringTableLow
!byte <.maybeunreadable
!byte <.notthisdisk
!byte <.rwts
!byte <.reasons
!byte <.protectiontrack
!byte <.passport
!byte <.bar9
!byte <.bar18
!byte <.space7
!byte <.builtinrwts
!byte <.thedisk
!byte <.timingbits
!byte <.acceptsany
!byte <.addressepilogue
!byte >.header
@ -273,6 +284,17 @@ StringTableHigh
!byte >.maybeunreadable
!byte >.notthisdisk
!byte >.rwts
!byte >.reasons
!byte >.protectiontrack
!byte >.passport
!byte >.bar9
!byte >.bar18
!byte >.space7
!byte >.builtinrwts
!byte >.thedisk
!byte >.timingbits
!byte >.acceptsany
!byte >.addressepilogue
; Text can contain substitution strings, which
@ -305,22 +327,30 @@ StringTableHigh
; recursive; included strings may include other
; strings. It's strings all the way down.
!text "Passport ",$00
!text "Passport by 4am 2021-04-08",$00
!text "@",s_passport,"by 4am 2021-04-10",$00
!text "_________",$00
!text "@",s_bar9,"@",s_bar9,$00
!text "____________________________________",$00
!text "@",s_bar18,"@",s_bar18,$00
!text " ",$00
!text "__","@",s_bar,"__",$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D
!text " "
!text " @",s_space7,"@",s_space7
!scrxor $40,"V"
!text "erify disk",$8D,$8D
!text " "
!text " @",s_space7,"@",s_space7
!scrxor $40,"C"
!text "rack disk",$8D,$8D
!text " "
!text " @",s_space7,"@",s_space7
!scrxor $40,"Q"
!text "uit",$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D
!text "source: S6,D1 target: "
!text "source: S6,D1@",s_space7,"@",s_space7,"target: "
!scrxor $40,"S"
!text "%S,D%D",$00
@ -343,9 +373,26 @@ StringTableHigh
!text "might be unreadable",$00
!text "Passport does not work on this disk",$00
!text "@",s_passport,"does not work on this disk",$00
!text "T%t,S%0 RWTS ",$00
!byte $8D
!text "Possible reasons:",$8D,$00
!text "protection check",$00
!text "protection track",$00
!text "built-in RWTS",$00
!text "The disk ",$00
!text "timing bits ",$00
!text "accepts any value for the",$00
!text "address epilogue ",$00
!text "@",s_found,"Lock-It-Up protection",$8D
!text "T00,S0A @",s_maybeunreadable,$8D,$00
@ -356,66 +403,65 @@ StringTableHigh
!text "@",s_found,"Optimum Resource disk",$8D
!text "T01,S0F @",s_maybeunreadable,$8D,$00
!text "Using built-in RWTS",$8D,$00
!text "Using @",s_builtinrwts,$8D,$00
!text "T%t,S%s Switching to built-in RWTS",$8D,$00
!text "T%t,S%s Switching to @",s_builtinrwts,$8D,$00
!text "Writing to S%S,D%D",$8D,$00
!text "T%t is unformatted",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_tfound,"$F7F6EFEEAB protection track",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_tfound,"$F7F6EFEEAB @",s_protectiontrack,$8D,$00
!text "@",s_tfound,"nibble count protection track",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_tfound,"nibble count @",s_protectiontrack,$8D,$00
!text "T%t,S%s is unreadable (ignoring)",$8D,$00
!text "Verification complete. The disk is good.",$8D,$00
!text "Verification complete. @",s_thedisk,"is good.",$8D,$00
!text "Crack complete. ",$00
!byte $8D
!text "The disk was copied successfully, but",$8D
!text "Passport did not apply any patches.",$8D,$8D
!text "Possible reasons:",$8D
!text "@",s_thedisk,"was copied successfully, but",$8D
!text "@",s_passport,"did not apply any patches.",$8D
!text "@",s_reasons
!text "- The source disk is not copy protected."
!text "- The target disk works without patches."
!text "- The disk uses an unknown protection,",$8D
!text " and Passport can not help any further.",$8D,$00
!text "- @",s_thedisk,"uses an unknown protection,",$8D
!text " and @",s_passport,"can not help any further.",$8D,$00
!byte $8D
!text "T%t,S%s Fatal read error",$8D,$8D,$00
!text "T%t,S%s Fatal read error",$8D,$00
!byte $8D
!text "Possible reasons:",$8D
!text "@",s_reasons
!text "- There is no disk in S6,D1.",$8D
!text "- It is not an Apple ][ disk.",$8D
!text "- The disk is unformatted.",$8D,$8D,$00
!text "- @",s_thedisk,"is unformatted.",$8D,$8D,$00
!byte $8D
!text "@",s_notthisdisk,".",$8D,$8D
!text "Possible reasons:",$8D
!text "@",s_notthisdisk,".",$8D
!text "@",s_reasons
!text "- This is not a 13- or 16-sector disk.",$8D
!text "- The disk modifies its RWTS in ways",$8D
!text " that Passport is not able to detect.",$8D,$8D,$00
!text "- @",s_thedisk,"modifies its RWTS in ways",$8D
!text " that @",s_passport,"is not able to detect.",$8D,$8D,$00
!text "Press any key "
!scrxor $40," ",$00
!text "Passport requires a Disk II drive in S6.",$8D
!text "@",s_passport,"requires a Disk II drive in S6.",$8D
!text "Press any key to quit "
!scrxor $40," ",$00
!byte $8D
!text "T%t Fatal write error",$8D,$8D,$00
!text "T%t Fatal write error",$8D,$00
; MLI error $27
!text "Possible reasons:",$8D
!text "@",s_reasons,$8D
!text "- There is no disk in S%S,D%D.",$8D
!text "- The disk has bad sectors.",$8D
!text "- The disk is unformatted.",$8D,$8D,$00
!text "- @",s_thedisk,"has bad sectors.",$8D
!text "- @",s_thedisk,"is unformatted.",$8D,$8D,$00
; MLI error $28
@ -425,7 +471,7 @@ StringTableHigh
; MLI error $2B
!text "The disk in S%S,D%D is write-protected.",$8D,$8D,$00
!text "@",s_thedisk,"in S%S,D%D is write-protected.",$8D,$8D,$00
; other MLI error
@ -456,41 +502,39 @@ StringTableHigh
!text "@",s_found,"Pascal @",s_bootloader,$8D,$00
!text "@",s_found,"MECC @",s_bootloader,$8D,$00
!text "protection check",$00
!text "@",s_found,"Sierra @",s_protectioncheck,$8D,$00
!text "@",s_found,"A6BC95 @",s_protectioncheck,$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"requires a timing bit after"
!text "@",s_rwts,"requires @",s_timingbits,"after",$8D
!text "the first data epilogue by jumping to",$8D
!text "$BCF0.",$8D,$00
!text "$BCF0",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"accumulates timing bits in",$8D
!text "$1E and checks its value later.",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"accumulates @",s_timingbits,"in",$8D
!text "$1E and checks its value later",$8D,$00
!text "T%t,S%0 Startup program executes a",$8D
!text "@",s_protectioncheck," before running the real"
!text "startup program.",$8D,$00
!text "startup program",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_found,"E7 bitstream",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"requires extra nibbles and",$8D
!text "timing bits after the data prologue by",$8D
!text "jumping to $BECA.",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_timingbits,"after the data prologue by",$8D
!text "jumping to $BECA",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_found,"a self-decrypting",$8D
!text "@",s_protectioncheck," at $BB03.",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_protectioncheck," at $BB03",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_found,"RPS @",s_protectioncheck,$8D
!text "Some sectors on T02 @",s_maybeunreadable,$8D,$00
!text "T00,S0D Disk calls a @",s_protectioncheck," at"
!text "$AE8E after initializing DOS.",$8D,$00
!text "$AE8E after initializing DOS",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"requires a non-standard",$8D
!text "disk volume number.",$8D,$00
!text "disk volume number",$8D,$00
!text "%",s_found,"D5D5F7 @",s_protectioncheck,$8D,$00
@ -501,13 +545,13 @@ StringTableHigh
!text "%",s_found,"Datasoft @",s_protectioncheck,$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"accepts $D4 or $D5 for the",$8D
!text "first address prologue nibble.",$8D,$00
!text "first address prologue nibble",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"accepts $DE or a timing bit"
!text "for the first address epilogue nibble.",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"accepts $DE or @",s_timingbits
!text "for the first @",s_addressepilogue,"nibble",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"requires timing bits after",$8D
!text "the data prologue by jumping to $B660.",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"requires @",s_timingbits,"after",$8D
!text "the data prologue by jumping to $B660",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_found,"encrypted RWTS, key=$%1",$8D,$00
@ -524,7 +568,7 @@ StringTableHigh
!byte $8D
!text "T00,S00 Fatal error",$8D,$8D
!text "@",s_notthisdisk,".",$8D
!text "@",s_notthisdisk,",",$8D
!text "because it uses a 5-and-3 encoding.",$8D,$8D,$00
!text "@",s_found,"DOS 3.3P @",s_bootloader,$8D,$00
@ -540,13 +584,13 @@ StringTableHigh
!text "@",s_tfound,"Electronic Arts @",s_bootloader,$8D,$00
!text "@",s_tfound,"EA protection track",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_tfound,"EA @",s_protectiontrack,$8D,$00
!text "T%t,S%0 BASIC program POKEs protection",$8D
!text "check into memory and CALLs it.",$8D,$00
!text "check into memory and CALLs it",$8D,$00
!text "T%t,S%0 Original disk destroys itself",$8D
!text "after a limited number of boots.",$8D,$00
!text "after a limited number of boots",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_found,"Milliken @",s_protectioncheck,$8D
!text "T02,S05 @",s_maybeunreadable,$8D,$00
@ -562,7 +606,7 @@ StringTableHigh
!text "@",s_found,"Pronto-DOS @",s_bootloader,$8D,$00
!text "T%t,S%2 Disk calls a @",s_protectioncheck,$8D
!text "at $%0%1 before initializing DOS.",$8D,$00
!text "at $%0%1 before initializing DOS",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_found,"Laureate @",s_bootloader,$8D,$00
@ -570,16 +614,16 @@ StringTableHigh
!text "@",s_found,"Micrograms @",s_bootloader,$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"accepts any value for the",$8D
!text "first address epilogue nibble.",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"@",s_acceptsany,$8D
!text "first @",s_addressepilogue,"nibble",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"accepts any value for the",$8D
!text "second address epilogue nibble.",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"@",s_acceptsany,$8D
!text "second @",s_addressepilogue,"nibble",$8D,$00
!text "Writing to RAM disk",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"accepts $D5 plus a timing",$8D
!text "bit as the entire address prologue.",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"accepts $D5 + @",s_timingbits,$8D
!text "bit as the entire address prologue",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_found,"Adventure International",$8D
!text "@",s_protectioncheck,$8D,$00
@ -587,7 +631,7 @@ StringTableHigh
!text "T00,S00 Writing Standard Delivery",$8D
!text "@",s_bootloader,$8D,$00
!text "T00,S02 Writing built-in RWTS",$8D,$00
!text "T00,S02 Writing @",s_builtinrwts,$8D,$00
!text "@",s_found,"RDOS 16-sector @",s_bootloader,$8D,$00
@ -596,7 +640,7 @@ StringTableHigh
!text "@",s_rwts,"doubles every sector ID",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"alters the sector ID if the"
!text "address epilogue contains a timing bit.",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_addressepilogue,"contains @",s_timingbits,$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"XORs every sector ID",$8D,$00
@ -628,8 +672,8 @@ StringTableHigh
!text "@",s_found,"13-sector format",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"requires a timing bit after"
!text "the address epilogue",$8D,$00
!text "@",s_rwts,"requires @",s_timingbits,"after",$8D
!text "the @",s_addressepilogue,$8D,$00
!text "@",s_found,"HAL Labs @",s_protectioncheck,$8D,$00

View File

@ -130,4 +130,14 @@ s_bootloader = $7C
s_maybeunreadable = $7D
s_notthisdisk= $7E
s_rwts = $7F
s_reasons = $80
s_protectiontrack = $81
s_passport = $82
s_bar9 = $83
s_bar18 = $84
s_space7 = $85
s_builtinrwts = $86
s_thedisk = $87
s_timingbits = $88
s_acceptsany = $89
s_addressepilogue = $8A