in 13-sector mode, skip tracks properly and never fall back to universal RWTS

This commit is contained in:
4am 2017-08-17 15:11:19 -04:00
parent 2f7d6119e1
commit 9e3664f630

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@ -361,13 +361,12 @@ checksector
lda $FFFF ; current sector in sector map
beq nextsector ; #$00 = skip this sector
cmp #$FE ; #$FE = switch to built-in RWTS
bne + ; to read this sector
cmp #$FE ; #$FE = switch to built-in RWTS to read this sector
bne +
lda gTriedUniv
beq +
jsr SwitchToUniv
jsr ReadSector
+ jsr ReadSector
bcc nextsector
@ -379,35 +378,46 @@ checksector
cmp #$80
beq .optional
; (13-sector only)
; If we just got to this track, check for whole-track protections.
lda gIsDOS32
bne +
lda gSector
cmp #$0C
beq .tryskip
; If we're in the middle of a track, try switching to the
; universal RWTS and see if that helps. (Many disks contain
; an RWTS that can't read the early tracks or sectors that
; contain the RWTS code, since those are loaded by the
; disk controller firmware.)
lda gSector
+ lda gSector
cmp #$0F
bne .tryuniversal
; We just got to this track, so check for a variety
; of whole-track conditions that might indicate we should
; just skip the entire track
sta .sub+1
jsr SkipTrack
bcs .tryuniversal
; Skip this track (we already printed the reason)
lda #$00
jsr ChangeSector
lda checksector+1
sbc #$0F
.sub sbc #$0F
sta checksector+1
bcs .notrackdec
bcs +
dec checksector+2
jmp nextsector
+ jmp nextsector
lda gIsDOS32 ; is this a DOS 3.2 disk?
beq .fatal ; yes, so read error is fatal
lda gTriedUniv ; have we tried the universal RWTS?
beq .fatal ; yes, so read error is fatal
jsr SwitchToUniv ; no, switch it in now