fix timing, free some memory

This commit is contained in:
Peter Ferrie 2019-04-16 22:56:58 -07:00
parent 22b2c8a867
commit c309ea313e
3 changed files with 77 additions and 114 deletions

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ flag = $FF ; byte
RELBASE = $2000 ; dummy assignment for first build
; to allow calculation of proper value
LOWPOINT = $4300 ; lowest available address for code
LOWPOINT = $4000 ; lowest available address for code
HIGHPOINT = $B200 ; highest available address+1 for code
BASEPAGE = $10 ; Special Delivery tracer assumes
; this is $10, so don't change it!

View File

@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
; 0A00..0AFF - backup of zero page during Special Delivery tracer, used by RAM disk
; 0B00..0BFF - used by RAM disk
; 0C00..0CFF - clobbered by Special Delivery tracer
; 0D00..0FFF - unused
; 0D00..0EFF - unused
; 0F00..0FFF - backup of page $BF (SaveProDOS, SwapProDOS)
; 1000..1FFF - data buffer for current track
; 2000..35FF - clobbered by Special Delivery tracer
; 3600..3FFF - clobbered by lomem DOS 3.3 / Special Delivery tracers
; 4000..42FF - backup of zero page, page 3, page $BF (SaveProDOS, SwapProDOS)
; 4300..B1FF - program code
; 4000..B1FF - program code
; B200..BFFF - clobbered by DOS boot tracer (RDOS is B200+, DOS 3.x is B600+)
@ -20,23 +20,15 @@
; SaveProDOS
; saves memory pages used by ProDOS
; pages $00, $03, $BF
; pages $BF
; in: none
; out: all flags and registers clobbered
!zone {
lda #$00
ldx #$40
ldy #$01
jsr CopyMemory
lda #$03
ldx #$41
ldy #$01
jsr CopyMemory
lda #$BF
ldx #$42
ldx #$0F
ldy #$01
;;jsr CopyMemory ; fall through
@ -118,23 +110,13 @@ ReorderBuffer
; SwapProDOS
; saves/restores memory pages used by ProDOS
; pages $00, $03, $BF
; pages $BF
; in: none
; out: all flags and registers clobbered
lda #$00
ldx #$40
ldy #$01
jsr SwapMemory
lda #$03
ldx #$41
ldy #$01
jsr SwapMemory
lda #$BF
ldx #$42
ldx #$0F
ldy #$01
;;jsr SwapMemory ; fall through

View File

@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ Choplifter
bit gMode ; nothing to do here in verify-only mode
bpl .exit
;;prepare write routine at $2000-21ff first
;; prepare write routine at $2000 for relocated address at $207
;; the difficulty here is to find three spare pages across all games
lda #$00
sta gCommand
@ -21,11 +22,6 @@ Choplifter
jsr IncProgress
lda KEY
bpl .continue
jmp .cancel
asl gTrack
jsr ReadChoplifter
lsr gTrack
@ -98,10 +94,6 @@ Choplifter
jsr .cleanup
jmp Pass
jsr .cleanup
jmp Cancel
lda $C0E8
lda #$01
@ -140,20 +132,16 @@ ReadChoplifter
lda KEY
bmi .cancel
jsr .readnib
- cmp #$DD
bne .checkkey1
jsr .readnib
-- cmp #$F5
cmp #$F5
bne -
jsr .readnib
cmp #$D5
bne -- ; this is the same bug
nop ; timing bits
nop ; timing bits
nop ; timing bits
bne - ; this had the same bug (see below)
ldx #$03
- jsr .read4x4
jsr .read4x4
@ -168,6 +156,10 @@ ReadChoplifter
bcs .checktrack20
jsr .cleanup
jmp Cancel
lda #$D5
sta cmp1+1
@ -190,21 +182,19 @@ ReadChoplifter
lda KEY
bmi .linkcancel1
bmi .cancel
jsr .readnib
- cmp cmp2+1
bne .checkkey0
jsr .readnib
-- cmp cmp2+0
cmp cmp2+0
bne -
jsr .readnib
cmp cmp1+1
bne -- ; this is a bug
; it allows PR0 PR1 [any] PR1 PR2 instead of requiring PR0 PR1 PR2
nop ; timing bits
nop ; timing bits
nop ; timing bits
ldy #0
eor cmp1+1
bne - ; this had a bug
; it branched to the middle nibble instead of the first one
; it allowed PR0 PR1 [any] PR1 PR2 instead of requiring PR0 PR1 PR2
-- jsr .read4x4
sta (modsrc), y
@ -246,81 +236,75 @@ ReadChoplifter
sta .prolog2+1
lda (BASEPAGE<<8)+$D3
sta .prolog3+1
lda KEY
bmi .linkcancel2
jsr .readnib
-- jsr .readnib
- cmp #$D1 ; SMC
bne .checkkey2
bne --
jsr .readnib
-- cmp #$D1 ; SMC
cmp #$D1 ; SMC
bne -
jsr .readnib
cmp #$D1 ; SMC
bne -- ; this is the same bug
nop ; timing bits
nop ; timing bits
nop ; timing bits
ldx #$00
- jsr .read4x4
eor #$D1 ; SMC
bne - ; this had the same bug
-- lda $C0EC ; timing issue requires unrolling part of this
bpl --
sta tmp
jsr .readnib
and tmp
sta (BASEPAGE+$0f)<<8,x
jsr .read4x4
sta (BASEPAGE+$0f)<<8,x
jsr .read4x4
jsr .readnib
sta tmp
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
and tmp
sta (BASEPAGE+$0f)<<8,x
cmp #$EA
bne -
ldx #0
lda $2000,x
sta (BASEPAGE+8)<<8,x
bne .copywrite1
bne --
;; future work, just disable for now
;; ldx #0
;; lda .writeroutine,x
;; sta (BASEPAGE+8)<<8,x
;; inx
;; bne .copywrite
lda #$60 ; rts
sta ((BASEPAGE+8)<<8)+7
ldx #$40
ldy #0
-- dey
bne +
beq .copywrite2
+ lda KEY
bmi .linkcancel3
jsr .readnib
beq ++
+ jsr .readnib
- cmp #$D5
bne .checkkey3
bne --
jsr .readnib
-- cmp #$FF
cmp #$FF
bne -
jsr .readnib
cmp #$DD
bne -- ; this is the same bug
nop ; timing bits
nop ; timing bits
nop ; timing bits
bne - ; this had the same bug
ldx #$00
- jsr .read4x4
sta BASEPAGE<<8,x
bne -
lda $2100,x
sta (BASEPAGE+7)<<8,x
bne .copywrite2
++ rts
- lda $C0EC
@ -359,7 +343,7 @@ ReadChoplifter
sta (modsrc),y
adc #$17 ; carry set by sbc
adc #$18-1 ; carry set by sbc
adc #$0F
@ -382,14 +366,15 @@ ReadChoplifter
jmp $4000
ldy #0
- lda .stager,y
sta $500,y
lda (*+$ff) and $ff00,y
sta $200,y
lda (*+$1ff) and $ff00,y
sta $400,y
ldx #0
- lda .stager,x
sta $500,x
lda (*+$ff) and $ff00,x
sta $200,x
lda (*+$1ff) and $ff00,x
sta $400,x
bne -
jsr .dostep4
ldy #2 ; pagehi, first table
@ -408,10 +393,10 @@ ReadChoplifter
sta $801
lda #2
sta $27
jsr $823 ; read half of write routine to $200 (but starts at $207)
jsr $823 ; read write routine to $200 (but starts at $207)
inc $27
jsr $823 ; read patch table to $400
ldy #0 ; avoid CFFA bug
ldy #0 ; avoid CFFA bug (Y is not zero on return)
- lda $400,y
sta .patcher+1
lda $401,y
@ -428,14 +413,10 @@ ReadChoplifter
jsr .dostep2 ; reach track $22
sta $3d
dec $27
jsr $823 ; read high scores
inc $27
jsr $823 ; read half of write routine to $600
ldy #0 ; avoid CFFA bug
- lda ($26),y
jsr $823 ; read high scores to $400
ldy #0 ; avoid CFFA bug (Y is not zero on return)
- lda $700,y
sta $800,y
lda $600,y
sta $300,y
bne -
lda $C088,x
@ -457,6 +438,6 @@ ReadChoplifter
jsr $82F
lsr $40
} ;$5xx
} ;$Bxxx