mirror of https://github.com/a2-4am/passport.git synced 2025-03-20 22:30:12 +00:00

support Borrowed Time and switch to Cadius

This commit is contained in:
Peter Ferrie 2018-05-26 10:54:48 -07:00
parent 2faeebc38f
commit df4343cdea
9 changed files with 45 additions and 18 deletions

res/_FileInformation.txt Normal file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -49,6 +49,10 @@
; compile-time flag, no way to change at runtime
!byte FALSE ; 0=true, 1=false
; reset before each operation
; set in IDBootloader() after reading T00,S00
!byte FALSE ; 0=true, 1=false
; reset before each operation

@ -87,9 +87,10 @@ gIsF7F6 = gIsSierra13-$01 ; byte
gIsTrillium = gIsF7F6-$01 ; byte
gPolarwareTamperCheck = gIsTrillium-$01 ; byte
gForceDiskVol = gPolarwareTamperCheck-$01 ; byte
gIsAdvent = gForceDiskVol-$01 ; byte
;LASTFILTER ; add new gIs* above this line
gOnAClearDayYouCanReadForever = gForceDiskVol-$01 ; byte
gOnAClearDayYouCanReadForever = gIsAdvent-$01 ; byte
gUsingRAMDisk = gOnAClearDayYouCanReadForever-$01 ; byte
gRAMDiskRef = gUsingRAMDisk-$01 ; byte
gDisplayBytes = gRAMDiskRef-$0A ; 10 bytes
@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ ConstructStandardDelivery = jConstructStandardDelivery
!warn "gPolarwareTamperCheck=",gPolarwareTamperCheck
!warn "gForceDiskVol=",gIsForceDiskVol
!warn "gOnAClearDayYouCanReadForever=",gOnAClearDayYouCanReadForever
!warn "gIsAdvent=",gIsAdvent
!warn "gUsingRAMDisk=",gUsingRAMDisk
!warn "gRAMDiskRef=",gRAMDiskRef
!warn "gDisplayBytes=",gDisplayBytes

@ -48,6 +48,14 @@ foundadvent
sta $BDC5
lda #>.checktrk
sta $BDC6
; this RWTS alters the data prologue in a routine
; on a non-zero track, so we need to set a flag so
; we know to search for it later
lda #TRUE
sta gIsAdvent
jmp ADStyle

@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ AnalyzeT00
!source "../patchers/dos32.a"
!source "../patchers/dos32dlm.a"
!source "../patchers/microfun.a"
!source "../patchers/advent.a"
;add only above this line

@ -764,6 +764,7 @@ _applyToAll
!source "patchers/ssprot.a" ; gIsF7F6 only
!source "patchers/f7f6.a" ; gIsF7F6 only
!source "patchers/trillium.a" ; gIsTrillium only
!source "patchers/advent.a" ; gIsAdvent only
lda gPatchCount
beq .nopatches

@ -9,7 +9,16 @@
; module by qkumba
!zone {
lda gIsAdvent
bne .exit
;carry controls how many times to run on one track
;Mindshadow and Tracer Sanction have two copies
;of the protection on track 0, loaded to two
;different addresses at different stages of play
lda gTrack
cmp #1
.again php
ldy #29
jsr SearchTrack
@ -72,7 +81,7 @@
bcs .exit
jmp .again
bcs .again

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ StringTable
; can be set directly before calling PrintByID.
!text "Passport by 4am 2018-05-25",$00
!text "Passport by 4am 2018-05-26",$00
!text "________________________________________",$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D
!text " "

@ -4,36 +4,39 @@ if "%1" equ "clean" (
echo y|1>nul rd build /s
goto :EOF
set ACME=acme
set EXOMIZER=exomize
set CADIUS=cadius
2>nul md build
cd src\mods
acme universalrwts.a
%ACME% universalrwts.a
cd ..\..\build
exomize raw -q universalrwts.bin -o universalrwts.tmp
%EXOMIZER% raw -q universalrwts.bin -o universalrwts.tmp
cscript /nologo //e:jscript %~f0 "b8" "00"
1>nul copy /b tmp+universalrwts.tmp universalrwts.pak
cd ..\src\mods
acme t00only.a
%ACME% t00only.a
cd ..\..\build
exomize raw -q t00only.bin -o t00only.tmp
%EXOMIZER% raw -q t00only.bin -o t00only.tmp
cscript /nologo //e:jscript %~f0 "20" "00"
1>nul copy /b tmp+t00only.tmp t00only.pak
cd ..\src
for /f "tokens=*" %%q in ('2^>^&1 acme passport.a') do set _make=%%q
acme -r ..\build\passport.lst -DRELBASE=$%_make:~-5,4% passport.a
for /f "tokens=*" %%q in ('2^>^&1 %ACME% passport.a') do set _make=%%q
%ACME% -r ..\build\passport.lst -DRELBASE=$%_make:~-5,4% passport.a
set _make=
cd ..
1>nul copy res\work.po build\passport.po
java -jar bin\AppleCommander.jar -p build\passport.po "PASSPORT.SYSTEM" sys 0x2000 < build\PASSPORT.SYSTEM
1>nul copy res\_FileInformation.txt build\
%CADIUS% ADDFILE "build\passport.po" "/PASSPORT/" "build\PASSPORT.SYSTEM"
goto :EOF
new ActiveXObject("scripting.filesystemobject").createtextfile("tmp").write(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(WScript.arguments(0),16),String.fromCharCode(parseInt(WScript.arguments(1),16))))
bat/jscript hybrid make script for Windows environments
a qkumba monstrosity from 2017-10-16
requires ACME, Exomizer, Apple Commander, Java
requires ACME, Exomizer, Java to be in path
rem third-party tools required to build (must be in path)
rem https://sourceforge.net/projects/acme-crossass/
rem https://bitbucket.org/magli143/exomizer/wiki/Home
rem https://www.brutaldeluxe.fr/products/crossdevtools/cadius/
rem https://github.com/mach-kernel/cadius