shave some bytes

This commit is contained in:
4am 2021-06-11 15:06:50 -04:00
parent a2d5b46b06
commit f75eb39c67
5 changed files with 390 additions and 378 deletions

src/id/bootfailure.a Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
; IDBootFailure
; main entry point to identify the bootloader
; when the initial read failed
; identifies Infocom 18-sector side B disks
; and pure 13-sector disks
; and Broderbund RW18 disks
; doubles as Infocom verification routine after ID
; triples as RW18 verification routine after ID
; written by qkumba
; in: nothing
; out: carry set if we can't ID it
!zone {
lda $C0E9
lda #2
sta modsrc
ldx #$1A ; the length of a track
ldy #0
--- iny
bne +
bne +
.no sec
lda $C0E8
dec modsrc
beq .no
lda gIsInfocom18
and gIsRW18
beq .no ; if in Infocom/RW18 mode already then we have a true failure
bne .retry13 ; otherwise, try to identify 13-sector instead
; the issue being that both have a D5 AA AD sequence
jsr ReadNib
-- cmp #$D5
bne ---
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$9D
beq .RW18
cmp #$AA
bne --
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$B5 ; 13-sector only
beq .build13
cmp #$AD
bne --
jsr Read4x4
lda #$12 ; all 18 sectors when in verify mode
ldx gIsInfocom18
beq .setcount ; passport-test-suite/Trinity - Side B.woz [Z=1] here
lda #$02 ; passport-test-suite/Time Lord.woz [Z=0] here
; only two sectors when in ID mode
sta tmp ; sector counter
lda #$00
-- ldy #$56
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x1 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $BA00,x ; from universal RWTS
bne -
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x2 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $BA00,x ; from universal RWTS
bne -
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x3 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $BA00,x ; from universal RWTS
bne .badsect
dec tmp
bne --
sta gIsInfocom18
bit gMode ; verify-mode already?
bpl + ; yes, continue
lda #%00000000 ;
sta gMode ; no, switch to verify-mode
lda #s_toverify
jsr PrintByID ; and say so
+ clc ; all clear
lda $C0E8
jsr .rw18pro
bne .badsect
ldx gIsRW18
beq .verifyrw18
sta gIsRW18
bne .checkmode ; always taken
;build 5-and-3 decoding table
;for 13-sector support
ldx #$00
ldy #$AB
- tya
sta tmp
ora tmp
cmp #$FF
bne +
cpy #$D5
beq +
sta $800,y
+ iny
bne -
sty gIs13Sector
beq .checkmode ; always taken
ldx #$06 ; six sectors, three times the usual size
stx tmp ; sector counter
bne +
jsr ReadNib
-- cmp #$D5
bne .retryrw18
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$9D
bne --
jsr .rw18pro
bne .badrw18
+ ldy #4
- dey
beq .badrw18
-- ldx $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x4 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
lda $BA00,x
eor #$A5
bne -
sta $3A
-- ldx $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x5 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $3A
eor $BA00,x
sta $2F
lda $BA00,x
sta $30
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x6 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
and #$C0
ora $BA00,x
sta $3A
lda $30
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x7 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
sta $30
and #$C0
ora $BA00,x
sta $3B
lda $30
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x8 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
ora $BA00,x
eor $3B
eor $2F
bne --
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x9 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $BA00,x
eor $3A
and #$3F
bne .badrw18
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$D4
bne .badrw18
dec tmp
bne .jmpretryrw18
jmp .checkmode
jmp .retryrw18
jmp .badsect
-- ldx $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x10 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
lda $BA00,x ; region (half)
sta $2C
-- ldx $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x11 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
lda $BA00,x ; region (half)
sta $2D
-- ldx $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x12 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
lda $BA00,x ; checksum
eor $2C
eor $2D
bne +
-- ldx $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x13 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
lda $BA00,x ; epilogue
eor #$AA
+ rts
lda $C0E9
lda #$1C ; retry count
sta tmp
dec tmp
bmi .badread2
ldx #$02 ; 512 nibbles
ldy #0
--- iny
bne +
beq .badread1
jsr ReadNib
-- cmp #$D5
bne ---
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$AA
bne --
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$B5
bne +
ldy #$03
-- lda $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x14 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
sta $3C
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x15 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
and $3C
bne --
cmp gSector
bne .readaddr
bcs .readdata
+ plp
bcc .readaddr
eor #$AD
bne .readaddr
-- ldy #$9A
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x16 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $800,x
bne -
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x17 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $800,x
bne -
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x18 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $800,x
cmp #$01 ; set carry if non-zero
!byte $2c
lda $C0E8

View File

@ -327,376 +327,6 @@ IDBootloader
+ jmp UseUniversal + jmp UseUniversal
} }
; IDBootFailure
; main entry point to identify the bootloader
; when the initial read failed
; identifies Infocom 18-sector side B disks
; and pure 13-sector disks
; and Broderbund RW18 disks
; doubles as Infocom verification routine after ID
; triples as RW18 verification routine after ID
; written by qkumba
; in: nothing
; out: carry set if we can't ID it
!zone {
lda $C0E9
lda #2
sta modsrc
ldx #$1A ; the length of a track
ldy #0
--- iny
bne +
bne +
.no sec
lda $C0E8
dec modsrc
beq .no
lda gIsInfocom18
and gIsRW18
beq .no ; if in Infocom/RW18 mode already then we have a true failure
bne .retry13 ; otherwise, try to identify 13-sector instead
; the issue being that both have a D5 AA AD sequence
jsr ReadNib
-- cmp #$D5
bne ---
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$9D
beq .RW18
cmp #$AA
bne --
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$B5 ; 13-sector only
beq .build13
cmp #$AD
bne --
jsr Read4x4
lda #$12 ; all 18 sectors when in verify mode
ldx gIsInfocom18
beq .setcount ; passport-test-suite/Trinity - Side B.woz [Z=1] here
lda #$02 ; passport-test-suite/Time Lord.woz [Z=0] here
; only two sectors when in ID mode
sta tmp ; sector counter
lda #$00
-- ldy #$56
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x1 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $BA00,x ; from universal RWTS
bne -
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x2 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $BA00,x ; from universal RWTS
bne -
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x3 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $BA00,x ; from universal RWTS
bne .badsect
dec tmp
bne --
sta gIsInfocom18
bit gMode ; verify-mode already?
bpl + ; yes, continue
lda #%00000000 ;
sta gMode ; no, switch to verify-mode
lda #s_toverify
jsr PrintByID ; and say so
+ clc ; all clear
lda $C0E8
jsr .rw18pro
bne .badsect
ldx gIsRW18
beq .verifyrw18
sta gIsRW18
bne .checkmode ; always taken
;build 5-and-3 decoding table
;for 13-sector support
ldx #$00
ldy #$AB
- tya
sta tmp
ora tmp
cmp #$FF
bne +
cpy #$D5
beq +
sta $800,y
+ iny
bne -
sty gIs13Sector
beq .checkmode ; always taken
ldx #$06 ; six sectors, three times the usual size
stx tmp ; sector counter
bne +
jsr ReadNib
-- cmp #$D5
bne .retryrw18
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$9D
bne --
jsr .rw18pro
bne .badrw18
+ ldy #4
- dey
beq .badrw18
-- ldx $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x4 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
lda $BA00,x
eor #$A5
bne -
sta $3A
-- ldx $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x5 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $3A
eor $BA00,x
sta $2F
lda $BA00,x
sta $30
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x6 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
and #$C0
ora $BA00,x
sta $3A
lda $30
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x7 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
sta $30
and #$C0
ora $BA00,x
sta $3B
lda $30
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x8 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
ora $BA00,x
eor $3B
eor $2F
bne --
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x9 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $BA00,x
eor $3A
and #$3F
bne .badrw18
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$D4
bne .badrw18
dec tmp
bne .jmpretryrw18
jmp .checkmode
jmp .retryrw18
jmp .badsect
-- ldx $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x10 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
lda $BA00,x ; region (half)
sta $2C
-- ldx $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x11 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
lda $BA00,x ; region (half)
sta $2D
-- ldx $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x12 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
lda $BA00,x ; checksum
eor $2C
eor $2D
bne +
-- ldx $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x13 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
lda $BA00,x ; epilogue
eor #$AA
+ rts
lda $C0E9
lda #$1C ; retry count
sta tmp
dec tmp
bmi .badread2
ldx #$02 ; 512 nibbles
ldy #0
--- iny
bne +
beq .badread1
jsr ReadNib
-- cmp #$D5
bne ---
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$AA
bne --
jsr ReadNib
cmp #$B5
bne +
ldy #$03
-- lda $C0EC
bpl --
!if >.x14 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
sta $3C
- lda $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x15 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
and $3C
bne --
cmp gSector
bne .readaddr
bcs .readdata
+ plp
bcc .readaddr
eor #$AD
bne .readaddr
-- ldy #$9A
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x16 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $800,x
bne -
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x17 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $800,x
bne -
- ldx $C0EC
bpl -
!if >.x18 != >* {
!serious "branch crosses a page"
eor $800,x
cmp #$01 ; set carry if non-zero
!byte $2c
lda $C0E8
!zone { !zone {
PrereadT00 PrereadT00
lda #$0F lda #$0F

View File

@ -436,6 +436,8 @@ _byte_hi = * + 2
_byte_skip_hi: _byte_skip_hi:
rts rts
!source "id/bootfailure.a"
AnalyzeT00 ; placeholder to identify stack of packed data AnalyzeT00 ; placeholder to identify stack of packed data
!bin "../build/t00only.pak" !bin "../build/t00only.pak"
!source "apicode.a" !source "apicode.a"
@ -481,4 +483,5 @@ LastMover
!warn "HardDiskArray=",HardDiskArray !warn "HardDiskArray=",HardDiskArray
!warn "ThisSlot=",ThisSlot !warn "ThisSlot=",ThisSlot
!warn "CheckCache=",CheckCache !warn "CheckCache=",CheckCache
!warn "IDBootFailure=",IDBootFailure
} }

View File

@ -166,6 +166,8 @@ StringTableLow
!byte <.x555 !byte <.x555
!byte <.erasingserialnumber !byte <.erasingserialnumber
!byte <.lockitupserial !byte <.lockitupserial
!byte <.protection
!byte <.nodiskin
StringTableHigh StringTableHigh
!byte >.header !byte >.header
@ -315,6 +317,8 @@ StringTableHigh
!byte >.x555 !byte >.x555
!byte >.erasingserialnumber !byte >.erasingserialnumber
!byte >.lockitupserial !byte >.lockitupserial
!byte >.protection
!byte >.nodiskin
; ;
; Text can contain substitution strings, which ; Text can contain substitution strings, which
@ -406,10 +410,12 @@ StringTableHigh
!text "T%t,S%0 RWTS ",$00 !text "T%t,S%0 RWTS ",$00
.reasons .reasons
!text "Possible reasons:",$8D,$00 !text "Possible reasons:",$8D,$00
!text "protection",$00
.protectioncheck .protectioncheck
!text "protection check",$00 !text "@",s_protection," check",$00
.protectiontrack .protectiontrack
!text "protection track",$00 !text "@",s_protection," track",$00
.builtinrwts .builtinrwts
!text "built-in RWTS",$00 !text "built-in RWTS",$00
.thedisk .thedisk
@ -420,10 +426,12 @@ StringTableHigh
!text "accepts any value for the",$00 !text "accepts any value for the",$00
.addressepilogue .addressepilogue
!text "address epilogue ",$00 !text "address epilogue ",$00
!text "- There is no disk in ",$00
.erasingserialnumber .erasingserialnumber
!text "T%t,S%0 Erasing serial number %1%2%3",$00 !text "T%t,S%0 Erasing serial number %1%2%3",$00
.lockitup .lockitup
!text "@",s_found,"Lock-It-Up protection",$8D !text "@",s_found,"Lock-It-Up @",s_protection,$8D
!text "T00,S0A @",s_maybeunreadable,$8D,$00 !text "T00,S0A @",s_maybeunreadable,$8D,$00
.sunburst .sunburst
!text "@",s_found,"Sunburst disk",$8D !text "@",s_found,"Sunburst disk",$8D
@ -458,14 +466,14 @@ StringTableHigh
!text "@",s_reasons !text "@",s_reasons
!text "- The source disk is not copy protected." !text "- The source disk is not copy protected."
!text "- The target disk works without patches." !text "- The target disk works without patches."
!text "- @",s_thedisk,"uses an unknown protection,",$8D !text "- @",s_thedisk,"uses an unknown @",s_protection,",",$8D
!text " and @",s_passport,"can not help any further.",$8D,$00 !text " and @",s_passport,"can not help any further.",$8D,$00
.fail .fail
!byte $8D !byte $8D
!text "T%t,S%s Fatal read error",$8D,$8D,$00 !text "T%t,S%s Fatal read error",$8D,$8D,$00
.fatal0000 .fatal0000
!text "@",s_reasons !text "@",s_reasons
!text "- There is no disk in S6,D1.",$8D !text "@",s_nodiskin,"S6,D1.",$8D
!text "- It is not an Apple ][ disk.",$8D !text "- It is not an Apple ][ disk.",$8D
!text "- @",s_thedisk,"is unformatted.",$8D,$8D,$00 !text "- @",s_thedisk,"is unformatted.",$8D,$8D,$00
.fatal220f .fatal220f
@ -490,7 +498,7 @@ StringTableHigh
; ;
.writeioerr .writeioerr
!text "@",s_reasons,$8D !text "@",s_reasons,$8D
!text "- There is no disk in S%S,D%D.",$8D !text "@",s_nodiskin,"S%S,D%D.",$8D
!text "- @",s_thedisk,"has bad sectors.",$8D !text "- @",s_thedisk,"has bad sectors.",$8D
!text "- @",s_thedisk,"is unformatted.",$8D,$8D,$00 !text "- @",s_thedisk,"is unformatted.",$8D,$8D,$00
; ;
@ -619,7 +627,7 @@ StringTableHigh
.eatrk6 .eatrk6
!text "@",s_tfound,"extra wide @",s_protectiontrack,$8D,$00 !text "@",s_tfound,"extra wide @",s_protectiontrack,$8D,$00
.poke .poke
!text "T%t,S%0 BASIC program POKEs protection",$8D !text "T%t,S%0 BASIC program POKEs @",s_protection,$8D
!text "check into memory and CALLs it",$8D,$00 !text "check into memory and CALLs it",$8D,$00
.bootcounter .bootcounter
!text "T%t,S%0 Original disk destroys itself",$8D !text "T%t,S%0 Original disk destroys itself",$8D
@ -714,7 +722,7 @@ StringTableHigh
.diskvol0x .diskvol0x
!text "T%t,S%0 Disk requires volume number 0%1",$8D,$00 !text "T%t,S%0 Disk requires volume number 0%1",$8D,$00
.e7everywhere .e7everywhere
!text "@",s_found,"E7 Everywhere protection",$8D,$00 !text "@",s_found,"E7 Everywhere @",s_protection,$8D,$00
.choplifter .choplifter
!text "Roland was here, but he left...",$8D,$00 !text "Roland was here, but he left...",$8D,$00
.pdi .pdi

View File

@ -149,3 +149,5 @@ s_rw18 = $8F
s_555 = $90 s_555 = $90
s_erasingserialnumber = $91 s_erasingserialnumber = $91
s_lockitupserial = $92 s_lockitupserial = $92
s_protection = $93
s_nodiskin = $94