kForceLower !byte $FF ; AND mask for lowercase letters ; (set at program startup) ;------------------------------- ; PrintByID ; Print a string from the string table ; Handles string substitutions and ; auto-uppercases on older machines ; in: string ID (byte) on stack ; out: all registers preserved ; oVerflow bit clear ; all other flags clobbered ; stack set to after params ;------------------------------- PrintByID sta @tmpa+1 sty @tmpy+1 pla sta $00 clc adc #$01 tay pla sta $01 adc #$00 pha tya pha @tmpa lda #$FD ; SMC pha @tmpy lda #$FD ; SMC pha txa pha ldy #1 lda ($00), y ; get ID of string to print tax lda StringTableLow, x sta @print+1 lda StringTableHigh, x sta @print+2 dey ; Y=0 @print lda $FFFF ; modified at runtime beq @done cpy #0 ; are we in substitution mode or include mode? bmi @include ; yes, include mode beq @nosub ; no -> branch ldy #0 cmp #"t" ; "%t" = current track bne @sub1 lda gTrack bpl @printbyte ; unconditional branch @sub1 cmp #"s" ; "%s" = current sector bne @sub2 lda gSector bpl @printbyte ; unconditional branch @sub2 cmp #"S" ; write slot bne @sub3 lda SLOT bne @printsd ; unconditional branch @sub3 cmp #"D" ; write drive bne @sub4 lda DRIVE @printsd ora #$80 jsr PrintA bvc @next ; unconditional branch @sub4 cmp #"0" ; "%0" through "%9" bcc @nosub cmp #":" bcs @nosub sec sbc #"0" tax lda gDisplayBytes, x @printbyte jsr PrintByte bvc @next ; unconditional branch @nosub cmp #"%" bne @stillnosub iny ; Y=#$01 (substitution mode, next character will be interpreted) bne @next ; unconditional branch @stillnosub cmp #"@" bne + dey ; Y=#$FF (include mode, next character will be interpreted) bne @next ; unconditional branch + cmp #$E1 bcc @noforce and kForceLower @noforce jsr COUT @next inc @print+1 bne @print inc @print+2 bne @print ; unconditional branch @done pla tax pla tay pla clv rts @include sta @id lda @print+1 pha lda @print+2 pha jsr PrintByID @id !byte $FD ; SMC pla sta @print+2 pla sta @print+1 ldy #0 beq @next ; unconditional branch ;------------------------------- ; PrintByte ; print a hexadecimal byte ; in: A contains byte to print ; out: all registers preserved ; all flags clobbered ; @tmpa clobbered ; @tmpx clobbered ; @tmpy clobbered ;------------------------------- PrintByte jsr SaveAXY jsr PRBYTE jmp LoadAXY ;------------------------------- ; PrintA ; print a single character through COUT ; in: A contains character to print ; out: all registers preserved ; all flags clobbered ; @tmpa clobbered ; @tmpx clobbered ; @tmpy clobbered ;------------------------------- PrintA jsr SaveAXY jsr COUT ; /!\ execution falls through here LoadAXY lda tmpa ldx tmpx ldy tmpy clv rts SaveAXY sta tmpa stx tmpx sty tmpy rts ;------------------------------- ; ClearScreen ;------------------------------- ClearScreen jsr TEXT lda $C061 bpl @home lda $C062 bpl @home @begin ldx #$04 stx counter stx @loop+2 stx @change+2 ldy #$00 sty flag @loop ldx $FF00,y ; modified at runtime cpx #$A0 beq @nochange bcs @down inx bne @change @down dex @change txa sta $FF00,y ; modified at runtime sta flag @nochange iny bne @loop inc @loop+2 inc @change+2 dec counter bne @loop lda #$01 jsr WAIT lda flag bne @begin @home jmp HOME ;------------------------------- ; CheckCache ; Intercept text about to be scrolled off the screen ; Cache it in spare LC space for viewing later ;------------------------------- CheckCache ldx $25 cpx #$17 bne .nocache ldx $24 cpx #$27 beq .docache cmp #$8D bne .nocache .docache pha cmp #$8D beq .skipcr sta $7F7 .skipcr bit $C081 bit $C081 ldx #$27 cachesrc lda $700, x CacheDst sta $D400, x dex bpl cachesrc lda CacheDst+1 adc #$27 sta CacheDst+1 bcc .skiphi inc CacheDst+2 .skiphi pla .nocache jmp $FDF0 ;------------------------------- ; CheckLogKeys ; Enable scrolling of log, if more than once screen worth ; Left/Right (all) ; Up/Down (not II or II+) ;------------------------------- CheckLogKeys ldx CacheDst+1 ldy CacheDst+2 stx .startline1+1 sty .startline1+2 stx .startline2+1 sty .startline2+2 cpy #$D4 bne .skipkey cpx #0 bne .skipkey .nolog rts .checkkey jsr WaitForKey .skipkey cmp #k_up beq .checkup cmp #k_right beq .checkdown cmp #k_down beq .checkdown cmp #k_left bne .nolog .checkup lda .startline1+2 cmp #$D4 bne .scrollup lda .startline1+1 beq .checkkey .scrollup jsr .substart bit $C081 bit $C081 ldx #$27 .copyend1 lda $7D0,x .endline1 sta $D428,x dex bpl .copyend1 ldx #22 .scrollscreen txa jsr $FBC1 ;BASCALC lda $28 sta $2A lda $29 sta $2B inx txa jsr $FBC1 ;BASCALC ldy #$27 .copyline lda ($2A),y sta ($28),y dey bpl .copyline dex dex cpx #5 bne .scrollscreen bit $C083 ldx #$27 .copystart1 .startline1 lda $D400,x sta $700,x dex bpl .copystart1 bit $C081 jmp .checkkey .checkdown lda .startline1+2 cmp CacheDst+2 bne .scrolldown lda .startline1+1 cmp CacheDst+1 beq .checkkey .scrolldown bit $C081 bit $C081 ldx #$27 .copystart2 lda $700,x .startline2 sta $D400,x dex bpl .copystart2 lda #$8D jsr $FDF0 bit $C083 bit $C083 ldx #$27 .copyend2 .endline2 lda $D428,x sta $7D0,x dex bpl .copyend2 bit $C081 jsr .addstart jmp .checkkey .substart sec lda .startline1+1 sta .endline1+1 sta .endline2+1 sbc #$28 sta .startline1+1 sta .startline2+1 lda .startline1+2 sta .endline1+2 sta .endline2+2 sbc #0 sta .startline1+2 sta .startline2+2 rts .addstart clc lda .endline1+1 sta .startline1+1 sta .startline2+1 adc #$28 sta .endline1+1 sta .endline2+1 lda .endline1+2 sta .startline1+2 sta .startline2+2 adc #0 sta .endline1+2 sta .endline2+2 rts