2021-06-21 10:33:16 -04:00

36 lines
1.1 KiB

; #F7F6
; protection check that counts groups of F7F6EFEEAB nibbles
; hidden behind a global flag (gIsF7F6)
; because it relies on an expensive search
; tested on
; I, Damiano (1985, Bantam)
; Might and Magic (1986, New World Computing)
; Sherlock Holmes in Another Bow (1985, Bantam)
; Chipwits (1984, Brain Power)
; The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet (1985, Bantam)
; Create With Garfield Deluxe Edition (1987, DLM)
; Teddy Bearrels of Fun (1987, DLM)
lda gIsF7F6
bne +
ldy #$08
jsr SearchTrack
!byte $A9,$40 ; LDA #$40
!byte $85,$FA ; STA $FA
!byte $A2,$60 ; LDX #$60
!byte $BD,$8E ; LDA $..8E,X
bcs + ; passport-test-suite/Might and Magic.woz [C=0] matches
jsr inx4
jsr modify1
!byte $18 ; CLC
lda #TRUE ; needed for Might & Magic
sta gForceDiskVol