2021-06-20 19:53:51 -04:00

36 lines
993 B

; RWTS changes prologue and epilogue
; sequences with an RWTS swapper at
; $BE5A
; e.g. Arena, Early Bird by
; Border Software
!zone {
; gTrack = 0
; Caller found DOS 3.3 RWTS
lda #$08
ldx #$5A
ldy #$0A
jsr compare ; and T00,S08,$5A ==
!byte $C9,$23 ; CMP #$23
!byte $B0,$EB ; BCS -$EB
!byte $0A ; ASL
!byte $20,$6C,$BF; JSR $BF6C
!byte $EA ; NOP
!byte $EA ; NOP
bcs .exit
jsr PrintByID
!byte s_bytrack
jsr modify ; then set T00,S08,$5A =
!byte $48 ; PHA
!byte $A0,$01 ; LDY #$01
!byte $B1,$3C ; LDA ($3C),Y
!byte $6A ; ROR
!byte $68 ; PLA
!byte $90,$08 ; BCC +$08
!byte $0A ; ASL