2021-06-21 11:57:02 -04:00

32 lines
766 B

; #JMPB500
; Boot1 jumps to $B500 for a
; lightly obfuscated nibble check
; that exits via $9D84 if successful
; tested on
; Starship Commander (1981, Voyager Software)
!zone {
; gTrack = 0
; Caller found DOS 3.3 RWTS
lda #$B5
sta gDisplayBytes+1 ; address (hi)
lda #$00
sta gDisplayBytes+2 ; address (lo)
lda #$0C
ldx #$84
jsr compare3 ; if T00,S0C,$84 ==
!byte $4C,$00,$B5; JMP $B500
bcs .exit
jsr PrintByID
!byte s_beforedos
jsr modify3 ; then set T00,$0C,$84 =
!byte $AD,$E9,$B7