2021-06-21 11:57:02 -04:00

184 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable File

; marketed as 'Lock-It-Up'
; boot0 jumps to ($BBFE) instead of ($08FD)
; for a weakbits check at $BB00
; tested on
; - All About Purim
; - American Government
; - Aphasia I-IV
; - Association Pictures
; - Bible Baseball
; - Bolo
; - Building Compounds
; - Building With Vowels
; - Catch a Falling Star - Dolphin Math Games
; - Challenge Sentence Combining
; - Cloze Thinking
; - Comparing Numbers
; - Congo
; - Correct Behavior - The Mexican Way
; - Counting Patterns I
; - Counting Patterns II
; - Crisis Mountain
; - Cubit
; - Double Trouble
; - Escape from Arcturus
; - Essential Idioms
; - Flockland Island Crisis
; - Function Pictures
; - Geography Adventure USA
; - Guderian
; - Hebrew Phrasebook
; - Ice Demons
; - Identifying Affixes
; - Identifying Compound Words
; - Identifying Matching Letters
; - Identifying Vowel Sounds
; - In Search of The Most Amazing Thing
; - Kindercomp (first release)
; - Knowledge Master (all disks)
; - La Triviata
; - Mask Parade
; - MasterType and Training Ground 2.1
; - MasterType's Figures and Formulas
; - Mastering Consonants
; - Mastering Vowels
; - Matching Letters and Words
; - Math Item Banks 1-13
; - Max Dublin's Treasure
; - Microbe (all known releases)
; - Mind Over Matter
; - Mind Prober demo
; - Nightmare Gallery
; - Number Concepts
; - Number Patterns
; - Oil Rig
; - Ordering Letters and Words
; - PSAT Word Attack Skills (all disks)
; - Place Value Recognition I
; - Pollywog
; - Pop 'R Spell
; - Prisoner 2 v1.0.1
; - Quadrilaterals
; - Read and Spell (all disks)
; - Rhyming Pictures
; - Rocky's Boots v1.0
; - Search (Davka)
; - Space Games - Appointment at Aldebaran and Procyon Warrior
; - Spanish Classroom Words
; - Spelling Bee Games
; - Spelling and Sound Relationships
; - Stoichiometry
; - Super Sunday 1.0
; - Syllabication
; - Syllable Stress
; - Syllable Stress, Affixes, and Compounds
; - Tactical Armour Command
; - The Caves of Olympus
; - The Human Fly
; - The Newsroom self-running demo
; - The Philistine Ploy
; - The Planetary Guide
; - The Reading Machine (some releases)
; - The Visible Computer
; - The Vocabulary Machine v1.1
; - Tsushima
; - Verbal Item Banks 1-13
; - Viewmax-80 Pre-Boot
; - Vocabulary Flashcards v3.1E
; - Whole Number Practice
; - Word Unscramble
; - World War II
!zone {
; gTrack = 0 here
; Caller found DOS 3.3 RWTS
lda #$00
ldx #$4B
jsr compare2 ; if T00,S00,$4B ==
!byte $FE,$BB
bcs .exit
; variation 1 (common)
lda #$05
ldx #$20
jsr compare
!byte $A9,WILDCARD
!byte $8D,$00,$02
bcc .yes ; passport-test-suite/Quadrilaterals.woz [C=0] matches
; variation 2 (earlier, less common)
ldx #$19
jsr compare
!byte $A9,WILDCARD
!byte $8D,$00,$02
bcs .exit
.yes stx @offset ; byte offset (varies)
jsr modify3
!byte $6C,$FD,$08
ldx #$FE
jsr modify1
@offset !byte $FD ; SMC (byte offset of new entry point)
; check for code that branches over a serial number
ldx #$5E
iny ; Y=#$02
jsr compare
!byte $D0,$05
bcs .checkSwapper
; see if there is actually a non-zero serial number
ldy #$05
jsr compare
!byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00
bcc .checkSwapper ; passport-test-suite/Quadrilaterals.woz [C=1] here
ldy #4
- lda $1560, y
sta gDisplayBytes+1, y
lda #0
sta $1560, y
bpl -
jsr PrintByID
!byte s_lockitupserial
; check for RWTS swappers
lda #$04
ldx #$69
jsr compare1 ; if T00,S04,$69 ==
!byte $A9
bcs + ; passport-test-suite/Mask Parade.woz [C=0] matches
jsr modify1 ; then set T00,S04,$69 =
!byte $60
ldx #$7D
jsr compare1 ; if T00,S04,$7D ==
!byte $A9
bcs + ; passport-test-suite/Mask Parade.woz [C=0] matches
jsr modify1 ; then set T00,S04,$7D =
!byte $60