2021-06-21 10:33:16 -04:00

42 lines
1017 B

; #JSR8B3
; patch insane bootloader that
; alters the nibble table used
; by the drive firmware, reads
; sectors in the wrong order,
; and decodes nibbles in the
; wrong order
; e.g. English Achievement I
!zone {
lda gIs8b3
bne .exit
beq + ; passport-test-suite/Ardy the Aardvark.woz [Z=1] reaches here
!byte $00,$00,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02
!byte $02,$5C,$0A,$0E,$10,$20,$25,$CA,$CE,$D2
!byte $C7,$B7,$BC,$BC,$00,$BC,$BC,$00,$BC,$BC
+ lda #$09
sta .loop+1
ldx #$B8
ldy #$10
jsr modify
!byte $00,$0D,$0B,$09,$07,$05,$03,$01
!byte $0E,$0C,$0A,$08,$06,$04,$02,$0F
.loop ldy #$d1
lda .values,y
sta .value
lda .sectors,y
ldx .offsets,y
jsr modify1
.value !byte $d1
dec .loop+1
bpl .loop