2021-06-21 11:57:02 -04:00

31 lines
768 B

; RWTS jumps to nibble check after
; reading certain sectors
; tested on
; - Station 5
; - The Heist
; - Miner 2049er (re-release)
; - Miner 2049er II
; - Short Circuit
!zone {
; gTrack = 0
; Caller found DOS 3.3 RWTS
ldy #$09
jsr SearchTrack
!byte $A0,$00 ; LDY #$00
!byte $84,$26 ; STY $26
!byte $84,$27 ; STY $27
!byte $BD,$8C,$C0; LDA $C08C,X
bcs .exit ; passport-test-suite/Miner 2049er.woz [C=0] matches
jsr PrintByID
!byte s_microfun
jsr modify2
!byte $18 ; CLC
!byte $60 ; RTS