4am 53f92388b0 move T00 modules to 3200 or B200 as necessary
also move globals back to program space for compatibility
2021-06-18 13:53:17 -04:00

93 lines
3.0 KiB

!cpu 6502
!to "../build/PASSPORT.SYSTEM",plain
!source "../build/vars.a" ; no code in here
bit $C082 ; read ROM, no write
sta $C00E ; primary character set
sta $C00C ; 40 columns
sta $C000 ; 80STORE off
sta $C002 ; read main memory
jsr $FB2F ; TEXT
jsr $FC58 ; HOME
jsr $FE84 ; NORMAL
jsr $FE93 ; PR#0
jsr $FE89 ; IN#0
lda $BF98 ; ProDOS MachineID
and #$20 ; at least 64K?
bne OneTimeSetup
jsr $BF00 ; immediately quit on 48K machine
!byte $65 ; (but congratulations on launching Passport at all)
!word quit
quit !byte 4
jsr decrunch ; decompress main Passport code
sty $FE ;;zp_dest_lo = low byte of Passport entry point
ldy #0 ; save a copy of ProDOS system global page
- lda $BF00, y ; (will be copied back and forth by SwapProDOS later)
sta $0F00, y
bne -
ldx #$FF
lda $FBB3 ; ROM MachineID
cmp #$EA ; ][+?
bne +
ldx #$DF ; AND mask to force characters to uppercase on ][+
stx kForceLower
jsr ScanForDiskII ; scan slots for Disk II drives
lda DiskIIArray+5
bne +
jsr PrintByID ; no Disk II in slot 6, this is fatal
!byte s_noslot6
jsr WaitForKey
jmp CleanExit
jsr ScanForRAMAndHardDisks; scan for things that look like RAM disks or hard disks
jsr LoadPrefs ; load preferences (if available)
jsr ThisSlot ; get information about selected drive and set gTargetType for main menu
lda $FE
sta $F0
lda $FF
sta $F1
lda #$FD
sta $F2
lda #$31
sta $F3
ldx #$0D
ldy #$00
- lda ($F0), y
sta ($F2), y
bne -
inc $F1
inc $F3
bne -
jmp ($FE)
!source "apidefs.a"
!source "strings/enid.a"
!source "initscan.a"
SHOW_PROGRESS_DURING_DECRUNCH = 1 ; activates optional UI code in exodecrunch
!source "exodecrunch.s"
lda _byte_lo
bne _byte_skip_hi
dec _byte_hi
dec _byte_lo
_byte_lo = * + 1
_byte_hi = * + 2
lda packend ; needs to be set correctly before decrunch_file is called
!bin "../build/passport.pak"