
173 lines
3.9 KiB

; DOS 3.2 boot tracer
; for DOS 3.2 disks with a 3.2/3.3 hybrid bootloader
; that boots automatically on 16-sector drives
; e.g. many early disks from Edu-Ware, Hartley
; returns C clear if 3.2/3.3 bootloader detected in T00,S00
!zone {
lda #$00
ldx #$00
ldy #$0F
jsr compare
!byte $01
!byte $A0,$0F ; LDY #$0F
!byte $B9,$00,$08; LDA $0800,Y
!byte $99,$00,$02; STA $0200,Y
!byte $C8 ; INY
!byte $D0,$F7 ; BNE -
!byte $4C,$0F,$02; JMP $020F
bcs .exit
ldx #$33
ldy #$08
jsr compare
!byte $A6,$2B ; LDX $2B
!byte $20,$5D,$02; JSR $025D
!byte $4C,$D1,$02; JMP $02D1
bcs .exit
ldx #$F4
ldy #$08
jsr compare
!byte $CC,$00,$03; CPY $0300
!byte $D0,$03 ; BNE +
!byte $4C,$3B,$02; JMP $023B
bcs .exit
ldx #$45
ldy #$03
jsr compare
!byte $4C,$01,$03; JMP $0301
.exit rts
; TraceDOS32
; set up boot trace to capture 13-sector RWTS
!zone {
lda #<TraceDOS32b
ldx #>TraceDOS32b
jmp Trace
lda #<TraceDOS32c
sta $0846
lda #>TraceDOS32c
sta $0847
jmp $0801
lda #$03
ldx #$0D
ldy #$39
jsr CompareMemory
!byte $A6,$2B
!byte $A9,$09
!byte $85,$27
!byte $AD,$CC,$03
!byte $85,$41
!byte $84,$40
!byte $8A
!byte $4A
!byte $4A
!byte $4A
!byte $4A
!byte $A9,$02
!byte $85,$3F
!byte $A9,$5D
!byte $85,$3E
!byte $20,$43,$03
!byte $20,$46,$03
!byte $A5,$3D
!byte $4D,$FF,$03
!byte $F0,$06
!byte $E6,$41
!byte $E6,$3D
!byte $D0,$ED
!byte $85,$3E
!byte $AD,$CC,$03
!byte $85,$3F
!byte $E6,$3F
!byte $6C,$3E,$00
bcs .fail
lda $03CC
cmp #$B6
beq +
cmp #$36
bne .fail
; set up RWTS entry point
adc #$07
sta callrwts+2
lda #$00
sta callrwts+1
; set up final trace
lda #$4C
sta $033A
lda #<TraceDOS32d
sta $033B
lda #>TraceDOS32d
sta $033C
ldy $0300
jmp $0301
lda callrwts+2
ldx #$00 ; check for "STY $48;STA $49"
ldy #$04 ; at RWTS entry point
jsr CompareMemory ; (e.g. $BD00 or $3D00)
!byte $84,$48,$85,$49
bcs .fail
; skip sectors $0D, $0E, and $0F on all tracks
; since this is a 13-sector disk
lda #<sectormap
sta .C+1
lda #>sectormap
sta .C+2
lda #$00
ldx #$22
.A ldy #$0F
.B cpy #$03
bcs .D
.C sta $FFFF
.D inc .C+1
bne +
inc .C+2
+ dey
bpl .B
bpl .A
; skip T00,S00-S0A
; since we're going to construct our own bootloader later
ldy #$0A
- sta T00,y
bpl -
; set flag for patcher
lda #TRUE
sta gIsDOS32
; read the rest of the disk with the original RWTS
jmp ADStyle
; something did not match, not comfortable tracing,
; but we know enough to know that the universal RWTS won't work,
; so we're done
.fail jmp FatalError