2021-06-21 11:57:02 -04:00

35 lines
1.1 KiB

; encrypted protection check on
; Adventure International disks
; tested on
; - Curse of Crowley Manor
; - Earthquake San Francisco 1906
; - QuestProbe featuring The Hulk
; - SAGA1 - Adventureland v2.0-416
; - SAGA1 - Adventureland v2.1-416
; - SAGA2 - Pirate Adventure v2.1-408
; - SAGA3 - Mission Impossible v2.1/306
; - SAGA4 - Voodoo Castle v2.1/119
; - SAGA5 - The Count v2.1-115
; - SAGA6 - Strange Odyssey v2.1-119
!zone {
lda gAdventureInternational
bne .exit
ldy #$08
jsr SearchTrack
; bytes are XORd with #$C9 on disk -- comments show decrypted code
!byte $85,WILDCARD,WILDCARD ;JMP $****
!byte $74,$45,$09 ;LDA $C08C,X
!byte $D9,$32 ;BPL -$FB
bcs .exit ; passport-test-suite/S.A.G.A. 6.woz [C=0] matches
jsr PrintByID
!byte s_advint
jsr modify3
!byte $D1 ;CLC
!byte $59,$A7 ;BCC +$6E