2018-08-02 22:00:03 -07:00

41 lines
1.0 KiB
Executable File

; #JMPB660
; RWTS jumps to $B660 instead of
; checking third data prologue
; e.g. Analogies Tutorial, Verb Viper
!zone {
bit gMode ; nothing to do here in verify-only mode
bpl .exit
lda gIsRWTS ; if DOS 3.3-shaped RWTS
bne .exit
lda #$02
ldx #$DC
ldy #$1D
jsr compare ; and T00,S02,$DC ==
!byte $A0,$20
!byte $88
!byte $F0,$61
!byte $BD,$8C,$C0
!byte $10,$FB
!byte $49,$97
!byte $D0,$F4
!byte $EA
!byte $BD,$8C,$C0
!byte $10,$FB
!byte $C9,$97
!byte $D0,$F2
!byte $A0,$56
!byte $4C,$60,$B6
bcs .exit
lda #s_jmpb660
jsr PrintByID
lda #$02
ldx #$F6
ldy #$03
jsr modify ; then set T00,S02,$F6 =
!byte $BD,$8C,$C0