0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 [Pitch Dark]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]][ Exit ] ____________ _____________ |_<_Previous_| ZORK I: THE GREAT |_Next_game_>_| UNDERGROUND EMPIRE 1980 Fantasy Difficulty: OOOOO _________ |__Hints__| ___________ _________ |_Play_game_| |_Box_art_| _________ |_Options_| [------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [------------------------------------------------------------------------------] | Welcome to ZORK! You are about to experience a classic interactive fantasy, ^ | set in a magical universe. The ZORK trilogy takes place in the ruins of an | | ancient empire lying far underground. You, a dauntless treasure-hunter, are | | venturing into this dangerous land in search of wealth and adventure. | | Because each part of the ZORK saga is a completely independent story, you | | can explore them in any order. However, since ZORK I is the least difficult, | | it is usually the best place to begin. v |______________________________________________________________________________| [Pitch Dark]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]][ Exit ] ____________ _______________________ _____________ |_<_Previous_| /_____________________./| |_Next_game_>_| | ||| | ZORK I: THE GREAT ||| Sort by | UNDERGROUND EMPIRE ||| ____________ | ||| |____Name____| | 1980 Fantasy ||| ____________ | ||| |____Year____| | Difficulty: OOOOO ||| ____________ | _____________ ||| |___Genre____| | |_Play_game_>_| ||| ____________ | ||/ |_Difficulty_| |______________________|/ [-------------------------------------Blurb------------------------------------] | Welcome to ZORK! You are about to experience a classic interactive fantasy, ^ | set in a magical universe. The ZORK trilogy takes place in the ruins of an | | ancient empire lying far underground. You, a dauntless treasure-hunter, are | | venturing into this dangerous land in search of wealth and adventure. | | Because each part of the ZORK saga is a completely independent story, you | | can explore them in any order. However, since ZORK I is the least difficult, | | it is usually the best place to begin. v |______________________________________________________________________________| Many strange tales have been told of the fabulous treasures, exotic creatures and diabolical puzzles in the Great Underground Empire. As an aspiring adventurer you will undoubtedly want to locate the treasures and deposit them in your trophy case. You'd better equip yourself with a source of light (for the caverns are dark) and weapons (for some of the inhabitants are unfriendly -- especially the thief, a skilled pickpocket and ruthless opponent). ___________________ ___________________ .-/| 78 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 79 |\-. |||| : |||| |||| Dorothy asked : The Scarecrow |||| |||| the Scarecrow : answered "Some |||| |||| "How can you : people without |||| |||| talk if you : brains do an |||| |||| haven't got : awful lot |||| |||| a brain?" : of talking." |||| |||| She looked at : She replied, |||| |||| him puzzled. : "That's true." |||| |||| : |||| |||| The Wizard Of Oz : boba@wwa.com |||| ||||___________________ : ___________________|||| ||/====================\:/====================\|| `---------------------~___~--------------------'' ___ _| |_ / |___| \ | ___ | \_| |_/ |___| ___/ | | |___| ___ | | |___| ___/ | | |___| _|_ _| |_ |___| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 1. _You_ don't. 2. Have you tried saying OPEN EGG? 3. It takes a great deal of manual dexterity and the proper tools. 4. Someone else in the game can do it. 5. Only the Thief can open the egg. Give it to him or leave it underground where he will find it. 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 0[Main Menu]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] [ Exit ] 1 2>LOOK 3 4You see a collection of classic Infocom games, all playable. 5 6________________________________________________________________________________ 7 8 9Browse games by [ Name ] [ / Genre ] [ Difficulty ] 0 1 1. Fantasy 2 3 2. Science Fiction 4 5 3. Mystery 6 7 4. Adventure 8 9 5. Other 0 1 2 3 |^: Disk 2 (Slot 7) MAIN MENU _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ | Main Menu |_____________________________________ | | | | | 1. Add files to the Desktop | | | | 2. Work with one of the files on the Desktop | | | | 3. Save Desktop files to disk | | | | 4. Remove files from the Desktop | | | | 5. Other Activities | | | | 6. Quit | | | |_________________________________________________________________| SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Type number, or use arrows, then press Return 12/16/17 10:11 pm