2018-06-18 16:10:53 -07:00

378 lines
13 KiB

;(c) 2017-8 by 4am
; ProDOS - file and other MLI routines
; Public functions
; - LoadFile
; - LoadDHRFile
; - SaveFile
; - SetPrefix
; - GetFileInfo
; MLI command codes
CMD_QUIT = $65 ; quit to ProDOS
CMD_CREATE = $C0 ; create new file
CMD_DESTROY = $C1 ; delete a file
CMD_SETFILEINFO= $C3 ; set file info
CMD_GETFILEINFO= $C4 ; get file (or volume) info
CMD_SETPREFIX = $C6 ; change default pathname prefix
CMD_OPEN = $C8 ; open a file
CMD_READ = $CA ; read an open file
CMD_WRITE = $CB ; write to an open file
CMD_CLOSE = $CC ; close an open file
; MLI parameter counts
PC_QUIT = $04
PC_OPEN = $03
PC_READ = $04
PC_WRITE = $04
PC_CLOSE = $01
; ROM addresses
PRODOSMLI = $BF00 ; [callable] MLI entry point
MACHID = $BF98 ; machine identification byte
kAccessBits = $C3 ; full access (used in SaveFile)
; LoadFile
; load a file into memory all at once, using ProDOS MLI calls
; in: stack contains 6 bytes of parameters:
; +1 address of pathname
; +3 address of data buffer (to receive file contents)
; +5 address of ProDOS file buffer
; out: if C set, load failed and A contains error code
; from open or read
; if C clear, load succeeded and ($02) contains
; data loaded from file
; all other flags clobbered
; all registers clobbered
; stack set to next instruction after parameters
+STAY mliparam+1 ; pathname
+STAY mliparam+3 ; ProDOS file buffer
jsr _openfile
bcs @exit ; C set on error
pha ; push file reference number
+STAY mliparam+2 ; data buffer
lda #$FF
sta mliparam+4 ; max data length (unlimited, YOLO)
sta mliparam+5
pla ; pull file reference number
jsr _readfile
php ; save flags from readfile
jsr _closefile ; always close whether read worked or not
plp ; restore flags from readfile
; (so caller gets codes from read attempt,
; not close)
@exit rts
; LoadDHRFile
; load uncompressed DHR file into memory from .A2FC file
; 1. load first half ($2000 bytes)
; 2. copy to auxmem
; 3. load second half ($2000 bytes)
; always loads into graphics page 1 ($2000/main and $2000/aux)
; in: stack contains 4 bytes of parameters:
; +1 address of pathname
; +3 address of ProDOS file buffer
; out: if C set, load failed
; if C clear, load succeeded
; all other flags clobbered
; all registers clobbered
; stack set to next instruction after parameters
ldy #$04
- lda (PARAM),y
sta mliparam,y
bne -
jsr _openfile
bcs @exit ; C set on error
sta @saverefnum ; store file refnum
ldy #$20
stz mliparam+2 ; read into $2000 in main mem
sty mliparam+3
stz mliparam+4 ; read length = $2000 bytes (first half of file)
sty mliparam+5
jsr _readfile
bcs @close
sta $C000
ldx #$20 ; copy $2000 bytes to auxmem
stx @copya+2
stx @copyb+2
ldy #0
sta $C005
@copya lda $FF00, y
@copyb sta $FF00, y
bne @copya
sta $C004
inc @copya+2
inc @copyb+2
bne @writeToAuxLoop
lda @saverefnum
jsr _readfile ; read another $2000 bytes into $2000 (stays in main mem)
@close php ; save flags from readfile
lda #$FD ; file refnum (SMC)
jsr _closefile
plp ; restore flags from readfile
@exit rts
; SaveFile
; save a file to disk all at once, using ProDOS MLI calls
; in: stack contains 11 ($0B) bytes of parameters:
; +1 address of pathname
; +3 [byte] file type
; +4 [word] aux file type
; +6 address of data buffer
; +8 [word] length of data buffer
; +A address of ProDOS file buffer
; out: if C set, save failed
; if C clear, save succeeded
; all other flags clobbered
; all registers clobbered
; stack set to next instruction after parameters
+STAY mliparam+1 ; pathname
lda #CMD_DESTROY ; MLI destroy command
ldy #PC_DESTROY ; number of parameters for 'destroy' command
jsr mli ; don't care if this fails
ldy #$03
lda (PARAM),y ; file type
sta mliparam+4
+STAY mliparam+5 ; aux file type
lda #kAccessBits
sta mliparam+3 ; access bits (full access)
ldy #1
sty mliparam+7 ; storage type (file)
sty mliparam+8 ; creation date (current)
sty mliparam+9
sty mliparam+10 ; creation time (current)
sty mliparam+11
lda #CMD_CREATE ; MLI create command
ldy #PC_CREATE ; number of parameters for 'create' command
jsr mli
bcs @exit
+STAY mliparam+3 ; PrODOS file buffer
jsr _openfile
bcs @exit
sta mliparam+1 ; store file reference number
+STAY mliparam+2 ; data buffer
+STAY mliparam+4 ; data length
lda #CMD_WRITE ; MLI write command
ldy #PC_WRITE ; number of parameters for 'write' command
jsr mli
php ; save flags from write command
jsr _closefile ; always close whether write worked or not
plp ; restore flags from write
; (so caller gets codes from write attempt,
; not close)
@exit rts
; SetAuxFileType
; set auxiliary file information only
; access bits and file-type are hard-coded
; intended for updating save-games only
; in: stack contains 4 bytes of parameters:
; +1 address of pathname
; +3 auxiliary type to set
; out: if C set, MLI call failed and A contains error code
; from set
; if C clear, MLI call succeeded
; all other flags clobbered
; all registers clobbered
; stack set to next instruction after parameters
+STAY mliparam+1 ; pathname
+STAY mliparam+5 ; aux type
lda #%11000011
sta mliparam+3 ; access bits
lda #4
sta mliparam+4 ; file type
lda #0
sta extra+0 ; date
sta extra+1 ; date
sta extra+2 ; time
sta extra+3 ; time
lda #CMD_SETFILEINFO ; MLI command
ldy #PC_SETFILEINFO ; number of parameters for 'setfileinfo' command
bra mli
; SetPrefix
; set current directory
; in: stack contains 2 bytes of parameters:
; +1 address of pathname
; out: if C set, call failed and A contains error code
; if C clear, call succeeded
; all other flags clobbered
; all registers clobbered
; stack set to next instruction after parameters
+STAY mliparam+1 ; pathname
bra mli
; GetFileInfo
; just what it says on the tin
; in: stack contains 2 bytes of parameters:
; +1 address of pathname
; out: if C set, MLI call failed and A contains error code
; from open or read
; if C clear, MLI call succeeded and mliparam contains
; all the info
; all other flags clobbered
; all registers clobbered
; stack set to next instruction after parameters
+STAY mliparam+1 ; pathname
lda #CMD_GETFILEINFO ; MLI command
ldy #PC_GETFILEINFO ; number of parameters for 'getfileinfo' command
bra mli
; open file via ProDOS MLI
; in: caller has filled @mliparam with address of
; pathname, address of data buffer, and maximum
; data length
; out: if C set, open failed and A contains error code
; if C clear, open succeeded and A contains
; file reference number
lda #CMD_OPEN ; MLI command
ldy #PC_OPEN ; number of parameters for 'open' command
jsr mli
bcs @exit
lda refnum ; caller should save file reference number
; as this memory location may be
; overwritten by later MLI calls
@exit rts
; read an open file via ProDOS MLI
; in: A = file reference number
; caller has filled @mliparam with address of
; data buffer and maximum data length
; out: if C set, read failed and A contains error code
; if C clear, read succeeded and A contains the same
; file reference number that was passed in
sta mliparam+1 ; store file reference number
lda #CMD_READ ; MLI read command
ldy #PC_READ ; number of parameters for 'read' command
jsr mli
bcs @exit
lda mliparam+1 ; if no error, return file reference number
@exit rts
; close an open file
; in: A = file reference number
; out: if error, C set and A contains error code
; if success, C clear
sta mliparam+1 ; store file reference number
lda #CMD_CLOSE ; MLI close command
ldy #PC_CLOSE ; number of parameters for 'close' command
bra mli
ldy #PC_QUIT
; execution falls through here
; low-level MLI wrapper
; in: A = MLI command code
; Y = number of MLI parameters
; caller has filled @mliparam
; with all relevant parameters
; out: returns immediately after
; calling MLI, so whatever
; state the MLI routine sets,
; the caller will see it
; verbatim
mli sta mlicmd ; store command code
sty mliparam ; number of parameters
jsr PRODOSMLI ; call ProDOS
mlicmd !byte 00 ; command number
!word mliparam ; address of parameter table
mliparam !byte $FE,$FE,$FE,$FE
filetype !byte $FE ; file type (set by MLI get_file_info)
auxtype ; auxiliary file type (2 bytes, set by MLI get_file_info)
refnum !byte $FE ; file refnum (set by MLI open)
mlilen !byte $FE,$FE ; file length (set by MLI read)
blocks !byte $FE,$FE ; blocks used (set by getvolumeinfo/getfileinfo)
; member is also used by createfile
extra !byte $FE,$FE,$FE,$FE,$FE,$FE,$FE,$FE
; used by get_file_info