[info] MOTHER LOOSE: an interactive nursery rhyme Copyright 1998 by Irene Callaci Genre: humor Difficulty: ^^&&& [description] What was that? You freeze, all your senses on alert. Not mineral. Not vegetable, either. That means...animal? Your eyes scan the countryside, swiveling like searchlights, and pause briefly on a grove of trees to the north. "No, not there! Up here!" guides a voice edged with impatience. As you whirl around, peering up, you squint and shield your eyes against the sun's glare. Waving at you from the top of a rickety wooden fence is a well-groomed egg, who confesses, "I could use a bit of help, if you don't mind." After a long and rather awkward silence, the egg mutters, "It's very rude to stare, you know. When I was your age, children were taught to respect their elders, not gawk at them as if they were animals in a zoo." The egg crosses his legs, folds his arms and pretends to ignore you. [versions] LOOSE.Z5=Release 2 / Serial number 981128 [options] ARTWORK=1 CLUES=0 VERSIONS=0 [eof]