[info] SHE'S GOT A THING FOR A SPRING Copyright 1997 by Brent VanFossen Genre: travel Difficulty: ^^&&& [description] It's been a hectic year, and it's time to get away. He told you that, and you agreed. Now, after weeks of travel and thousands of miles, you start to wish for some of the comforts of home. As good as it's been, there's just one important thing missing: when was the last time you had a real bath? You stand in the middle of a grove of aspen, which extends in all directions. Slender white trunks reach for the sky with long thin fingers, stroking the clouds that blow in the autumn breeze. Leaves of gold rattle as the winds shift, and here and there one floats to the ground to join others that crackle underfoot when you move. [versions] SPRING.Z5=Release 1 / Serial number 970929 [options] ARTWORK=0 CLUES=0 VERSIONS=0 [eof]