[info] FILM AT ELEVEN: a day in the life of Betty Byline Copyright 2001 by Bowen Greenwood Genre: comedy Difficulty: ^^^&& [description] Welcome to a day in the life of Betty Byline! Two months out of journalism school you enter the workplace with big time dreams of network television news. Fame, fortune and glory, all writ large under the unrelenting gaze of the klieg lights. There are eight million stories in the Naked City, and it's your job to tell them, tell them best, and tell them first. Unfortunately this isn't the Naked City. This is Pleasantville, USA, population 50,000. And you're not exactly working for the network news. You're working for local television station KTKO, the Knockout News Team -- a one camera, one reporter operation with a fat, balding old news director who smokes cheap cigars. Forget fortune and glory, for now your big career objective is not to have to give too many on-air endorsements of "Kletus's Used Car and Farm Implement Emporium." OK, so maybe you're not Dan Rather yet. Everybody has to start somewhere, and at least this is a start in front of a camera. [versions] ELEVEN.Z5=Release 2 / Serial number 001231 [options] ARTWORK=0 CLUES=0 VERSIONS=0 [eof]