[info] THEATRE: an interactive night of horror Copyright 1995 Cave Rock Software Ltd. by Brendon Wyber and Graham Nelson Genre: horror Difficulty: ^^^&& [description] Another day, another dollar! Life is good at the moment, the property market is booming. Still, it does have its down side; when showing those Mulluer Corporation executives around that old theatre dump, err, opportunity you must have left your pager down in the basement. Better hurry, you have to meet the others at the opera in an hour, and be careful. It wouldn't do to show up with your clothes all dirty. This room is a tribute to the now-faded glory of the theatre. The still- smiling faces of forgotten productions stare out from faded posters at you. [versions] THEATRE.Z5=Release 2 / Serial Number 951203 [options] ARTWORK=0 CLUES=0 VERSIONS=0 [eof]