[info] STING OF THE WASP: interactive damage-control Copyright 2004 by Jason Devlin Genre: science fiction Difficulty: ^^^&& [description] "Oh, Julia! Where did you learn that?" Keith whispers breathlessly. All tongue and fingers, he kisses the milky skin above your breasts, while your hands slide their way up and down his sculpted chest, so eager with lust that your watch occasionally snags on a stray chest hair. Your lips, glistening like two fresh strawberries laced with dew, hungrily roam across his neck. And your hips! Well, that's better left to the imagination. Normally, you wouldn't even consider seeing Keith at Pine Meadows, but Frank's in Boston and won't be back until tonight's banquet. And when the cat's away... Just then, a low shelf wedges itself in to your back, jarring you from your reverie. That's when you hear it. A click. A flash. The tell-tale tapping of heels on concrete. [versions] WASP.Z5=Release 1 / Serial number 040622 [options] ARTWORK=0 CLUES=0 VERSIONS=0 [eof]