This is an alternate approach proposed by Sean Nolan in 1987 which
allows placing the driver files in a subdirectory of the root volume
to avoid clutter and file ordering issues. Only a SETUP.SYSTEM file is
needed at the top level, and the drivers go into a SETUPS/ directory.
All drivers here (except QUIT.SYSTEM and SETUP.SYSTEM itself) have
alternate forms built into the /DRIVERS/SETUPS/ directory as XYZ.SETUP
instead of XYZ.SYSTEM. If you choose to use SETUP.SYSTEM, place these
.SETUP files in your SETUPS/ directory. The naming doesn't matter -
any SYS or BIN file can be used - but this convention makes
distribution easier. These .SETUP files do **NOT** chain to the next
file - that's handled by SETUP.SYSTEM itself.
ProDOS prefers disks sorted with the fastest (e.g. ramdisks) at the
end and slowest (e.g. 5.25 floppies) at the start. This facilitates
pathname resolution starting at the end of DEVLST, so misses are
Trying this out. Might not stick with it.
Also added a PAUSE.SYSTEM that just waits a bit, if you want a delay
in your startup sequence to watch the log messages.