;;; Test program for The Cricket! ;;; * Probes Slot 2 for Super Serial Card (or compatible) ;;; * Initializes SSC ;;; * Sends Cricket ID sequence .setcpu "6502" .linecont + .include "apple2.inc" .include "opcodes.inc" .include "./common.inc" .org $2000 read_delay_hi = $3 * 3 ; ($300 iterations is normal * 3.6MHz) .proc detect_cricket ;; Check Slot 2 for SSC. ID bytes per: ;; Apple II Technical Note #8: Pascal 1.1 Firmware Protocol ID Bytes lda $C205 cmp #$38 bne ssc_not_found lda $C207 cmp #$18 bne ssc_not_found lda $C20B cmp #$01 bne ssc_not_found lda $C20C cmp #$31 bne ssc_not_found jsr zstrout HIASCIIZ "SSC found.", CR jmp init_ssc ssc_not_found: jsr zstrout HIASCIIZ "SSC not found.", CR rts ;; TODO: Write NUL and check for 'C' ... version ... $8D (CR) ;; https://github.com/inexorabletash/cricket/issues/3 init_ssc: lda COMMAND ; save status of SSC registers sta saved_command lda CONTROL sta saved_control ;; Configure SSC lda #%00001011 ; no parity/echo/interrupts, RTS low, DTR low sta COMMAND lda #%10011110 ; 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits sta CONTROL ;; Miscellaneous Commands ;; Read Cricket ID code: 00 ($00) lda #0 jsr sendbyte ;; "The Cricket will return a "C" (195, $C3) followed ;; by a version number (in ASCII) and a carriage return (141, ;; $8D)." jsr zstrout HIASCIIZ "Reading SSC: " jsr readbyte bcs cricket_not_found ; timeout cmp #HI('C') ; = 'C' ? bne cricket_not_found jsr readbyte bcs cricket_not_found ; timeout bcc digit : jsr readbyte bcs cricket_not_found ; timeout cmp #HI(CR) ; = CR ? beq cricket_found digit: cmp #HI('0') ; < '0' ? bcc cricket_not_found cmp #HI('9' + 1) ; > '9' ? bcs cricket_not_found bcc :- jmp cricket_found cricket_found: jsr zstrout HIASCIIZ CR, "Cricket tentatively found.", CR jmp exit cricket_not_found: jsr zstrout HIASCIIZ CR, "Cricket not identified.", CR jmp exit exit: lda saved_control sta CONTROL lda saved_command sta COMMAND rts saved_command: .byte 0 saved_control: .byte 0 .endproc ;; Write byte in A .proc sendbyte pha : lda STATUS and #(1 << 4) ; transmit register empty? (bit 4) beq :- ; nope, keep waiting pla sta TDREG rts .endproc ;; Read byte into A, or carry set if timed out .proc readbyte tries := $100 * read_delay_hi counter := $A5 lda #tries sta counter+1 check: lda STATUS ; did we get it? and #(1 << 3) ; receive register full? (bit 3) bne ready ; yes, we read the value dec counter bne check dec counter+1 bne check jsr zstrout HIASCIIZ "... timeout!" sec ; failed rts ready: lda RDREG ; actually read the register pha jsr COUT pla clc rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Output a high-ascii, null-terminated string. ;;; String immediately follows the JSR. .proc zstrout ptr := $A5 pla ; read address from stack sta ptr pla sta ptr+1 bne skip ; always (since data not on ZP) next: jsr COUT skip: inc ptr bne :+ inc ptr+1 : ldy #0 lda (ptr),y bne next lda ptr+1 ; restore address to stack pha lda ptr pha rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------