;;; SET.TIME utility for The Cricket! ;;; Prompts for time and sends Cricket "Set Time" sequence. .setcpu "6502" .linecont + .feature string_escapes .include "apple2.inc" .include "apple2.mac" .include "../inc/apple2.inc" .include "../inc/macros.inc" .include "../inc/ascii.inc" .org $2000 .proc main jsr zstrout scrcode "\rTime: HH:MM:SS XM\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08" .byte 0 jsr GETLN2 ;; Configure SSC lda #%00001011 ; no parity/echo/interrupts, RTS low, DTR low sta COMMAND lda #%10011110 ; 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits sta CONTROL ;; Clock Commands ;; Set Time "ST HH:MM:SS:XM" lda #HI('S') jsr sendbyte lda #HI('T') jsr sendbyte lda #HI(' ') jsr sendbyte ldx #0 loop: lda INPUT_BUFFER,x jsr sendbyte inx cmp #HI(ASCII_CR) bne loop rts .endproc ;; Write byte in A to SSC .proc sendbyte pha : lda STATUS and #(1 << 4) ; transmit register empty? (bit 4) beq :- ; nope, keep waiting pla sta TDREG rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Output a high-ascii, null-terminated string. ;;; String immediately follows the JSR. .proc zstrout ptr := $A5 pla ; read address from stack sta ptr pla sta ptr+1 bne skip ; always (since data not on ZP) next: jsr COUT skip: inc ptr bne :+ inc ptr+1 : ldy #0 lda (ptr),y bne next lda ptr+1 ; restore address to stack pha lda ptr pha rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------