;;; NS.CLOCK.SYSTEM ;;; Original by "CAP" 04/21/91 ;;; http://www.apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/GS.WorldView/v1999/Oct/MISC/NSC.Disk.TXT ;;; Modification history available at: ;;; https://github.com/a2stuff/cricket .setcpu "6502" .linecont + .feature string_escapes .include "apple2.inc" .include "apple2.mac" .include "opcodes.inc" .include "inc/apple2.inc" .include "inc/macros.inc" .include "inc/prodos.inc" ;;; ************************************************************ .include "driver_preamble.inc" ;;; ************************************************************ ;;; ============================================================ ;;; ;;; Driver Installer ;;; ;;; ============================================================ .define PRODUCT "No-Slot Clock" ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Ensure there is not a previous clock driver installed. .proc maybe_install_driver lda MACHID and #$01 ; existing clock card? beq detect_nsc ; nope, check for NSC rts ; yes, done! .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Detect NSC. Scan slot ROMs and main ROMs. Try reading ;;; each location several times, and validate results before ;;; installing driver. .proc detect_nsc ;; Preserve date/time ldy #3 ; copy 4 bytes : lda DATELO,y sta saved,y dey bpl :- ;; Check slot ROMs lda #>$CFFF ldy #<$CFFF sta ld4+2 sty ld4+1 sta st4+2 sty st4+1 lda #0 sta slot lda #3 ; treat slot 0 as slot 3 sloop: ora #$C0 ; A=$Cs sta st1+2 rloop: sta ld1+2 sta ld2+2 sta st2+2 lda #3 ; 3 tries - need valid results each time sta tries try: jsr driver ; try reading date/time lda DATELO+1 ; check result ror a lda DATELO rol a rol a rol a rol a and #$0F beq next cmp #13 ; month bcs next lda DATELO and #$1F beq next cmp #32 ; day bcs next lda TIMELO+1 cmp #24 ; hours bcs next lda TIMELO cmp #60 ; minutes bcs next dec tries bne try beq install_driver ; all tries look valid next: inc slot lda slot cmp #8 bcc sloop ; next slot bne not_found ;; Not found in slot ROM, try main ROMs ??? lda #>$C015 ldy #<$C015 sta ld4+2 sty ld4+1 ldy #$07 sta st1+2 sty st1+1 dey sta st4+2 sty st4+1 lda #>$C800 bne rloop ;; Restore date/time not_found: ldy #3 : lda saved,y sta DATELO,y dey bpl :- ;; Show failure message jsr zstrout scrcode "\r\r\r", PRODUCT, " - Not Found." .byte 0 rts saved: .byte 0, 0, 0, 0 tries: .byte 3 slot: .byte 0 .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Install NSC Driver. Copy into address at DATETIME vector, ;;; update the vector and update MACHID bits to signal a clock ;;; is present. .proc install_driver ptr := $A5 lda DATETIME+1 sta ptr clc adc #(unlock - driver - 1) sta ld3+1 lda DATETIME+2 sta ptr+1 adc #0 sta ld3+2 lda RWRAM1 lda RWRAM1 ldy #sizeof_driver-1 loop: lda driver,y sta (ptr),y dey bpl loop ;; Set the "Recognizable Clock Card" bit lda MACHID ora #$01 sta MACHID lda #OPC_JMP_abs sta DATETIME ;; Invoke the driver to init the time jsr DATETIME lda ROMIN2 ;; Display success message jsr zstrout scrcode "\r\r\r", PRODUCT, " - Installed " .byte 0 ;; Display the current date lda DATELO+1 ; month ror a pha lda DATELO pha rol a rol a rol a rol a and #%00001111 jsr cout_number lda #HI('/') ; / jsr COUT pla ; day and #%00011111 jsr cout_number lda #HI('/') ; / jsr COUT pla ; year jsr cout_number jsr CROUT rts ; done! .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; NSC driver - modified as needed and copied into ProDOS ;;; ============================================================ driver: php sei ld4: lda $CFFF ; self-modified pha st1: sta $C300 ; self-modified ld1: lda $C304 ; self-modified ldx #8 ;; Unlock the NSC by bit-banging. uloop: ld3: lda unlock-1,x ; self-modified sec ror a ; a bit at a time : pha lda #0 rol a tay ld2: lda $C300,y ; self-modified pla lsr a bne :- dex bne uloop ;; Read 8 bytes * 8 bits of clock data into $200...$207 ldx #8 bloop: ldy #8 st2: : lda $C304 ; self-modified ror a ror $01FF,x dey bne :- lda $01FF,x ; got 8 bits lsr a ; BCD to binary lsr a ; shift out tens lsr a lsr a tay beq donebcd lda $01FF,x and #$0F ; mask out units clc : adc #10 ; and add tens as needed dey bne :- sta $01FF,x donebcd: dex bne bloop ;; Now $200...$207 is y/m/d/w/H/M/S/f ;; Update ProDOS date/time. lda $0204 ; hour sta TIMELO+1 lda $0205 ; minute sta TIMELO lda $0201 ; month asl a asl a asl a asl a asl a ora $0202 ; day sta DATELO lda $0200 ; year rol a sta DATELO+1 pla bmi done st4: sta $CFFF ; self-modified done: plp rts unlock: ;; NSC unlock sequence .byte $5C, $A3, $3A, $C5 .byte $5C, $A3, $3A, $C5 .byte $00 sizeof_driver := * - driver .assert sizeof_driver <= 125, error, "Clock code must be <= 125 bytes" ;;; ************************************************************ .include "driver_postamble.inc" ;;; ************************************************************