;;; The Cricket Clock - ProDOS Patcher ;;; Disassembled from /CRICKET/PRODOS.MOD ;;; Original: Street Electronics Corporation (C) 1984 .setcpu "6502" .include "apple2.inc" .include "opcodes.inc" .include "./inc/apple2.inc" .include "./inc/prodos.inc" .org $300 .proc install ptr := $42 ;; Copy driver to target in ProDOS lda DATETIME+1 sta ptr lda DATETIME+2 sta ptr+1 lda #OPC_JMP_abs ; JMP opcode sta DATETIME lda ROMIN ; Write bank 2 lda ROMIN ldy #sizeof_driver-1 loop: lda driver,y sta (ptr),y dey bpl loop ;; Simple exit when BRUN rts .endproc ;; Driver - relocatable code. Called by ProDOS to update date/time bytes .proc driver scratch := $3A ; ZP scratch location ;; Initialize php sei lda COMMAND ; save status of command register pha ;; Configure SSC lda #%00001011 ; no parity/echo/interrupts, RTS low, DTR low sta COMMAND lda #%10011110 ; 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits sta CONTROL ;; Send command : lda STATUS and #(1 << 4) ; transmit register empty? (bit 4) beq :- ; nope, keep waiting lda #('@' | $80) ; '@' command sta TDREG read_len := 7 ; read 7 bytes (w/m/d/y/H/M/S) ;; Read response, pushing to stack ldy #(read_len-1) rloop: ldx #0 ; x = retry loop counter low byte lda #3 ; scratch = retry loop counter high byte sta scratch ; ($300 iterations total) check: lda STATUS ; did we get it? and #(1 << 3) ; receive register full? (bit 3) bne ready ; yes, we read the value inx ; not yet, so keep trying bne check ; until counter runs out dec scratch bne check ;; Read failed - restore stack and exit reset: cpy #(read_len-1) ; anything left to restore? beq done ; nope, exit pla ; yep, clear it off the stack iny bne reset ;; Read succeeded - stuff it on the stack and continue ready: lda RDREG pha dey bpl rloop ;; Convert pushed response to ProDOS time field pla ; day of week (unused) pla ; minute sta TIMELO ; -- stored as-is (TIMELO 5-0) pla ; hour sta TIMELO+1 ; -- stored as-is (TIMELO 12-8) pla ; year sta DATELO+1 ; -- will be shifted up by 1 (DATELO 15-9) pla ; day and #%00011111 ; -- masked, stored as is (DATELO 4-0) sta DATELO pla ; month asl a ; -- shifted up (DATELO 8-5) asl a asl a asl a asl a ora DATELO ; -- merge low 5 bits sta DATELO rol DATELO+1 pla ; seconds (unused) ;; Restore prior state done: pla ; restore saved command state sta COMMAND plp rts .endproc sizeof_driver := .sizeof(driver)